Chapter 16

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Authors note: I was in a good mood and fluffy smutty things happened? A bit weird, but we'll roll with it. Hope you enjoy!

Also, what are people's thoughts on the story ending soon? I'm thinking like 3-4 more chapters. Would you guys be interested in a third part? I have this idea for another Joger fic I wanna write and think I'll do that in between just like last time.

Roger's eyes widened at Brian's last words, was he finally getting the okay? He didn't move for a second, almost afraid that Brian would decide he didn't really want him to suck his cock. Roger wasn't sure where these doubts had come from; Brian had never lied to him.

"That what you want for a reward, isn't it baby? So fucking get to it and choke on my hard cock." Brian growled at him, with a hungry look in his eye. Roger could tell he was no longer playing or teasing. This was it. He was finally going to get to suck that cock.

His mouth lowered and stretched around the head of Brian's gloriously hard dick. Roger eyed almost roll back into his head from the feeling and taste of it finally in his mouth. This is what he wanted and hoped for all afternoon, and every moment Brian was away for him. Minus the ones that he was wishing for Brian to finally be inside of him. Roger was still wondering if it was too early into their relationship for full on penetration.

Then again, he felt like tonight was different from the other times they had done anything sexual. The dominating factor wasn't really all there and Roger felt clear in the head instead that fuzzy feeling he got every time Brian ordered him around. Even with him begging to suck Brian's cock; it was light and friendly. It helped with Roger's nerves.

He was technically a virgin after all and even though he really liked those long fingers of Brian's inside of him, his man was a huge one and Roger had a feeling it would hurt. Like, gulping down on Brian's cock like he was had his jaw stretched and feeling full, with plenty more to go. This thing was supposed to go in and pound into a soft and intimate part of his body. That thought was a bit terrifying and yet easily forgotten as Brian thrust forward and slid just a bit farther into Roger's wet mouth.

"Fuck, your mouth is like fucking heaven Roger. Look at you, drooling all over my cock. It's hard just for you, my perfect boy. All shaven and soft just for me." Brian growled, punctuating the end with a harsh thrust that put his cock into Roger's throat.

The blonde gagged uncontrollably and teared up as he slurped in effort to breath. Giving good head was harder then it had looked on the receiving end of things. Or from those few porn tapes that Roger had watched in his life. Brian didn't seem to care that Roger was struggling a bit, and chased his pleasure with another hard thrust. This one had Roger making a glugging noise as he accidentally swallowed around what was in his throat.

Roger was intoxicated with the wonderful feeling of having Brian's heat buried deep inside of him. He loved the feeling of the walls of his throat stretching to accommodate that cock. If he reaches up and gripped at his own throat, Roger was sure he'd be able to feel the details of Brian's dick. This was more of a turn on then he had ever pictured it being.

Soft and warm balls whacked Roger in the chin as Brian humped at him, with force that cancelled out the awkward laying down position. Roger's only regret was that from the position he could se Brian's face. He was sure it was screwed up with pleasure, but Roger still would have liked the confirmation of seeing it.

Pressing forward, Roger deep throated and choked until the head of Brian's cock was so far back that Roger was sure it was in his stomach. He could hear Brians delicious groan and swallowed desperately out of reflex. He wasn't getting any air with all his considerations going towards making his man feel good, but that was completely all right. Brian would never let anything actually bad happen to him.

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