Chapter 8 (Brian's POV)

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Author's note: I've done a bit in this chapter from Brian's point of view because with Roger so far in headspace it only seemed fair to show Brian's thoughts for once ;) Hope you are enjoying and don't worry we'll be back to Roger's mind next chapter!

Brian nearly loses it at his boy's sweet words and bites his lip harshly at the sensation that runs down his body. Roger had called him daddy; a kink that Brian very much had but wasn't sure he was ready to act on yet. And then said that he loved him. It was hard to explain just how good that made Brian feel.

Roger was very much in his submissive space where he could barely tell what was happening around him, besides Brian's hands on his skin. The trust was there and the foundation of what will develop into a loving relationship. It makes Brian hard to see the trust in those lust clouded  eyes and even more so to hear Roger's sweet voice speak it in confirmation.

Brian is careful to push his boy back away from underneath his junk, ignoring the small defeated whine that the blonde lets out. Roger is pliant as ever to his hands, like the good boy that he always is for Brian.

The guitarist reaches down to pull the belt away completely and massage tenderly at both his neck and the back of his head. The motion made Roger blink rapidly, but he showed no more recognition then before. It was alright though, because Roger was feeling good in his head and Brian had already confirmed it was alright to continue.

Everything was set in motion after that, Brian dropped down to his knees and pressed their lips together. The kiss is tender for everything that they've been doing together and Brian relishes the taste of himself in Roger's mouth. He has never met anyone as perfect as his blonde angel and now that he has him in this vulnerable position, he's never going back.

In the dirty back of his mind, he can already picture fucking into Roger like it's his damn birthright and the way Roger would squeak from it. Picture the way his body would bend as he made the smaller man ride him his hard cock. The way that his entire body would bounce for more friction and anything else that Brian would give him. That was all for the future though; they hadn't even gone all the way yet.

Their first time would be slow because he suspects that Roger is completely knew to anal play and Brian has always known that he quite gifted in the size department. It wouldn't be easy, but he has a feeling that Roger would be up for the challenge. Maybe even enjoy that he'd continue to feel that fucking for days afterwards.

He breaks their kiss to let a growl rip from his throat and Brian loves the way that it makes Roger whine lowly. He feels powerful every time that Roger submits to him and can almost taste how far back he is in that pretty head of his. Roger is the perfect submissive; just like Brian had thought he'd be.

"You're such a good boy for me Roger, my fucking good boy." Brian chants, unable to resist temptation of stroking his cock any longer. He likes the way that Roger's eyes strike downwards to watch his quick moving head and the way that he tilts like he's going to fall over. Brian takes in just how desperate Roger really is, straining in his own pants but completely ignoring it.

Roger responds to Brian's compliments as he always does, with a full body shiver and lips parting to almost pant. It encourage Brian to speak again, just like it always does. "Fuck look at you squirming for anything I'll give you. Such a good boy for me."

Brian has to say those words constantly, because it never leaves his mind. Since they were intimate together the thoughts have only gotten stronger; Roger always taking priority. Right now all Brian wanted was to hear Roger's sweet voice begging for him. He'd never really been into begging, but then he'd met Roger who was just perfect for it. His angelic boy would ask nicely for whatever he wanted and Brian would give it to him with no second thoughts. If In his headspace Roger likes calling him daddy, then he'd graciously respond and take it as the ultimate compliment.

He wanted to hear it now too, even with Roger so deep in his headspace. Some people were completely  nonverbal when under, but Roger kept letting out these delicious cries and moans. Brian loved those sounds and it was easy to tell that Roger doesn't even know that he's letting them out. They're so beautiful to Brian.

"Baby, can you speak to me and tell me what you want? Use that beautifully broken voice of your's and tell me you want me to come down your throat." Brian's words had come out soft, but still very firm. He fought the urge to kiss his blonde in favor of giving him time to respond.

Roger panted with effort and squirmed at his words and Brian received a jolt of pleasure up his spine because of it. He effected Roger this much, to make him squirm and whine and beg for the littlest of touches. He could tell how hard it was for Roger to find his voice at this point and loved that he tried so hard for it.

"Please Daddy, please come in my mouth. I can't stand it anymore. I need it so bad. Love you daddy, can I have it please?" Roger trailed off softly and Brian's heart pounded fast. His boy was so good and he deserved everything in the world. That was the second time that Roger had said he loved him while under and Brian's heart could have exploded at that moment.

Something else of Brian's was so close to exploding and he wanted desperately to give at all to Roger. "I love you too baby." Brian broke his character to whisper back, liking the loud moan that Roger responded with. It was alright if Roger didn't remember this moment, because Brian would treasure this moment enough for the both of them. Some day soon he'd get up the courage to tell Roger outside of sex, it being to soon be damned. Brian didn't want to wait with this relationship for a single thing; not when his boy was so gorgeously perfect. Brian kisses Roger once more before standing back up and looming over him again.

He stroked his hard cock fast, just moments away from his release. Roger's lips were inches away from his cock, and Brian loved the way that his eyelashes fluttered when his eyes focused on the harsh movement. Those big eyes made Brian cock want to pulse and spill all over, but he held fast to save it for what he'd been planning. Roger had asked so nicely after all.

"Fuck baby, lean back now. Let daddy- let me give you some milk." Brian growled, still fighting release. This was it.

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