Chapter 3

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Author's note: How has everyone liked the longer chapters? It takes a bit longer to write because more details go in, but I think I'm a fan. Thanks for reading so far!

Tim exited in a hurry without so much as a goodbye after their last words. Roger sniffles lightly, not liking the his almost friend had made a quick exit. It was hard to get to know a guy when he constantly ditched you for others. He was glad that Brian had taken the time to get to know him, or rescue him from that library. What would he have even done without Brian being there? Who would have taken care of him, because he absolutely needed someone to.

"What are you thinking about babe? I don't like that frown on your face; can I do something to make you smile instead?" Brian asked, sauntering over, looking a bit cocky. He looked like he had other things on his mind, and Roger tried not to pout about not having his full attention. Band practice was over and he was sure that Brian had something he needed to do. Roger should politely make an excuse and escape towards his shit apartment. Regroup with himself to live another day.

"Just feeling a bit cold, now that I'm sweaty from drumming. It's a bit of a temperature change after all that adrenaline." Roger was wearing his jeans from yesterday and an armless t-shirt that he had taken from Brian's closet. It was soft, like apparently everything the man owned. His complaint wasn't unwarranted, but he still felt bad complaining.

Roger was self-conscious of how bad he was sure he smelled when Brian finally hugged him. The taller man only held on tighter when Roger struggled in his embrace; this was so embarrassing. Brian seemed to either not notice or not care.

"You look good in my shirt Rog." Brian said breathing in deep, much to Roger's horror. He liked the compliment, but sniffing him right now had to be terrible. His face had probably never been this red. Roger almost wished he didn't get so into drumming, because without all the extra animation he wouldn't work up such a sweat.

"Brian let go, I smell horrible and am getting you wet." Roger's words practically stumbled out. In his rush, he didn't really think about the words. Not that it was meant in a sexual manner, but he knew by the gleam in Brian's eyes that he'd pay for it none the less.

"Yeah baby, I'm absolutely wet for you. In every way to, just like your fucking wet for me right?" Brian said with confidence and Roger about died from the implications. He hadn't meant to say such a dirty line before and was now suffering from it. Though, with just him and Brian in the room, he felt a surge of confidence.

"I'm wet for you Bri and Tim, cause that's what happens when I drum." Maybe he should have cut back on the sass, because the moment he mentioned the other man's name Brian's eyes turned murderous. That wasn't his intention, and Roger just realized that wasn't something a good boy should say.

"You're not gonna be wet for any man but me, do you understand that baby?" Brian gritted out as he reached forward and gripped at Roger jaw line. Brian tilts his head to the side and bite down on Roger ear lobe, warning him not to say something so terrible again.

Roger whines slightly and bits at his bottom lip, feeling a slight burn from the motion. The skin plumped and and swollen from the kiss he'd received earlier, his flesh was a bit tender. He could feel the heat from the unforgiving bite mark he'd just received. It would be a reminder that he should make Brian angry, as it would probably bruise and be there for days to come.

"I didn't mean it like that Brian." He murmured, desperate to take back what was said. He didn't want to fight, but if Brian decided to punish him then he wouldn't complain. It was hard to decide wether Brian qualified that one bite as being enough as he hadn't received many punishments yet. Roger braces himself incase Brian decided he needed something more; he been bad and deserved it anyways.

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