Chapter 4

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Author's note: This chapter features a bit of cute fluff and some serious role play action. Will they ever go study at Roger's? Probably it just might take a while to get there. Hope you enjoy!

Roger looked up at Brian with a sparkle in his eye as Brian caught up and realized exactly what was being said between them. He groaned the moment that his brain filled him in and swooped forward to kiss Roger. Like he could no longer stay away after having hearing the things that Roger was insinuating. The kiss was sweet for several seconds before turning hot and heavy.

Roger opened his mouth to a pressing tongue and moaned at the motion. Brian painted the inside of his mouth with his tongue, not backing away even when Roger knee's trembled. His legs had never been so close to giving out, when Brian finally wrapped an arm around his middle and pulled him to press against one another. They were close enough to be breathing each other air when Brian finally pulled back a bit.

"You make it hard to concentrate with your lovely words and charming smiles. God, the way you look at me makes my heart fucking soar." Brian said smiling brightly. Roger's own lips turned up into a smile without his permission, but he found he didn't mind smiling uncontrollably for him. No one had ever made him feel the way that Brian does. His lips felt swollen do to the attention they had been receiving and he wondered if Brian like the extra red of them.

Roger didn't answer, so Brian just kept talking. They needed to full circle back to the earlier conversation anyways. "I'd love to study with you Roger, let's stop by mine and grab my books. Then we can go back to yours and you can be a good little boy and study for your test."

He leaned in close and seemed to just take in his scent. Roger was a bit quieter then earlier with his complaints. Perhaps he was a bit too turned on at this point to care anymore. The kisses he received, along with caring words, and even the earlier bite had proven to much for Roger. His cock was hard and throbbing against his jeans and he knew that Brian could feel it. Just as he could feel the hardness in Brian's pants, pressed heavily into his tender stomach.

"You're such a good boy, suggesting to study. You make me so proud baby." Brian was a bit flushed himself at his own words, and Roger liked that look on his face. It made him look real and not something out of his repressed fantasies. Brian always seems to look that insanely good.

Roger squirmed at the words and his breath hitched, but this time he managed to stifle down the groan. He liked the way Brian's eyes swept down over his body and watched closely as he adjusted himself by swinging foot to foot. It didn't help him in the slightest with his level of comfort, but those eyes on him were a shear confidence boast.

Roger wondered what it would be like if he did a bit of a dance for Brian while stripping out of his clothes. Now wasn't the time or place for that, but he still wanted to do it one day. He could just picture Brian sitting on his bed, back against the headboard. Maybe he'd be stroking his thick cock as Roger bit his lip and took off his panties. Of course he'd have some flimsy, lacy panties on; Brian would love it. He get down on his knees in front of the man and place lips to that throbbing meat. He'd choke, sputter and drool to be able to get the whole thing down his throat. Brian would reward him by thrusting deeper still, and fucking his throat.

Roger had to shake that image from his head, terrified he'd become lost in his own fantasy and not pay any attention to the actual man in front of him. He was rewarded with more words from Brian's husky, turned on voice. "You like me saying how proud I am baby? Proud of my gorgeous blond doll."

Roger swayed once more, causing a bit of friction with on his erect cock. It was a bit painful do to the stiff jean material, but no more so then when Brian was squishing his balls upwards earlier on. In fact, he kind of craved that to happen again. Any touch would be better then the nothing that he was getting now.

"Please Bri, not in public." He was never this nervous or shy, but suddenly felt it. It was a similar feeling to what he'd felt earlier outside the building, with a similar complaint. With the difference of this time he didn't actually want to stop at all. Roger could only hope that Brian would pick up on the difference.

Brian stares at him for a moment and let his eyes darken even farther. "Roger, I know that we've spoke about this before, but I feel as though I should go over it again. If you want to stop you say red light; otherwise I'm going to have my fucking way with you. Say you understand baby." He ordered in a way that made Roger's skin tingle.

"Yes sir, I understand." It has been the right thing to say, judging by Brian's face. His pupils were almost taking over the white of his eyes, blown out black with lust. Roger loved that it was all aimed at him.

"Good, now what were you saying before? Was it that you wanted to bend over for me and my big, hard cock?" Brian growled out, like he would pounce at him at any moment. It made Roger mouth water, but he wasn't ready to give up his act just yet.

"Please sir, wait until we get home. We're still in public." He mumbled, choosing to look desperately at the floor. It all added to the esthetic of the situation, and while this was just a bit of fun, it wasn't far from how Roger actually felt. Though, it was a lot safer to be inside this actual building instead of outside with strangers staring at them.

"The fuck you just say to me? You think you can order me around and tell me to fucking wait? That's very much not how this works, so fucking apologize or I'll punish you right here. How'd you like it if I made you walk home with no pants on?" His words were cruel, but Roger still felt safe knowing that Brian would stop if he said the right words. Earlier had shown him that Brian wasn't joking around when he said that he'd always stop for him.

"No, please sir. I- I'll do anything, I didn't mean to upset you. Forgive me, please." Roger begged, getting a bit teary eyed with his act. He was already beginning to feel like this was less of an act or role play and more like this was an actual situation. His head felt a bit fuzzy as he finally looked up at Brian and whimpered out. He was hard for the man in front of him and completely at his mercy. Just Brian's little play thing, a hole to fuck.

"I'm sure you didn't mean it babe, but it still upset me. I'm your fucking boyfriend, don't you wanna please me? What's with all this refusal, usually you're such a slut for my dick." Brian sneered, like Roger wasn't already crying for him.

The words made Roger swallow hard and his lower lip tremble, he wasn't sure what he could say that would be enough of an apology. He decided that even through his tears he could be brave. "I do want your dick sir, I'm just nervous with the people around. What if someone hears us?"

"But babe, there's no one here but the two of us and we have the space rented for another 40 minutes. Don't you wanna get down on your knees for me?" His voice was so deep it made Roger's mouth water.

Roger whimpered and stumbled back slightly, just to be a little bit farther away from the dominant man. God, he was having trouble standing straight with how turned on he was with this. It was confusing and good all at once. One more little press from Brian and he knew that he'd be down on his knee's. Sucking the man off in the middle of this dirty auditorium room.

"Don't back away from me boy, you can't run away from this. It's you who made me this hard, so it's going to be you who fucking deals with it. I better see bruises on those pretty knee's of your later from the effort of you rocking back and forth on my cock." Brian's words were absolute and made Roger quiver. He loved this side of Brian more then anything, had he ever been this turned on in his life?

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