Chapter 20

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Author's note: Not going to lie, I got a bit emotional writing this final chapter. I'm taking a bit of a break, like I did between parts one and two. Hope you join me for the Queen story I write next! Here's a hint: it's gonna be Deacury.

Roger woke up warm, and a bit uncomfortable. His hips ached and a certain unmentionable part of his body felt puffy and used. It was lovely and brought a sleepy smile to Roger's still tired face. He opened his eyes and took in that Brian was laying face down next to him, with an arm secure of Roger's stomach.

Roger was under a blanket like he been lovingly wrapped up and cuddled with like a teddy bear all night. Brian was naked and ass up, everything on display without a care in the world. His hair was curlier then Roger had ever witnessed it being, going in every direction and tangling in on itself. He was lightly snoring into his pillow, probably still worn out from their late night activities. This was the picture of domestic bliss.

Roger heart swelled with happiness and he glanced over to check the clock on the wall. It read 6:50 am, which meant he had plenty of time before his 8am class. Good, because Roger was determined to wake Brian up with kisses and it would be a shame if he had to miss his test to do so. He might not be giving that soft blow job today that he had thought about yesterday, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't make it a good morning for Brian.

Roger snuggled in close and flipped Brian's hair out of the way, to place a sloppy kiss to his man's cheek. When Brian continued to snore on he placed a kiss on the side of his nose and the part of his forehead he could reach. Then Roger trailed down and kissed softly onto Brian's neck. He noticed that the snoring had stopped, but Brian had yet to move. Was he still asleep now, or just playing hard to get?

Roger trailed his tongue over Brian's exposed neck skin and peppered it with kisses; liking the way that Brian finally hummed. Roger grinned as Brian made no move to flip over or even look at Roger. That was clearly a mistake with how feisty and happy Roger was feeling this morning.

Roger placed a final soft kiss to the tender skin of Brian's neck, before harshly biting down. Brian yelped under him and squirmed to flip them over so that Roger was on the bottom. Brian looked to be very much awake when he growled into Roger face and kissed him so hard that their teeth clashed together.

Roger melted under harsh and tired movement, choosing not to fight back in any way even though he started it. He enjoyed every movement and nipping bite against him until Brian settled back down, flopping over to settle into Roger's neck.

"So naughty for first thing in the morning love." Brian groan out, throat still raspy with sleep. Roger could feel him smiling into his skin, so he clearly enjoyed it just as much.

"Just wanted you to have something to remember me by when I'm in class all day. You don't get to have this lovely ache that I have, so I figured a bite would do the trick. Do you like it?" Roger explained, running his hand down Brian's back and settling cheekily on his ass. He groped at Brian just because he could with a bit of a giggle; every morning should be just like this one. He'd have no trouble being a morning person if it was.

"Fuck baby, you'll be on my mind all day. I'll wear your mark proudly. Do you really have to go to class?" Brian said with a pout.

"Why, mister astrophysicist are you suggesting that I skip class?" Roger teases, laughing at Brian's quickly paling face. Like he couldn't even believe that he'd made that insinuation. The funny things that love did to a man's mind.

"I-ahh, maybe not. Alright, but can I see you after?" Brain stuttered out. Apparently Brian was very much not a morning person and his mind just wasn't working yet. Roger found it adorable and couldn't wait to have many more moments just like this one. What would it be like to wake Brian up with a blow job? Roger couldn't help but wonder if he'd be deliciously confused about everything and not even realize what was happening to him until quite far in. Something to look forward to then.

"I'd like that a lot. Maybe tonight we could go on a date? Something quiet and just the two of us?" Roger shyly questioned. This was the best time to ask something like this because he could just claim morning tiredness if Brian thought him weird. He desperately didn't want Brian to think him strange for craving things like a date.

"Oh baby, that'd be lovely. Would you like to get dinner and then find a good spot to watch the stars?" Brian planned out with a smile, seeming thrilled that Roger had brought up the subject.

"I think you should make me dinner, I haven't gotten to see you're amazing cooking skills sense those eggs the first time I came home with you. I'm sure you'll look domestically hot, and maybe I'll kiss the cook providing a perfect distraction." Roger countered back, waggling his eyebrows. He loved that that earned a laugh from Brian and a cheek kiss as a reward.

"Hmm, think that could be arranged. I'll spend the rest of my day in anticipation with how pretty you're going to look in the star light. What time do your classes end? I want to be there to pick you up." Brian asked like it was obvious he should.

"I'll be done at 4, and I already can't wait for you to pick me up. I'm gonna tell all those people in class that already don't like me my amazing boyfriend is gonna be taking me out for the night." Roger said, smiling hard. He just felt so happy; so much so that this moment didn't even feel real.

"Damn right babe, tell everyone. Want the whole world to know that you're mine." Brian continued in his teasing tone, but smiled right back at Roger.

"Well then, you'll have to let me up because I've only got 30 minutes till class. I'd like to go spruce up a bit before I rush out the door, if you don't mind."

Brian pouted adorably, but rolled off the blond anyways. It was hard for Roger to get out of bed when Brian was looking like some kind of guitar playing god, all on display for him to see. That cock had been inside him last night.

Roger had to physically shake that thought out of his head as he head to the bathroom. He shook his sore ass as he walked because he could feel Brian's eyes on him. Giggling to himself as he shut the door. Fuck, he loved being a part of this relationship. He could barely wait for all the other wonderful things that he'd get to experience with Brian. The man he loved.

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