Chapter 6

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Author's note: Look I know I did 6 chapters, but my outline literally said chapter one blow job in public setting and chapter two studying at Roger's place. It's been 6 chapters and I'm still trying to write a blow job. Oops? I really hope everyone is enjoying this!

"Please let me taste. Just a little bit, I'll be so good Bri. Let it sit on my tongue, my mouth is so warm and I can make it so good for you. Please, I'm so empty without it." Roger whined pathetically and grind his face into the jeans. He was starting to tear up again and didn't even have anything to choke on yet. He wanted something to choke on so badly. It was hard for him to understand why Brian was making him wait so long; all Roger wanted to do was pleasure Brian.

Once he started the words didn't stop, and it didn't exactly help that Brian was giving him this wonder filled, enchanted look. Like he was the one who should be worshiped. Roger was sure that wasn't true, his cock was no where near as amazing as Brian's. The thick thing that had veins etched out around the base of it. Like the skin was stretched thin because of how big it was. The thought made his mouth pool with drool, he was ready to have it.

"Please sir, I need it so bad. I can't go without it anymore, I can't! I need you to fill me, I'm so empty without you." Roger cried to listening ears. Brian was just looking down at him fondly, and still not moving.

He was being such a good boy, and even using words like his Sir had requested; wasn't it time to have what he needed? Roger wasn't even sure what more he could do, his only other idea wouldn't work with the belt now around his neck. It was okay though, he wasn't sure he wanted the ability to lean down and lick at Brian's shoes. They weren't the cleanest. Actually if Brian said he could have his cock after, Roger was sure he would have licked them in this moment. He needed that huge, throbbing cock so bad.

"Fuck baby, I got what you need. Open up and lean back for me." Brian growled out, finally seeming effected. Roger was almost proud that he had broken that calm exterior shell that Brian seemed to have and hoped it unleashed the best domination he could possible hope for. That's what there relationship was after all, boyfriends with dynamics. Brian a carer and Roger a whiny brat. Not that Brian would like if he addressed himself like that outside of his head, but he certainly felt it while begging for cock.

Roger was quick to do what he was told and was rewarded by Brian reaching down to unbutton those jeans and push them down just passed his ass. He watched, open and unmoving as Brian brought his cock out of his pants and gave it three good strokes. All while staring down at the blonde.

"Stick your tongue out past those fucking lips." The words were ordered godsend. Brian was in control and Roger was helpless in front of him. Quick to obey, extending his tongue as far as it would go. It was sure to have looked absolutely obscene, but Roger didn't care. This was it, he was about to get the dick he'd been pining for all afternoon.

Roger stayed still, trying to entrance Brian with how straight he could make his spine while tipping backwards. He was rewarded when the other slapped his dick down onto said tongue and let it sit heavy. Time seemed to stand still at that moment as neither man moved. Roger was so happy to finally be getting a taste, but it wasn't enough. He needed more.

"Fuck Roger, your tongue is so warm and soft against my aching dick. Do you like the weight of it? So needy aren't you?" Brian filthily added to the moment, making sure to grasp himself tightly and rub his sensitive slit over Roger wet lips. His hand went away after that and he just stood still with his cock just barely supported at the entrance of Roger's mouth.

Brian let out a soft, deep moan from his throat and the sound made Roger unable to stay still anymore. He knew in the back of his mind that he was supposed to stay still and take whatever might be given to him, but Roger was desperate. It didn't matter at that moment that he was breaking a rule, he need more.

He was only successful for short moments as when Roger tried to move forward and slurp the thick member down his throat, he was pushed back. The cock was literally just on the tip of his tongue then and had never been so far away. Hot shame flushed itself down Roger's body; he was bad.

"I didn't tell you to move doll, try again. Brian is calm once more, even as his dick is exposed and sitting just on the inside of Roger's face. Roger whimpers pathetically. He's trying so hard and now it feels like he was bad. He doesn't want to be bad, he's Brian's good boy. His brain only reminded him that good boy don't move when instructed not to.

Roger inches back into position, pre- cock on his tongue and holds. His heart is pounding and now he isn't even sure he deserves that cock. Brian tightened the belt again, and it help a tiny bit with the way it makes him short of breath. He tries to extend his tongue out even farther then before and doesn't make a single sound in his efforts.

Brian picks up on everything and of course, he is quick to pick up on Roger eyed welling up with tears again. The blonde thinks he can get away with his reason for crying, mostly because he's been doing it off and on since this situation started. He can play it off like he's so close the that cock and still not getting, rather then I've been bad and am sad about it.

Brian is quick to fix this problem, always seeming to know exactly what Roger needs. It might have been the plan all along, but Roger would like to think that Brian isn't that cruel. Brian is a kind man after all, not putting his cock away even after Roger messes everything up. He could have just left him high and dry after how despicable he acted. 

"I'm going to punish you first Roger and then we'll try again. Nod yes or no if your comfortable. I'm not going to let up on the belt until it's over, so don't try to speak."

Roger nodded yes and waited eyed wide open for the punishment. He was bad and deserved it but he still hoped it didn't hurt; shit should he have told Brian he doesn't like pain? He doesn't remember if he had yet. The belt around him was just a bit of pressure, and didn't hurt in anyway. It wouldn't even bruise; would Brian kick him and leave marks on his skin through punishment? Roger tenses up a bit, but never moves to show his trust of the other man.

"Alright baby, here it comes." Brian's eyes twinkled as he let a glob of spit leak off his tongue and drip all the way down onto Roger's extended tongue. A little gross, but Roger took it like the champion good boy he was. He didn't whine at all, and was proud of himself for it. The tight belt on his neck was a constant reminder that Brian was right there controlling his world and no matter how fuzzy Roger's mind got he could find comfort in that.

Roger stayed still and let Brian look into his mouth where Brian's cooling spit was settled. He didn't flinch as Brian smiled at him and repeated the process one more time, making sure that he had ample spit in his mouth that didn't belong to him.

"There you go, close your mouth and swish it around for me. Swallow when your ready to open up and take my load as well." Brian jerked his cock inches from Roger's face, large hand hand stripping up and down at a fast pace. Like he wasn't going to wait if Roger took to long. The blonde still made no noise, afraid to act out again. He needed to be good for Brian and if it meant that he didn't get to swallow that thick cock down his throat, then he'd have to live with that.

Roger did what he was told. He closed his mouth and swirled everything around, taking pleasure in imagining it being Brian's thick come instead. Perhaps soon he'd be able to have that as well and repeat this whole process.  Roger had never been this turned on in his life, and more then that he once again felt like that perfect good boy. Brian's to order and take care of. It was wonderful.

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