Chapter 12

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Author's note: Slow updates as life is hard sometimes. Thanks for sticking with me and reading this far!

The juice was wonderfully cold against Roger's throat and made him groan at the soothingness of it. He could practically feel Brian's eyes on the back of his head as he was currently settled in the man's lap. This was what could be called as the ultimate nice feeling; leaning and surrounded by his lover. Brian was even holding the cup for him, just like he had said he would.

"Take another sip baby, it's good for your throat." Brian said in a deep tone, with more interest in said liquid then Roger would have thought he'd have. Maybe he was a bit turned on with the little moans that Roger constantly made when drinking his juice. He couldn't feel an erection underneath him, even with a slight wiggle, but Brian could just be oddly positioned.

Another sip of the juice had Roger laying back limp against Brian's chest, content with the world. It was reaching late afternoon now and the cafeteria was finally completely empty, with the exception of someone doing dishes in the kitchen area. This quiet moment was theirs to share with only one another.

Roger could image quiet afternoons like this throughout their lives. The kisses they would share and the times that they'd already be in bed at 4 pm just so they could roll around and hold each other. The thought of a long future together made Roger want to squeeze down on those strong thighs he was sitting on. He didn't though, Roger was too good of a boy to start something in public when he had no intention of following through.

"You have a drink too Brian, all that growling you did must have been hard on the throat." Brian hums at Roger's words and does as he asks. It doesn't appear to soothe Brian's as it did Roger's, but maybe his throat hadn't been sore. Or maybe Roger's mind was just making up just how good it felt to have something pour inside him from Brian steady hand. The blond blushed slightly red at his own thoughts.

Brian brought the cup back to Roger, making sure his lips touched the exact spot that Brian's had. Like an indirect kiss was something that he knew the blond would crave for. Roger did crave it. With the last sips of juice and his lips tasting the cool glass residue of the practically nothing Brian had left behind; he moaned out like it was the best moment of his life.

The cup was brought away and Brian tilted Roger's head backwards and claimed his lips without a second to waste. It was hot and lovely, even in public as they were. Roger whimpered into Brian mouth, almost wishing he wasn't so tired from their previous fun so he could ask Brian to give his cock some attention. Something to look forward to another day, he still had to get home to study.

"Brian! I've been looking everywhere for you man. The professor has been looking for you, said he got some interesting findings and needs someone to proof read his work before he sends it off."

They broke apart hastily when someone burst through the doors and started talking to Brian. Roger wondered if they had been visible from the street the entire time, because this guy clearly had recognized Brian from outside the building. A heavy feeling settled in his gut as he attempted to extract himself from the warm lap he was occupying. Attempted was the key word of that, because Brian held him firmly in place despite the display they were showing someone who was definitely a colleague of his.

"Bri." Roger whispered and wiggles to try and get away, failing to move more then a tiny bit. This was so embarrassing, though he really appreciated that said guy didn't seem to give a fuck. Or acknowledge the situation at all.

"I don't even work today, can't it wait until tomorrow?" Brian questioned, looking a bit frustrated. Roger felt a bit guilty and hoped it wasn't because he tried to escape away the moment someone had walked into the room. Shit, he should be more considerate of Brian's feelings throughout this.

Roger stayed still, planted on Brian's lap without another peep of concern out of him. He should get used to being seen in public if he wants to be with Brian; besides it was time to let the world move forward. Being gay was no longer illegal like it was in the dark past times; the world was looking up. God, if things kept advancing forward like they should be Brian and him should be able to get married by late 70's.

That thought made him sigh and tune out from the boring and slightly angry conversation happening around him. If this relationship worked out, would they get married one day? Even if it took until they were old and grey, would Brian still give him a ring and parade him around, telling people that this is my husband? God, Roger wanted that with all his heart. He could only hope that Brian did as well.

"Babe, did you hear that? I have to go in and work for a few hours. Is that alright? We'll have to move our study date up another day. I can drop by your place after if you want, but it might be late." Brian said, kissing the back of his head.

Roger automatically stuck his lower lip out in a pout at that news. He had wanted Brian to come over and tell him that he was a good boy for studying for his test, and now he couldn't even have that. What's worse is that Brian wanted to come over late at night, not even knowing how late it would be. That's not good considering Roger didn't have a bed in his shit little apartment and if he came in late Roger might be sleeping. Brian would probably react badly without him there to explain himself.

"N-no!" Roger yelped out, probably sounding more upset then worried. Brian even let him scramble out of his lap in shock.

"No? You want me to skip work Rog? I will if you're still feeling foggy, don't wanna leave you alone to deal with it." Brian looked worried, yet kept his calm tone. It helped sooth Roger's fast beating heart a bit.

"No? I just don't want you to come over afterwards." Roger mumbled, turning a little red from his embarrassment. This was all happening with an audience who was clearly growing more and more unimpressed as time went by.

Brian was out of the chair as well now and snatching Roger into a hug, like Roger might try and run away from him. "Babe, don't be upset with me. I'm sorry I have to go into work, but I promise I had full intentions of coming and helping you study. Please don't be mad."

Great, now he had Brian worried that he was mad at him. Roger was glad that he had already been gathered into a tight hug, because now he felt like a fuck up. He had to clear the air between them and make this better. He didn't want to part from Brian with one of them upset.

"I just wanted the first time you were in my apartment to be special. So maybe we can just save it for another time?" That wasn't a lie, even if he was avoiding what really should be said. He could physically feel the sigh of relief that came from Brian, so it felt like he had done the right thing.

"Alright, that makes sense. I was just looking forward to cuddling into the night with you, and making you breakfast in the morning. Kissing you good luck before your test." Brian listed with a dreamy sigh, like he wanted nothing more in the world to do those things. It made Roger feel a bit bad, he hadn't had anything in his cupboards to have for breakfast anyways. He couldn't say that to Brian though, it would only make his boyfriend upset.

"How about I get my things and bring them back to your place instead? If you're late I could be asleep in your bed and just waiting for you to cuddle me. I'd love a good luck kiss before my test." Roger explained shyly, smiling at Brian.

Brian looked ecstatic that Roger offered to go over to his apartment instead. It made Roger's heart do flips in his chest. "Yeah baby, just take my keys and let yourself in. I'll see you as soon as I'm done with work."

Roger was handed the key'skeys when he realized what had just happened. He was going to be alone in Brian's home, and it was going to be strange. Roger had never been alone in another man's home. He wondered if he should feel more panicked than he did. It was all right, he would panic after he left Brian.

They hugged before Brian had to leave and Roger automatically missed those arms around him. It didn't sound like it would be too long before they were together again, but seeing him leave out the door made Roger's heart drop. That man did things to him both emotionally and physically that made him feel things that he never thought he would. Roger missed him already.

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