Part 19

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Author's note: We made it! The thing happened, and hot damn. I'm proud of myself. Also thinking one more chapter of sweet and that's it for this part. There going to be a gap in between part 2 and 3, but don't worry cause I've had this amazing idea for another story!

Love all of you and hope you enjoy!

Brian pushes inside with little force, no doubt feeling the strong resistance of Roger's body. Roger's cry out was an immediate thing, going off as soon as Brian's warm appendage touched the entrance of his body. It felt much bigger then three of Brian's fingers had and the stretch as he tried to wedge the fat head of his cock in burned. Roger whimpered, and Brian shushed him with calming sounds.

Brian hastily added more lube, probably hoping that it would hurt both of them less. Roger looked up with almost tunnel vision to see Brian's harshly clenched teeth and the fact he was covered in sweat. Roger liked that he wasn't the only one uncomfortable with the situation. A cry bubbles it's way out of Roger's throat when Brian tried to snap his hips forward once more.

"Fuck baby, that's it. Can you feel it? You've got the head of my cock all inside you now. You're so fucking tight and warm around me Roger. I know it feels different and uncomfortable right now, but when the whole thing is in I'm going to make you see stars. My precious baby boy." Brian grunted out, seeming to remember that Roger requested he continue to speak.

"Ahhh-" Roger had opened his mouth to answer but that sound was punched out of him instead. It didn't really hurt, but it certainly didn't feel good. He felt full and there was so much more of Brian to go.

"That's right baby, let it all out for me. Love how your fucking voice sounds. You're gorgeous Roger, my Rainbow." Brian rattles on with great effort. If it kept Roger happy and into this he'd never stop talking, no matter how taxingly silent his mind was.

It got a bit easier around half way, as Brian jolted his hip back and forth, in tiny movements. Roger wasn't sure wether he was finally able to relax his body for Brian, or all the lube has finally greased his inside enough that he was slippery. Either way, he was thankful when Brian's balls slipped forward and slapped at his ass. The groan he let out when that happened was something other then uncomfortable. Fuck, that one motion was heaven.

"Baby doll, I'm all inside now. Fuck, you're clenching so tightly around me. It feels so good to have you surrounding me like a hot fucking vice. Can you feel the way my cock pulses because of how badly I need to move?" Brian growled into Roger's ear, staying still inside the blond.

Roger trembled underneath Brian as they met for a desperate and wet kiss. The feeling of having Brian finally rammed all the way up inside him was incredible. He wondered if he traced a hand down to his stomach if there would be an outline visible. Fuck, his cock was so huge and Roger felt so small under him that there was a good chance he would be able to visibly see when Brian moved.

"I can feel you so deep inside me." Roger voice sounded wrecked as he moaned out, and he felt it make Brian shiver. His words made Brian look animalistic and hungry. He would reach out for Brian if he could get his fingers to listen to him, instead of clenched white around the sheets.

"Roger, baby. Tell me I can move, fuck tell me you want it." Brian was still, but clearly struggling with staying so. Like Roger's insides were driving him mad and he might lose his mind if Roger rejected him now.

He wasn't the only who needed it desperately; Roger was losing his mind underneath Brian's settle weight. The sensation of being full had been something that he had thought he had experienced with Brian's talented fingers in his body. It was absolutely nothing compared to this.

"Please Bri, just a minute. Fuck, I can feel you so deep inside. Love it Bri, wanna have this all the time. Would you let me sit on your cock when I'm studying one day?" Roger panted out, biting his lips and clenching around what was inside of him. How had he ever gone without this?

Brian looked elated that Roger was saying these thing to him. Of course, he could just look that way because Roger had let him inside, but Roger likes to think that they were just seemingly interested in each other's kinks. It was hard to tell what turned someone on when they were already a steel rod inside you.

"Fuck baby, that sounds like sweet torture. Just like right now, you're so soft and velvety inside. I can feel every twitch and movement you make, I can feel you breathing Roger, all through I'm cock. I'd love to spend hours like this, we could study together. Another time though, because now baby, I'm gonna move." Brian growled out low, like it pained him to stay this still and civil.

Roger gave him a quick nod and had to throw his head back with a cry when Brian slowly slunk his hip back and rushed them forward in a hard motion. That felt incredibly amazing. Like Brian had straight up punched his prostate. He had gone hard against it when fingering, but nothing could compared to that cock sliding deliberately against it.

Brian tried to kiss Roger again as they slowly moved, but the blond was to far gone to do anything but receive the attention. That didn't stop Brian from peppering kisses all over Roger's face and licking at his lips. Every movement was heaven to Roger and he never wanted it to stop.

He could still feel the edge of uncomfortable pain, but just ignored it because of sheer pleasure. He wanted to do this for the rest of his life. Fuck, how was he supposed to go to school and write some test in the morning when all he was going to be able to think about was this cock?

"Such a good boy Roger, taking all of me and still begging for more. God, Rainbow you were made for me and me alone." Brian growled, keeping at his deliriously slow and hard place. Giving Roger everything he ever wanted.

Roger hadn't even realized that he had been begging, but once it was pointed it it was hard to not notice. His mouth was wide open for sounds to be forced out and everything in between that was nonsensical babbles of pure need. Roger was glad Brian liked it because he had no idea how he would stop it if he didn't.

One motion made Roger's world white out and end his first memorable bottom sex experience.  Brian dragged himself all the way out, then lined back up and rammed all the way in. The harsh slide against Roger's prostate and the fact that Brian had hunched himself over, therefore creating the lightest of frictions against his cock set him off. For once Roger was completely silent, as he arched off the bed and pressed himself fully against Brian.

Brian spoke praises into Roger ear that he couldn't even hear. Everything was glorious and even with all the sensations he was feeling, Roger wasn't sure if he was conscious. He felt Brian pull out and strip his hand over his own cock until it pulsed white over Roger's hip bones.

They deflated together in a mess of limbs and cum, breathing each other's air as they caught up with needed oxygen. Brian lay his weight on top of Roger, smooshing them together like puzzle pieces and they touched lips in that sweet, quiet moment.

"Did you like it baby?" Brian asked, still breathing heavily like he'd just run a marathon. Roger hadn't even noticed how much sweat was pooled between the two of them during everything and now he was a bit grossed out with it.

"Yeah, loved it Bri." Roger hummed out, feeling a bit blissed out after everything. He wasn't a fan of the sticky feeling, but somehow it was satisfying all that same.

"Good. You thinking we should shower?" Brain asked, only to look down and notice that Roger had closed his eyes. The taller man snorted lovingly and kissed Roger's forehead. "Don't worry baby, I'll take care of us." Brian murmured before hauling himself up to get a washcloth. Everything was perfect.

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