Chapter 9

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Author's note: Back to our regularly scheduled programming of Roger POV. I missed it and it was harder then I thought it would be to write the last chapter, so I hope everyone enjoyed it. Also hope everyone likes me trying to explain subspace!Roger feelings.

"Roger fucking listen to your Daddy and be good. Open that fucking mouth of yours to take my load." Roger squeaked at the name and could have shot out of his own skin if he had been asked to.

He loved how Brian could change tones so fast, going from caring to hot at the flip of a switch. It made his boyfriend enchanting and mysterious to his eyes. How would Brian react to anything that he did; Roger would never know but it was sure to be an experience.

Roger leaned back with his tongue extended out for a final time and when Brian smacked his dick down onto Roger's waiting tongue, he let out a throaty groan. They had been in this exact pose before and it seemed to have been so long ago. He knew better this time then to try and suck it down his throat. It was hard to understand why Brian wouldn't let him do that, but Roger accepted the rule none the less. It wasn't his position to be questioning his Brian. Daddy knew what was best for him.

He let Brian stroke himself while rubbing the slit of his cock roughly into his wet tongue. His throat made a whimpering sound, but Roger remained perfectly still. He was Brian's to do what he wished with; this wasn't about him. Or maybe it was, and this was actually Roger's fantasy they were living out. Everything was fuzzy and he trusted Brian so much. Nothing else mattered.

Hot and salty cum hit Roger's tongue and leaked down his throat. There was a lot more then he was expecting, but he did his best to swallow it all down while remaining still and his mouth open. He got a perfect view of Brian's face when he was shooting his load and Roger had never felt so alive.

Brian looked amazing with his sweaty forehead and wavy hair that was starting to curl from his own dampness. His mouth hung open, but he was still managing to make a hissing sound out of his throat. Roger took everything he could give and swallowed it down because he needed a small part of Brian inside of him. He felt like a good boy at this moment.

Brian looked a bit blessed out and it gave Roger the opportunity to close his lips and give the sensitive tip a hearty suck. The high pitched yelp that he made Brian pitch out made him grin like a cat that just got his cream. It was appropriate because that's absolutely what had just happened. He licked over the softening member again, liking the way that Brian was now letting him just do what he wanted.

This felt very much like a reward, and he felt proud to have been a good enough boy to be able to drink down Brian's semen. He'd been slightly worried that Brian would let it go to waste and dribble down his chest or into his hair. He would have wore it for the walk home with pride, but it was much better to have that bit of DNA inside of him. No one else could see it because it was now a part of him.

Brian jolted slightly, before stumbling back not catching his breath or balance. Roger was perhaps overstimulating him while being slight out of his own head. He landed flat on his ass as Roger swallowed everything that was left in his mouth. The taste and memory of said taste would be imprinted in his mind for the coming week. Hopefully it would get him through dreaded college lectures and being harassed at work for something out of his control. Maybe he wouldn't have to hold on to the memory that long either, if he could convince Brian to let him give him a blow job again. Maybe next time he could take that large cock down his throat and just breath with it there. They wouldn't even have to move if Brian didn't want to. He'd be satisfied with it just in his mouth instead of just outside like this time.

Filed with his own fantasies and thoughts for the future, Roger crawled forward on hands and knees to sit on Brian's lap. He was careful of the other man's still exposed cock and grind down on his leg with enthusiasm. Brian grasped at his hip and guided him slightly, leaning down to steal a kiss as Roger gasped out like he was about to die.

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