Chapter 7

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Author's note: Excited for Easter weekend and driving down to have dinner with my family! I swear the older the get the more you appreciate not cooking for yourself and the company of the ones who love you. Hope your enjoying the story so far!

Roger made sure that he didn't swallow to eagerly in fear that he might be denied the taste of Brian's come if he did. His tongue was extended again and his eyes swept upward to catch Brian's for approval.

He looked proud and was quick to voice it. "You took that punishment so well Roger. Now my good boy gets a reward before we end this. What would you like? The quick feel of the head of my cock penetrating your throat or an actual smell at my freed balls? Whichever the choice is yours, go for it Rainbow."

That moment sparked something within Roger, he had wanted nothing more then to be choking on that thick cock and yet here he was presented with another option. He hadn't had many thoughts in his head throughout this entire situation happening, but could clearly remember trying to inhale in the scent of Brian's balls earlier.

His mind buzzed with dazed and clouded excitement. This was a reward, but Roger was still eager to show just how good he was. He would deny himself that lovely cock a bit more to prove that he was truest sorry for the move that he pulled earlier. It was only right after all, and even suspected that's why he was given the two options in the first place. Brian was a smart man and in return he deserved a smart, good boy.

Roger didn't deny a single second more to press his nose up to Brian's balls and breath in deeply. They were musty and perfect to Roger. From his kneeling position and Brian's tall stature it was easy to dip underneath the man to simply let them rest on his face. Roger moaned at the soft and slight hairiness of them as they sat comfortably over his nose.

He wasn't the only who moaned from the motion, the sound Brian let out was absolutely sinful. "That's right baby, I knew you were my good boy. Knowing just what to do for me. Do you like that, having my balls sit on your fucking face? Slide them down a bit and have a few licks. Worship my fucking balls like you need them to fucking survive Roger." Brian gasped out, not moving at all and simply letting Roger have his fill.

It excited Roger to listen; extending his tongue out to smear his liquid over the soft sack. He wouldn't suck them into his mouth because Brian hadn't asked him to. Roger was beginning to wonder if he would ever have the privilege of having something inside.

"Fucking hell, babe your so good with that tongue. Tell me you love the taste, but don't move away." Brian panted, jolting down a bit when Roger traces the sensitive seam. Roger was quick to do it again when he realized just how good to felt for Brian.

"Tastes like salt and promises sir. Can I have them in my mouth for a bit, please?" Roger said, a bit muffled with the way that they sat over top of his mouth. He was a good boy though, and made sure with his tongue that they never dipped inside without Brian's go ahead. He could just barely make eye contact with Brian from the angle, but made it work none the less.

"Yeah baby, stuff them into your your mouth. Make my balls drip from your wetness. Fucking do it Roger, give them some love and after they'll reward you with a fucking treat." Brian was talking just for the sake of it and Roger loved it.

He sucked the soft skin into his mouth now that he had permission and savored the taste. It was so very Brian and there was no other way to describe it. It tasted just like it had smell, like Roger's happiness.

Roger could hear Brian above him groaning away as his balls got lathered in attention and Roger craved the noise every time it stopped. Those moans were beautiful, just like the man above him. This is what Roger had always needed in his life.

"You're so good Rainbow." Brian complimented and Roger moaned, despite his mouth being occupied. Today was the first time he had ever been called Rainbow by Brian and he was trying to treasure each time it slipped out of his mouth. Well, this was something that he wasn't ever going to forget. Like he hoped he saw this when he closed his eyes to sleep tonight.

Roger would be quick to admit that this was his first public blow job and he was feeling a bit restricted in his own pants. This wasn't even technically a blow job yet and it didn't even matter. Roger didn't make a move towards his own erection and maintained pleasuring Brian the best he could. He was a good boy and could wait until later.

Brian humped forward and started to sound out of breath while not being able to resist reaching down to touch himself. That talented hand pumped up and down, and Roger had a front row seat to it. He was stuck suckling the tender skin, wishing it was the head of that thick shaft. This was almost over with how fast Brian was moving his hand and Roger was beginning to realize that perhaps he had never had the chance to suck on that cock.

Brian had cheekily had another plan from the beginning it seemed, and Roger had eagerly played into the trap. A new wave of arousal hit Roger like a freight train; he was just a toy for Brian's pleasure. He knew that Brian cared for him deeply, but in situations like this he had absolutely no control. What an amazing thought.

Roger squirmed and let Brian's balls fall out of his mouth as the taller man's hips stuttered forward. The motion successfully knocked his balls into Roger's face a bit harshly, but Brian showed no care for it. Almost like he had forgotten in his pleasure that Roger was even down there. That thought made him let out a pathetic whimper.

Yes, this is exactly what he had always wanted. To be used as a plaything and then forgotten about when the other party started to inch towards finishing. It was a kink so secret that even Roger himself hadn't known about it until it was happening to him. Shocking, considering how much Roger knew he loved attention.

Roger was straining in his pants, but didn't reach down to touch himself. Didn't even really want to with everything going on; this wasn't about him. He understood that now. All that matter was the man above him, using him as a ball rest and ignoring his presence.

Roger rubbed himself cheekily at the soft skin and could tell that this was nearly all over. Just a little more and he'd have everything he wanted. Alright, maybe not everything if he was being honest. He'd have that weeping dick stuffed down his throat with the currently slack belt, held tight enough to bruise into his skin.

Those could always be fantasies for another time though, because they had this thing between them. Something that could be called love and a guaranty that there would be many more afternoons just like this. That thought alone brought something entirely special to the playing field because Roger had never had something like this before.

He trusted Brian, even with his man currently ignoring him. Roger was sure that when this was over he'd get cuddles and water with a heavy dosage of praise. Neither man had even gotten off yet and the longer it seemed to go on the more Roger craved the end part. That what Brian had done to him; he used to be such a sexual, flirty creature. Now he wanted a bed to lay down on and cuddle. When had that even happened?

Brian halted his tender movements the moment he realized he doesn't have Roger full attention. "Baby, is something wrong?" He whispers in a quiet voice, feeling a bit fucked out with everything that been going on. Roger can barely hear from his pleasant headspace and just nuzzles at the other's balls again.

Brian hisses, but stays on track with his reasoning. "Roger, I need you to tell me how you're feeling. Red light? Are we in the green? No radio silence baby, I know it's scary but don't go silent."

Roger likes the way that Brian's voice sounds, but then he hears the bad words come out of his mouth. Red light, that's the stopping phrase and Roger very much didn't want to stop. He whines pathetically and licks at the seam of Brian's balls, trying to turn the mood away from stopping.

Brian groans at Roger, but holds his ground. His voice gets deep with authority as he beginning to understand just how far gone Roger is with the scene. "Roger fucking tell me right now if you're green light or red light, you won't get anything more from me if you don't." It's an empty threat, but Roger won't know that from his headspace.

Roger hears Brian speak again, this time with his hot ordering voice. He answers because that's what good boys do when spoken to. "Green light daddy, I love you."

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