Chapter 17

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Author's note: Who's ready for a more serious and fluffy kind of sex? Me. Hope everyone enjoys and look out for next chapter, cause it's about to be hot in here.

Roger's face scrunched up at Brian's last move. He felt a bit tipsy from all the giggling they had done and perhaps a bit high off of the hormones. What had made him afraid before suddenly sounded lovely. Maybe tonight was the night that he would get fucked. Not if Brian kept fucking around and licking his face though; he had standards.

"Stop Bri, that tongue belongs elsewhere." Roger said with a pout, feeling a bit dramatic with his complaint. Brian gets an glimmer in his eye before leaning down and swiping his tongue across Roger's hastily shut eyelid.

"Like here?" Brian questions, sounding proud of himself. He likely ignored the groan like laugh that Roger let out in response. Roger tried to push Brian's head away, but his man is stronger then he looks and hunkers down. Roger retaliates by blowing a raspberry into Brian's neck. They laugh full heartedly together, love shining through half lidded eyes.

"You're amazing Roger, all I've ever wanted." Brian makes the comment without hesitation or an ounce of regret. Roger feels like he might cry for a few moments. How did he even live life before he had Brian? It's doesn't seem like it was possible.

"You're all I've ever needed Brian, now make me yours." He answers back, without having to think about it. Roger squirms wit new intent after that. Communication is nice, but he really needs this to speed up. He's so desperate for Brian.

The bottle of lotion opened up and was squeezed with intent. They both watched it happen and then made eye contact to seemingly confirm what was about to happen. Brian kisses down the side of Roger's face, starting at his ear and reaching his lips just as a wet finger touches Roger's hole. He had barely even realized that he had spread his legs once more in preparation . Or for preparation.

Roger didn't laugh at the pun he had made inside of his head, thankfully. The moment for laughter had really passed when Brian had gotten a finger back inside and crooked it so that Roger arched up in pleasure. His man really knew what he was doing with his fingers, and it was glorious.

"K-kiss me please." Roger whined out, suddenly feeling like he wanted that tongue back tracing over his skin. Maybe he shouldn't have made fun of it moments before. Damn, how was he supposed to know that he'd crave Brian being a weirdo?

Brian kissed him deeply, just as he'd asked. Roger was the one who licked at Brian's face when he pulled back and it got a smirk from the taller man. "Who's the weirdo now? Don't you know better then to just lick someone's face? God, I have two fingers inside you and you're still this cheeky minx."

"You only have one -ohhh." Roger chokes out in response, and cuts off with Brian's well timed second finger. The sneaky bastard was planning on such a response too, judging by the snicker he let out. Roger lunged upward and captured Brian's lips with renewed enthusiasm. Tonight, he would be as active as Brian.

Roger flopped back down when Brian's long fingers scraped at his prostate, and he lost control of the volume of his voice. Brian followed him down as their tongues danced wetly, uncaringly swallowing the scream that Roger bellowed.

"Fuck, I love the way you writhe for me Roger. Always so perfect, do you like this too? It's not all hard controlling, we can have giggly, stupid sex too." Brian said with a grin. He sounded more vulnerable then Roger thought he possibly could have, but Roger caught the hidden meaning easily.

"Our sex could never be stupid." Roger answered with a pout. He liked the lighter side of things just as much as he enjoyed letting Brian choke him with his belt. Or spit in his face. Probably just on the side of just a little bit too much to be healthy.

"Good answer love, you get another finger as a reward." Brian didn't cut Roger a break, practically shoving that third finger inside. Roger's mouth opened so wide that instead of a scream he squeaked pathetically, and tears returned to his eyes. He felt miles away at that moment, watching from outside his own body at a distance. The sensation of being truly full was something that he'd never really even pictured happening, and yet here he was.

The noise he made was raw and almost inhuman, but Roger didn't have time to be embarrassed about it. Brian gave his all to punch those sounds straight out of Roger and succeeded with what probably looked like ease. They kissed again just like that, needy for each other and more touch.

"You fi-feel so fucking good, Brian!" Roger gasped out as his prostate was pumped repeatedly. He looked a bit enchanted with how Roger's voice sounded, or maybe it was the fact that he was still getting words out.

"It could feel even better, if you want. Say yes, let me be inside you baby." Brian was practically begging with his tone and it turned Roger's crazy switch. This was the man that earlier that day had spit into his mouth for being bad and now Roger was the one that held all the power. This was his decision and Brian would stick to what he wanted.

Roger wanted to get fucked. It was a simple thing really. He wanted that enormous throbbing cock filling and carving out his insides. To have his lover fill him to the brink and then some, laying hot and heavy on top of him. It was an easy thing to want with such a wonderful man like Brian and another thing altogether to have to voice it.

Roger kissed at Brian's face, hoping to work up some courage. It doesn't exactly work, but Roger get the opportunity to fuck his tongue past Brian's loose lips, loving having control over the situation. The best part about it was that Brian just let him, doing little more for the situation then slowly dragging his fingers in and out of Roger.

When Roger retreats to let out a shattered moan when Brian get his slow fingers just right to be able to scrape his nail against Roger's sensitive prostate. It's a hot and wet shriek of a moan considering Roger's still got his tongue extended out. Brian looks a bit enchanted and scoops forward to meet him and their tongue meet messily outside of their bodies. The only thing that stops it is the fact that Roger has to retreat because Brian won't give his insides a rest.

He throws his head back harshly, breaking their kiss to screech out a high pitched moan. "Roger please, let me in. Can I fuck you? Let me claim you baby, in all meanings of the word. Baby, I just wanna make you mine. Don't you wanna be mine?" Brian tried again to coach Roger into saying that he wanted him. It works this time.

"Fuck Bri, I am yours. Take me, fill me, use me! I want your cock so badly, my hole aches for you. Fuck, last night I dreamt about you pounding at my insides and eating out my hole after everything was done." Roger cut himself off abruptly, feeling embarrassed about sharing that fantasy. He wasn't even sure why that had come to mind. Roger knew that they should use condoms even though he couldn't get pregnant, and had never really had anything dripping from him before. Fuck, he just somehow knew that even after orgasm he was going to love Brian's talented tongue cleaning him up.

Brian looked at him like he hung the stars and kissed him deep, almost sealing though words with a promise. "I'm going to make you feel so good Roger, you'll never want anyone else ever again. Just me, because I'll be the only man who can satisfy you." Brian growled possessively, giving his own dick a harsh pump.

That sounded about right, because whether he knew it or not Brian had ruined all other people for Roger. There would be no dating after all these wonderful experiences; Brian would simply have to be it for him. No replacing that huge cock once it had carved its way through his insides.

Roger fucking loved his man already, and even if they moved apart in the future he would look back to this moment and feel loved. The kiss he planted on Brian this time was a lot softer and full of emotion compared to the one before. This was really happening.

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