Chapter 11

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Author's note: So, I watched the avengers and took some time to myself. Slow chapters because I don't have the outline written for these. It's okay though, I'm pretty happy with this.

The bathroom to the cafeteria was a bleak little room, with a blinking light on its last leg of life. Things were wet in a way that only a public washroom could be and both stalls were open. Nothing was particularly dirty though, so Roger decided it wasn't the worst place he could be in. After all, nothing could be that bad if he had Brian with him.

"Alright baby, let's get you cleaned up. The door doesn't lock, so we can go into one of the stalls if you want. Take off your jeans and underwear." Brian's hand wandered off Roger's ass, but never left his body. It was comforting and reassuring all at once.

Roger carefully stepped out of his jeans, eyeing Brian and then the door thoughtfully. He didn't want to go into the small stall and try to get the both of them in it. He knew if that door opened that Brian would cover him up and probably growl angrily at whoever tried to come in. It was that thought that kept him feeling safe and calm. He could do this; it was his own request after all.

His underwear came off without there being eye contact between the two of them. Roger wiggled from the slight cold feeling as he stood there, hairless and covered in dry spunk. He could feel Brian's eyes on him but couldn't look up at him. His words failed him by staying stuck in his throat. Open, vulnerable and ready to trust was the only way Roger could describe how he was feeling.

"God, look at you baby. So gorgeous and all for me. Let's get you cleaned up a bit." Brian said with eyes sweeping over Roger's uncovered half, taking in all he could. It looked like he wanted to say more, but was holding back. Roger wasn't sure that he liked that Brian wasn't saying everything on his mind.

The wet paper towel felt a bit scratchy on Roger sensitive skin, but it was Brian's hand that was carefully cleaning him and that alone made the experience wonderful. The cold water felt almost freeing against his skin and Roger enjoyed the way that Brian crowded in close to him.

"Does that feel good baby? The cold water washing away everything naughty and leaving you with just smooth clean skin? Does it make you feel brand new and vulnerable?" Brain questioned with hyper focused eyes.

Roger nodded because he didn't trust himself to speak. A soft moan left his mouth with another gentle swipe of Brian's hand. He was mostly clean now and Brian was just being overwhelming thorough. He didn't mind, Roger loved the feeling of Brian's hand on him.

Brian discarded the waded up wet paper towel they had been using in the garbage behind them and let his fingers fondle around Roger soft sack instead. Gentle fingers almost felt ticklish against Roger skin and he squirmed with the movement. He didn't want to get away, but couldn't press forwards either.

"Bri, I can't get hard again yet it's too soon." Roger whimpered, but taking everything that the hand would give him. It felt nice in ways that implanted themselves into his permanent memory. Fingers on his soft cock stroked slightly and Roger had no choice but to arch into them. His balls were fondled without mercy and the pleasure from it nearly hurt.

"It's okay baby, this isn't about you getting hard. I really like seeing your soft small cock all pale and spent against that white skin of yours. Hairless, like the good boy you are. It looks so tiny like this Rog, especially next to my hand. You're such a fucking good boy Roger, letting me touch you when you're already done and oversensitive." Brian praised, making Roger's heart beat fast.

Most the thing said could probably be seen as cruel and strange, but Roger loved it all. He loved that Brian loved it. "All for you Brian, never felt anything like it ever before. I feel so safe with you here, touching me like you own me." He murmured, as Brian leaned forward to connect their lips together.

When they broke apart, Brian took his hand off Roger cock and licked at his finger tips. Roger giggled when Brian pouted. "You're too clean now, there no taste left." That was such an odd complaint and seemed to very much fit them.

"It's cause you were there to clean me up and take care of me. Thanks Bri." Roger said with a smile, taking Brian's hand and kissing the back of it charmingly. It was ridiculous and Roger loved it. There wasn't even much of a point of flirty after everything that had happened between them but Roger treasured the exchange anyways.

Brian tugged on Roger's hand and placed a wet kiss to the back of his next, making Roger giggle. His knight in shining armor was a wonderful man, who made him feel like a happy princess. A treasure soul that would be protected from the harsh elements and put first if need be.

"Help me put my pants back on?" Roger asked sweetly, still feeling like royalty.

"Fuck yeah I will baby, lift up that gorgeous leg for me." Brian answered, sounding ecstatic that he had been asked to help. Roger tried not to snort at that thought that Brian probably had a kink for being useful. He took notice that Brian pocketed his still soiled underwear and lifted up the jeans.

"You don't want me to put on my underwear?" Roger hadn't been looking forward to putting those things back on anyways; but had still been going to put them on. He'd only gone without underwear a few times in his life when in public, to be completely honest. His jeans were scratchy as Brian pulled them up and carefully situated his package away from the zipper.

"You're all clean now, it's better not to put those dirty things back on." Brian states like it was completely fine that Roger was going to be in public without that one more layer of protection. Maybe it was, Roger didn't mind so much at that moment either. He hoped that he wouldn't panic about it when they got out there though.

Roger leaned forward and kissed Brian square on the lips with a smile. This was life when you were dating a wonderfully insatiable man. Roger fucking loved it. "Juice now Brian?"

"Yeah, let's get some juice for my best boy." His voice was deep, like he was getting slightly turned on again. Roger chose to ignore that and just hold his hand sweetly. He wasn't ready for another sexual moment, and needed a bit more care. Juice for his sore throat.

Daddy would provide it for him.

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