Chapter 5

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Author's note: Having a stressful work day as always, but writing on my break makes it just a tad bit better. Hope you enjoy!

Roger took a step back towards Brian, like requested and felt like a fawn caught in headlights. He was vulnerable like this, willing to do as Brian told. It gave him a fuzzy feeling and a thrill all at once. He was so hot for this whole situation.

Brian gave him an appraising look, as if he wasn't sure if Roger would be good for him or not. "Feeling scared Rainbow? Bet you'll forget that feeling as soon as you get the taste of my cock on your lips. Nothing else will matter then will it? Such a good slut for me."

Roger's throat was dry as Brian reaches forward and grabbed harshly onto his wrist. He savored the warm grip on him and gulped when he couldn't find the courage to say anything. He didn't have to and was thankful for it. Brian did all the talking for both of them.

"Come forward little boy, come choke on my cock. I can see it in your eyes just how much you want it and I've never been one to deny you." Brian is nearly unrecognizable as himself, but Roger thinks he's beautiful like this. Turned on and desperate; giving Roger exactly what he always had wanted. What he needed.

Roger didn't answer, but let Brian push him down with a strong hand on his shoulder. This was happening then, he was going to blow Brian in their school rented band practice place. This was pretty much sacred ground for Roger and now he'd be able to look back at this moment with it as well. He hoped that the memory wouldn't get him hard every time they had to play, or he might have to give up on being friends with Tim. This was the only place they ever interacted.

A large hand cradled the back of his head and roughly pushed Roger into the front of Brian's jeans. The material wasn't the only thing that was stiff and unforgiving, as he could feel the rock hard erection hidden underneath. He got a thrill of Brian roughly rocking against his skull.

God, Roger loved the feeling of Brian growing hard and pulsating against his face, even with layers of fabric between them. There was a moment of breathless anticipation as Roger rubbed himself firmly against that clothed front. He was so excited that this was actually happening now that all the big talk was over, and spit pooled forward in his mouth. Soon he'd have something hot and heavy in there to wet down.

He feels dirty to be doing this where someone could walk in and he knows that the door isn't locked. Roger remembers back to not that long along when he'd been complaining about how bad he must smell and how Brian only seemed to get turned on by it. Roger felt the sudden urge to return the favor of the whole situation, plus he very much wanted to get a smell of his own. Brian had to have worked up a sweat in those tight jeans of his while rocking on that guitar.

He puts his nose right up to where he can feel Brian's balls resting and just breathes in deeply. The scent is mostly blocked by heavy jeans, but he can still get the unmistakable mustiness of it. It would be mouth watering if he hadn't already had that issue. His nose nudges those tender lumps carefully before smashing forward and causing Brian to grunt. The standing man grabs a handful of his hair and pulls hard. Probably payback for the sudden jolt he just received. Roger moans loudly at the pull, not back away despite it.

He becomes absolutely desperate to have both a smell and a taste without clothes in the way. Roger whines as his hand reaches upward to blindly try and undo them. His hands feels heavy and useless while trying to use them. His fuzzy head doesn't help with the matter and tears water down from his eyes. God, everything is so hard and he just needed a cock in his mouth.

"Shh, baby I'll give you what you need. You don't have to cry about it. I'll take good care of you." Brian muttered while reaching down and undoing his belt buckle. It was a sexual act to watch with his face still against the jeans. Brian delayed everything by choosing to unloop his belt and pull it off. It's weirdly a turn on for Roger even if he wants the other man to hurry up.

Roger's head feels hazy, but in a good way. Like he was always meant to be pressed up to Brian like this. It just felt right to be on his knees for Brian, even in a public setting such as this. He was a good boy and if he could spend every moment of everyday suckling on that man large shaft he would. Roger mouth watered for it.

While Brian had removed his belt, he hadn't helped with the unbuttoning or zipper. Roger's hands didn't want to work, he was feeling small and powerless under Brian's gaze. Sir- Brian had said that Roger would get what he needed, but wasn't helping at all. He was losing his mind on his knee's, already ready for cock and receiving nothing.

"Use your words beautiful." Brian chuckles like he isn't nearly as effected by the situation as Roger is. His voice was calm, and steady in a way that made Roger feel better for the seconds that he was talking. Roger shook his head in negative when his voice wouldn't work, this was to much for him at the moment.

It was over to soon and Roger was left a writhing, teary mess again, with nothing yet to show for it. He eyed Brian's belt which had been thrown aside for a split second before nuzzling back into Brian's jean covered cock. Decisions weren't his strong point in life and seemed all the more harder with that persist fuzzy feeling buzzing around his head.

It was clear what he wanted though, and Roger more then that wanted to make Brian both proud of him and so very turned on. He inches back so he wasn't pressed up against Brian, and Roger feels lonely right away. It's his own choice though, and he sticks to the only plan that his mind would formulate for him.

Brian let him have freedom of movement, but Roger didn't stand up. He chose to crawl over to where the belt had been tossed on his hands and knees, wiggling a bit more for Brian's eyes. He didn't look back to see if the other man liked it, and could only hope that he remained just as turned on as he previously was. Roger was a bit weird, but they were already doing this scene thing and he going to get everything he wanted out of it, despite the headspace clouding his mind. If anything, that helped him want things even more clearly.

He didn't think it weird, if his voice was working he might have asked for something even weirder then what he was doing. Roger without hesitation leaned down and bit down on the belt, gathering it into his mouth the best he could. This was kinky, but what Roger needed at the moment. Brian said that he could have what he needed.

Turning back to Brian, Roger looked over with his big blue eyes, darkened by the sexual drive he was experiencing. Brian didn't seem to be fairing much better, he was starting to look like he might bust out of those pants of his. Brian cheekily ran a hand down and pressed down on on the front of his jeans harshly. He rubbed at what he presumed to be the tender cock head, and Roger nearly dropped the belt.

"Fuck baby, fetching my belt back for me like such a good fucking boy. You look gorgeous and all for me Rainbow, bring it back here now. I'll hang it over you neck like a collar and you'll be all mine princess. Or should I say puppy with the way you're crawling?" Brian groaned and ordered, clearly done with the teasing.

Roger wasn't really sure he liked the puppy bit, but moved past the anyways, ready to do whatever his master wanted him too. Brian really was masterful in this situation too, and that was all the Roger wanted. He hoped Brian would choke him with the belt a bit, it would be a good punishment if he dared to act out.

He crawled back slowly, low to the ground like he was showing off every bend of his limbs. He likes the way that Brian's eyes trace over him with an almost physical weight. He feel tiny under those eyes and when he get back to the man, he find he can't even sit up properly. Brian hasn't told him to yet.

"Give me the belt and stuff your face back where it should be sweetheart, my cock was lonely without you there keeping it warm." Brian gritted out, removing his hand to give Roger some room. The word were enticing enough for Roger to simply drop the belt out of his mouth, into Brian open hand and smoosh his face back into those jeans like he was meant to live there.

Roger was satisfied with his own tiny performance and now was back to wanting that cock buried deep into his throat. He was going crazy with being left without. He was pleased when Brian leaned forward to loop the belt around his neck, doubling it up with a strong hand and pulling it so it rested tight, just like an actual collar would.

"Now my sweet little Rainbow, I believe I asked you to use your words. I'll forgive you for not the first time since you put on that lovely little show for me, but now I insist." Brian snarled, gone mad from everything happening. He tightened the belt to punctuate his words for a single second before putting it back into the beginning position. "Beg for me and to warm my cock Roger."

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