Part 18

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Author's note: I did the thing that nobody wanted, but the fluff just came pouring out. It was unstoppable and I was powerless to it ;). Hope you enjoy!

Lube was graciously applied until Roger's insides made an embarrassing squelching noise every time Brian pumps his fingers. It's a bit gross feeling to Roger, but he understands that it's completely necessary. Brian is a big man and he doesn't want to be hurt in anyway during this loving act. He'd heard girls say that losing their virginity hurt, but wasn't exactly sure if it was the same for a man. Roger swallowed the lump in his dry throat, keeping this to himself probably wasn't what Brian would want.

"Will it hurt?" Roger whispers out, his voice betraying just how nervous he is. Brian looks proud that he's brave enough to speak, and that counts for a lot. Roger stomach may be filled with that warm, fuzzy feeling but he's still scared of what's to come.

"I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't baby, but at anytime you wanna stop just tell me. No questions we'll stop and try again some other time. There's no pressure to do this, I'm happy with what we've been doing." Brian explains, effectively calming Roger down once again. Fuck, Brian was such a genuine good guy. This was why Roger loved him.

They kiss lovingly for a few moment, with no tongue at all before Brian back up to look Roger in the eyes. "Are you scared of me Roger?" It's an interesting question, considering what they had just been saying to each other a few minutes ago. Roger shakes his head to it, dismissing his silly boyfriend.

"I'm not scared of you Brian, I'm scared of that massive thing between your legs. Even with those fingers in me, I don't know how it's gonna fit." The words were meant to sound snarky, but they came out kind of shaky.

Brian giggled down into Roger's face, breaking the serious mood between them. Roger has to grin at that, even if he doesn't really get what's so funny. He loves that smile that Brian gets when he's laughing at something. They kiss again while Brian's still laughing, like Roger told a funny joke. Roger pouts when he realizes that Brian his laughing to make fun of what he said. He knew it was a bit cliche, but it had seemed to fit. 

"Babe, it'll fit. I've had sex plenty of times before and have never got anything but compliments for my size." Brian explains, liking the way Roger blushes and squirms around as he speaks. This was a bit of serious conversation for how far into the act that they were, but neither man minded. Communication would always be a good thing, even if it was delaying sex.

"Yeah well, how many of those people were a virgin? I got nothing really to compare to besides my own and I look tiny compared to you." Roger wasn't joking about, but Brian gave him this look and it shut him up.

"Roger, I do have a bigger then average cock. At least from the selection I've seen, and it doesn't matter if anyone else before was a virgin. All that matters is you choosing to give me your virginity now. It's your choice and if you wanna wait, than we'll wait as long as you need." Brian spoke from his heart and his eyes shined brightly as he stared deeply into Roger's.

"Plus, I think it's so fucking hot that you haven't done this before. Like you've been waiting You're whole life for me and now I'm going to show you what you've been missing. A virgin canvas for me to paint into the picture of a harlot. You're so scared this time, but soon you'll be such a slut for my cock." The words were dripping with sexuality, but Roger felt a deeper impact from them.

"I have been waiting Brian, been looking for you my whole life. Waiting for someone to rescue me during one of my worst headaches and sweep me away to a safer place. You're all I've ever wanted." Roger's words were a lot sweeter then Brian's, but that didn't really matter. What mattered was that Brian gave him the sweetest smile and kissed Roger on the forehead like he was a precious being.

Roger had that loved feeling again, swarming around in his chest. God, Brian was such a wonderful boyfriend. He couldn't picture sharing this moment with anyone else. He couldn't picture not losing his anal virginity to Brian this very night.

"I don't wanna wait, I want you now. I'm ready, take out your fingers and fuck me. I trust you." Roger's body fell limp and open for Brian, the panicle of trust. He was still a bit scared, but no amount of words would make that go away. The only way for Roger to not be scared was to go ahead and make Brian show him that it wasn't scary.

Brian retrieved his fingers, and immediately wraps them tightly around his own cock. Like he wanted to feel the wet and body heat from Roger's body. God, what a picture it was. Brian gripping himself and squeezing, with his gaze still settled on Roger no doubt slightly gaping hole. He licked his lips and Roger thought he was going to lose his mind.

"Please." The words was singular and powerful leaving Roger's lips. There was nothing more that he could say then that. He was done begging and done asking, Roger had already laid it all out on the table. It was Brian's move.

Brian's eyes swept over Roger entire body, and he had that wonderful soft smile present on his face the entire time. Like he could believe that they were here, or that Roger could exist at all. "Fuck baby, it's like all the stars in the universe aligned perfectly just so we could meet. You're so beautiful and perfect for me Rainbow. I just want you to know that before we do this, even if we've only been together for days. I think I love you Roger."

Roger's eyes teared up for a completely different reason this time and even through his rock hard dick, he felt like a soft and safe little boy. "I think I love you too." He whispered back, voice raspy with to much emotion. This wasn't the moment he expected to be confessing, and he felt like he might start sobbing before they got to anything else.

Brian's next kiss was a welcomed distraction from everything. Light tongue and heavy emotion, Roger tried not to outright sob with how happy he was. Brian broke their lips apart and gently kissed Roger's wet eye lids. This was their moment.

"I'd like to doing something even better then fuck you Roger. I'd like to make love to you. Slow and sensual, so that you can get used to everything. Would that be alright, even if it's just this first time?" Brian asked, sounding a bit gruff and overemotional himself.

"Yes, please. I want that. You. Anything, fuck I- Brian." Roger thoughts came out jumbled up like they always did when he was tearing up. It was alright though, because Brian just gave him another soft kiss in response.

Brian reaches for the lube again, just in case anything had dried up with all the time they had been taking and dipped those three fingers back inside Roger to check how stretched he still was. Roger squeaked when Brian positioned himself eye-level with the blond's hole. Like he could see inside of Roger to tell if this was going to work. It didn't last long, but that didn't stop Roger from blushing red all the way down to his nipples.

Brian grinned up at him like a maniac and reached up to pinch Roger's right nipple. The blond yelped at the motion, and humped his hips forward seeking any type of friction. Brian reaches down, going for Roger's cock but the blond caught his hand.

"No, if you touch me now I'll come. I want you inside me before I do." Roger was a bit embarrassed with how much of a hair trigger he seemed to be, but was glad that he had grabbed Brian in time. One of Brian's loving pinches to the head of his dick would have had him spraying all of them, and that not what he wanted tonight.

Tonight, he wanted to get fucked.

They were silent and both a looking a bit nervous with the act about to happen. Brian slicked up his cock next, giving it two long and slow pumps. Roger let himself whine then, wanting desperately to be touched as well. Fuck, how long had  it been without even a touch to his achingly hard dick? Too long. He regretted not letting Brian touch him, because he was losing his mind.

Brian spread Roger's legs apart and aligned himself with Roger's waiting entrance. They both sucked in a breath and froze, looking into each other's eyes. "W-Waait." Roger mumbled once more, biting his lip. This was terrifying and he definitely didn't like when Brian was silent.

"It's going to be okay Roger, I'll take care of you." Brian answered, but waited anyways. They wouldn't be doing this at all if Roger didn't want them to. That's not how this worked.

Roger had heard that line before, and it had the same reaction as it did now. Roger relaxed his body and gave Brian a soft smile. "Just don't stop talking to me, I need your voice through this." Roger said with a nod. This was it.

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