Chapter 10

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Author's note: It's been a crazy and exhausting few days, but I've finally had some sleep. Now it's time to sit down a write some fluff and a bit of aftercare because Roger deserves it! ;)

The cafeteria was quiet as it was already late afternoon, and Brian happily pulled back a seat for Roger as soon as they realized that no one would be looking at them. They had both discovered today that Roger wasn't really into the truly public scene, but Brian figured he could get away with a lot without any eyes on them. The sexual tension between the two of them had been dealt with anyways and it left Roger with a whiny feeling in his chest.

It was nice to sit in the chair Brian pulls out for him, letting the other caress his back and give him a light kiss to the back of his head. He's loved and the small group of people reading at the other end of the cafeteria don't give a shit about them.

He sighed as Brian's hand left his skin, not wanting them to be apart quite yet. This was the first time that Roger had experienced something so scandalous in public, and he was nearly desperate for a cuddle. It was hard to say that out loud, whether no one would be listening or not. Roger tried not to whine to much, not wanting anyone else to hear him like that.

"Babe, hold tight I'm gonna go get some coffee for us. I'll be back in a minute." Brian said, while patting lightly at Roger's blonde hair. He loved the feeling of being pet and craved it as soon as the hand was gone.

"Wait!" Roger cried out as soon as his boyfriend went to move away. He sudden loudness made him glance over at the other people in the room, just to make sure he hadn't acquired their attention as well. It was nice that they still completely ignored the two men. Roger suddenly felt childish for worrying and for what he was about to say. "I'd like orange juice instead please."

He felt Brian's eyes study him and it made Roger shift uncomfortably in his seat. Everything in his crotch area was grossly dried and stuck to him and Roger couldn't help the grimace that followed his wiggling. He hated the feeling of cold cum. He hated that at this moment he still felt the need to be a good boy and didn't want to deal with hot liquid. Roger usually loved coffee, but right now he felt vulnerable and soft. He wanted juice.

Brian leaned in close to him and kissed the top of his head sweetly, a look of love in his eyes. "You can have whatever you want baby, I'll even see if I can get you a straw. If you wouldn't mind with those hungover few in the room, you could sit on my lap and I'll hold the cup for you. Roger, my perfect boy." Brian was so good with words, and it always gave Roger a rush of happiness.

Words failed him at that moment, but Roger still hummed happiness from deep in his throat. Brian looked almost turned on at his happy little sound, and if they hadn't both just gotten off Roger could tell that Brian would be on him to make that sound again. Maybe the next time something happened between the two of them it would be soft and sweet; causing Roger to show that side and noises of him. Not that hot and heavy wasn't his favorite, but he could go for soft from Brian as well.

"I'd like that please, wanna be sweet and soft for you." Not the best descriptive terms but Roger was able to tell that Brian liked them anyways. Roger giggled softly, and smiled at Brian. This was that taken care of feeling that he had been missing. He loved having Brian's complete attention like this.

"Kiss me before you go?" Roger pouted, extending his lip forward in an innocent seeming way. He wasn't teasing, if Brian tried to leave without kissing him then he just might cry. He was a sensitive soul and he needed that man to have those wonder lips on his. The world was simple.

Brian kisses him like they had kissed hundred of thousands of times before and it made Roger's heart soar. It was soft and made his heart flutter with feelings that he wasn't really ready to say aloud. It was alright though because when Brian pulls back he looks at Roger like he hung the moon. It's wonderful and Roger knows that Brian has at least a slight thing for space.

"Was that sufficient or would you like another?" Brian actually was teasing him and it made Roger turn a shade of red. Was it needy for him to say yes? A single 30 second kiss wasn't near enough for him when all Roger wanted to do was carve a hole in Brian's side and just crawl in. He wanted more touch, more love and more teasing joy from the man that seemed to own his heart. Roger had never thought he'd be so happy sitting in a shitty school cafeteria with cum dried to his crotch. He was so happy to be present there.

"Another please." Roger voice came out breathless and wanting. How could Brian think that a single kiss could possible be adequate when his lips were that perfect and addictive? He briefly entertained the fact that there were other people in the room and the fact they were in public, but felt no panic for the situation. He was safe here with his wonderful Brian.

"Just one more baby, and then I have to go get you some juice. I need to make sure my baby stay hydrated because he's important to me. So blond and beautiful." Brian says, smiling without a care. He kisses Roger, a bit more filthily this time. Sneaking in a bit of tongue, plundering Roger's open mouth like it was his birthright.

It was his right, Roger was a bigger fan of Brian tongue being in his mouth then his own tongue. Alright, that probably would have been a gross thought to some people. Roger had no regrets when it came to his gross, post sexy times weird thoughts and wouldn't be shamed. Not when Brian was willing to kiss him like this.

The kiss was long and a bit too wet to be considered innocent, but Roger could only crave more. He whined softly as Brian fucked his tongue inward with one last harsh movement. Roger loved how dominate Brian could be, even in the act of kissing. He however, did not love when Brian pulled away and even went as far as stepping back when Roger reaches for him. His heart misses a beat and the heart-aching panic settled in fast.

"No, please come back. Don't leave me, I need you." Roger was desperate, even with his mind supplying him that Brian was just going to make good on that promise of getting a drink. Having Brian step away like that was like having a bucket of water dumped over his soul. Cold enough that it physically hurt. Tears came to his eyes like the world was ending and Roger barely knew what was happening.

He was in a heated hug and back safe within Brian's arms in seconds. The taller man slide himself around Roger and hid him from the outside world. "Shh, baby don't panic. I'm here, you're not alone. You're safe in my arms and I'm not gonna leave. Roger take a deep breath." Brian was sweet in trying to clear Roger's panic.

It helped clear Roger's head again, and he felt silly for the clingy performance he'd just put on. He pushed Brian back slightly and couldn't look him in the eyes. "I'm sorry Brian, I don't know what just came over me." His voice was quiet, but apologetic.

"Roger, that wasn't your fault. I didn't mean to make it seem like I was leaving you. Aftercare is tricky when we're in public like this and it's understandable that you feel very vulnerable. I need you to communicate with me and tell me if you need anything." Brian insisted while reaching forward and petting Roger's hair.

Roger practically purred with that big calloused hand stroking at his hair. It made sense to him because Brian always seemed to know just what he was talking about. His man was a smart one. Brian wanted him to talk about what he needed, because he wanted to help. He felt loved.

"I'm feeling awfully sticky down there Brian, do you think we would be able to clean up in the bathroom before getting something to drink?" He asked a bit hesitantly. They were never going to get to his place to study if they kept making out stops like this. He had remind himself that Brian genuinely cared and wouldn't be mad if everything didn't go according to plan. Roger wasn't stupid for needed attention, Brian genuinely wanted to take care of him.

"Alright baby, let's go get you cleaned up first. Anything my princess needs." Brian's voice was completely serious as he pulled Roger out of his chair, and he looked quite determined.

"Kay, Daddy." Roger mumbled without even meaning too, causing him to blush deeply. Brian kissed him sweetly again and gave him a small push towards the bathroom. His hand slunk downwards to rest on Roger ass in a motion that felt like a secret between the two of them. He liked the warm hand on him at all times and never wanted it to leave. The best feeling in the world.

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