Chapter 15

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Author's note: Back again, for a bit of a hotter chapter. Last week was a hell of a week, and I haven't had a day off in a while. But hey, my bank account liked this weeks paycheck? I hope you enjoy this and stick around for more!

Roger was startled awake to a hand spanking down on his bottom. His heart pounded fast until he realized that it was Brian. Whom was already on the bed with him and completely naked, stroking a large erection while pawing at Roger's ass. Roger wondered just how long and peacefully he had been asleep for, because he clearly hadn't heard Brian come in. Even in his tired haze, it was easy to decide that he absolutely loved this.

"Sorry to wake you up baby, but I couldn't take it anymore. Fuck, you left yourself so open and vulnerable just for me. You have no idea how long I've been here, touching you. Watching you squirm and whine for me. Did you know that you said my name in your sleep?" Brian growled and licked his lips hungrily. Roger loved that look on his face and those possessive hands on his skin.

Roger whimpered slightly, but didn't move as he wanted Brian's hand to stay where it was. This was just as good as he had pictured it being, and he liked how close Brian was to him. They were both naked and unafraid to touch each other, which was wonderful in Roger's eyes. He felt so open and loved, safe with Brian's large hands on him; a feeling that was beginning to be familiar to him.

"I studied and tried to stay up and wait for you to come home. Didn't even realize I was falling asleep. Of course I said your name, you're the only thing on my mind. I was so hard for you earlier and I waited because I'm good." Roger reported back, rather proud of himself. He wasn't sure he his quite, sleepy rambling made much sense, but It certainly caught Brian's attention.

Brian chuckled back at the blond and spanked his ass, seeming to like the way Roger jumped for him. Roger sniffled at Brian's cruelty, but didn't protest to the hit. Punishment for not being awake when Brian was clearly hard and wanting for him? Or perhaps for falling asleep instead of staying up to greet his boyfriends return home.

"You're pretty hard right now baby, I can tell you're leaking onto that pillow. Fuck, you have no idea how much it effected me to walk into the room and see those hips elevated with that pillow. Like you were trying to show off that pretty hole for me." Brian's voice was deep with  arousal and it sent shivers down Roger's spine.

"The pillow is so soft and I thought it might stop me from touching." Roger answer had been a tad quite, and he blushed a bit red from it. Brian leered at him like he was the most wonderful thing in the world and pushed on Roger's ass so he ground down onto the pillow.

Roger moaned loud for Brian and arched into that heavy hand, liking the pressure he received back. Brian's pupils were blown wide, and his cock bobbed hard between his legs. He was apparently getting just as much out of this was Roger was.

"Such a good fucking boy, not coming when I'm not home. You stayed there all aching hard and studied instead of pleasuring yourself. You make me so proud baby, what should I do in return for you?" The look on Brian's face could only be described as hungry and it made Roger heart thump hard. Something else was achingly hard from it too.

"What were you doing before you woke me up?" Roger's voice was both curious and sweet, like Brian's answer might destroy him. On a small level it might actually; his hole felt a bit odd and a bit open. Just like right after that time that Brian had slid a finger in. Did Brian do that to him when he wasn't conscious? God, could he just hurry up and do it again when Roger was awake?

"Don't avoid the question baby, tell me what you need right now. This isn't about how I held you open and spit on that pretty hole of yours before you woke up or how I stripped naked and rubbed my cock against that soft ass." Brian growled out, pinching the tip of Roger's cock like he always seemed to like doing.

Roger howled at the pain and forced his ass farther into the air. He could only hope his spread legs and open hole were as enticing as he was banking on them being. "Please, need that again. I can feel myself having nothing, when I need something inside. A finger, your tongue, please anything you'll give!" Roger begged desperately.

Brian was quick to lean over and push his tongue into Roger's already slightly open body, making the blonde cry out and clench. That foreign feeling of having something in his body made Roger just about lose his mind in pleasure. The high pitch sound that ripped out of his throat was loud for how late it was that night. He was sure that Brian would get a noise complaint.

A finger was added in the mix of things and Roger was in a sudden haze of heaven. The assault was quick and Brian never seemed to give him a second to breathe. It felt wonderful, even with the last dredges of sleep still clinging to his being. Like, Roger kind of wanted to yawn and yet all that came out was high pitched shrieks every time a special spot inside him was touched. Brian seemed to like the sounds, judging by how how he insistently presses there.

"You like that baby? Like my fingers inside you, tweaking again your prostate? I can see your little dick jumping each time, and those sounds you make are making me want to come. Fuck, I'm losing my mind over here Roger. Will you be a good boy and suckle on the head of my cock? Turn a bit and let me lay down beside you."

Roger did as asked without hesitation, and watched impatiently as Brian slowly moved. It was definitely teasing for Brian to be moving that slowly, along with the fact that he removed his fingers with a final harsh jab.

Roger jolted forward as soon as Brian was in his desired position, only to be stopped by a firm hand. He whined pathetically and let his lip wobble with emotion. Roger just wanted to be good boy and suck some cock, but Brian was always stopping him from doing that. He was frustrated and near crazy for it.

"Please let me. I wanna do it for you, want to suck you down my throat. Wanna choke and sputter because of how big you are Brian. Please let me, I need it." Roger tried begging, starting to feel like he'd never get the play to suck Brian's cock.

"I don't know baby, I like the sounds you make writhing on my fingers and I won't be able to hear them with those sinful lips around my cock. Do you think you deserve my cock in your mouth? Tell me you do baby, and you can have it. Just wanna hear you say it for me." Brian rambled on, looking at Roger like he hung the moon.

"I think I was good and didn't come when you were gone, even if I wanted to. I studied for my test and before that, I did something special just for you. Have you noticed Bri? What I did just for you?" It was suddenly as though Roger was turning the tables on Brian, and it made him feel powerful.

Brian was quiet for a few moments, but his eyes swept over Roger's body. It was like the man had been in such a hurry to touch and get them both hard and naked that he hadn't taken in the details. Which meant that Roger got to see the exact moment that Brian noticed his surprise. The way that his eyes darted back to the certain places on Roger's body for a double or triple take and just how dark his eyes got with lust.

"Roger, you shaved off the rest of the hair? Just for me?" It was Brian's turn to be the shy one, which was quite the shift in dynamics between the two of them. It made Roger's to early feelings of love bubble up and almost spill out. He had to say something else, before he said something he shouldn't.

"Yeah. Wanted to do something special for my hard working boyfriend." Roger said with a sly smile, licking his lips and pursing them. He was hoping that he looked sexy, it was hard to tell. Was that something he should be practicing in the mirror? The best Roger could hope for was that he wasn't giving that squinty, confused look that always seemed to show up in pictures of him. Brian didn't leave him worrying for long.

"Fuck baby, get those lips down on my cock right now."

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