Chapter 13

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Author's note: Cute, short chapter that only has Roger and his fantasies in it.

Roger stumbled home a little upset that Brian wasn't with him but understanding of the situation. He had to be understanding about people picking up shifts at work, because Roger wanted to do that as well. Brian could probably use the money, especially after spending some on Roger. He already felt bad that Brian had to buy him new drumsticks but they move past that apparently. Roger was already counting days until he can afford to pay him back, despite the sex. Brian had said it wasn't necessary, but Roger still had to plan to pay them back just for his peace of mind.

These last few days he had been using Brian as a crutch and that probably couldn't go on in the future. He was a big boy, and could deal with life himself. He tried to be good for his daddy. Rog could only hope that Brian would be proud of him.

Sometimes it was hard to be good, and Roger was new to the concept to begin with. Like, perhaps he should have told Brian how much his eyes were irritating him all day. It had been easy to ignore in favor of an orgasm, but now alone with his thoughts, made him dizzy. Roger felt a bit lightheaded because of it and light sensitive as well. No more public for him today, enough was enough.

Brian's keys that heavy in his pocket bringing attention to his mind that he wasn't wearing any underwear under his jeans. It was a strange feeling and almost a welcome distraction to his eye problem. If he focused on that small inconvenience, then maybe he could ignore the larger problem at hand. That usually worked pretty well over all.

He felt a bit unprotected from the elements and the people around him and wanted nothing more than to have a hug from his boyfriend. It wasn't Brian's fault that he had to go in to work but Roger wish he wasn't feeling so vulnerable. He squinted desperately at the road, trying to focus on the uneven pavement. He needed Brian around to distract him from how badly he needed glasses.

His own shitty apartment was only moments away from where they had been in the cafeteria, but the slow trudge there had taken him a seemingly long amount of time. He still felt a bit hazy and it made him slow. Perhaps it was his body telling him he was over sexed after getting nothing for so long. Perhaps it was because he'd nearly walked into a moving car because he hadn't been paying clear attention and had decided to snail pace shuffle after that.

It didn't matter though because seeing his home made him feel safe once more. It was second after he had arrived that he was slamming the door closed and stripping off his clothes to replace them with fresh ones. It was nice to have underwear on and a shirt that was his own, as nice as it had been being all dressed down for Brian. He felt like himself again.

This was the first alone time he had gotten since him and Brian had started this thing. It was quiet and Roger took a moment to reflect upon his past few days. Dating Brian had been one of the most wonderful things he had ever experienced, even with the short amount of time it had been happening for. He felt like a new person and for the first time since early childhood; had someone he knew he could count on. If his eyes would just behave then all would be good in Roger's world.

It was easy to see how happy he looked now, even when looking in the small smudged mirror he owned. Brian made him so fucking happy. Happiness was a thing that he had nearly forgotten about with all the struggles to make rent and function with school. Hard believe this all started because he decided to grow a pair and audition for a band.

His body was already covered in little hickeys and a few finger shaped bruises. He loved every one of those marks, taking a moment to run his own fingers down them with a smile not leaving his face. Even if it would be hours before he saw Brian again, he had these reminders that his boyfriend was very much into him and his body.

The thought occurred to him that Roger could surprise Brian by doing something special for him. He didn't want to go over board with it like going out and buying a pair of panties to wear. He didn't have the money for that at the moment and he very much wanted Brian to pick his first pair out for him. It had been Brian's kink anyways and while Roger wanted to try, he wasn't sure he would even like wearing them. What if they chaffed his cock or were just plain uncomfortable?

Another idea he had would be to prepare himself physically for when Brian returned home. Of course, that would mean he'd have to finger himself for what would be the first time ever and then present to Brian that he actually did that. Roger didn't feel confident that he'd be able to do a good enough job so that Brian's big cock could penetrate him. That man's dick was a fucking huge masterpiece, but they had done the full fucking thing yet and Roger also wanted that to be kind of special. He wanted those long calloused fingers deep inside him, warning him up for that cock.

He did have one other option though, and it was one that Roger knew Brian would like. He had had his private parts shaved, but still had a tiny amount of hair on his legs and quite a bit around his armpits. He could shave that all off without problem and tell Brian that he wanted to be hairless and innocent for him to ruin. Roger bit down on his lip just thinking about how his lover would react.

The touches Roger knew he would receive, along with the kisses would be worth the trouble of him doing that. It wouldn't be much, but he knew that would make Brian's night. Maybe even make his own night, as if that wouldn't already true because he got to see Brian again.

Roger grabbed his knapsack that held the book he needed for studying and added some clothes, so he had something for school tomorrow. He suddenly felt giddy and excited to no longer be in his safe place of an apartment. He'd been so set on coming back here when leaving Brian, but it did nothing for him now.

With new excitement, Roger locked the door to his apartment and practically skipped away. Onward to greater and sexier things.

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