Part 2

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Author's note: Did you miss me? I've been struggling with my work schedule lately, but in my free time have been slowly working on this! Will start posting this to AO3 very soon, just not today. Thank for reading!

They cuddle together for longer then they should have if trying not to be caught by Tim. Roger can't decide if he cares that Tim will know about them, as two thirds of this band probably shouldn't have to hide themselves away. Though, with how he just ended up acting outside of the building he's a bit worried. Roger hadn't expected to be that much of a drama queen. He wanted to ask Brian if he still thought it was alright, but kept quiet to not make another fuss. For now, Roger just snuggled back and enjoyed sitting on Brian's lap.

It feels so nice to be surrounded by Brian that Roger never wants to move, and the other man clearly agree with him. There's not much talking between the two of them, but there doesn't really have to be. Roger low key wants to ask for another kiss, but is too nervous to after how the last one turned out. Brian was a very kind man, but Roger didn't want to push the limits. He wasn't sure what he'd do if Brian didn't want to snuggle anymore. He was currently using that contact as a lifeline.

Brian takes excellent care of him, like he promised to. There are kisses peppered to the back of his head, and a water bottle brought lovely up to Roger's lips for him to sip at. "Just drink a little bit more babe, those tears probably dehydrated you. Want you in top condition to play those drums for me." Brian soothed, with some heavy petting. Water goes down Roger's throat smoothly without him ever touching the bottle, and he relaxes into Brian at the feeling. It soothing to have another person tip the bottle at his lips in way that Roger had never even realized. He was in heaven for those few moments.

Roger also liked that Brian's hand always seemed to be roaming his body. It was comforting and meant that clearly Brian wasn't mad about earlier events, because no one would be so touchy if angry. He relaxed and laid back fully against Brian's sturdy body, liking that he could feel his heart beat. It was calming to sit like this and Roger had nearly forgotten about his earlier panic. This made him feel loved and cherished, no matter what happened earlier. He felt almost sleepy as Brian hummed sweetly to him, kissing the side of his face like he was something precious.

Tim made a loud entrance, but neither man moved away. Roger was to sleepy to hop off of Brian's lap and even if he tried the other man was holding him there. He was firm in Brian's embrace and if he looked up he'd see the cocky grin the taller man sprouted. Brian and Tim had been friends for quite some time, and perhaps they were used to each other's antics. He hoped that Tim wouldn't be bothered by their outward display of affection.

"Great, you've suckered our brand new drummer into being your new pet. Thought you didn't want to get involved with bandmates?" Tim sneered, but in a playful tone. Roger was beginning to see that he showed friendship in strange ways, and perhaps didn't always mean to be so insulting. Tim was a weird character to begin with, but it's was his experience that all singers were.

"He's not my pet Tim; he's my boyfriend. I didn't want to date you cause your straight and very much not my type. Don't take it so personally." Brian answered with an easy laugh, shaking off the rude comment like he'd been doing it for years. He probably had.

"Please, I'm the sexiest thing to roam this Earth." Tim said with a frown, eyeing Roger thoughtfully. "Though you seem to like the girly ones with the eyelashes and full lips, so it's probably safe to say we wouldn't have worked out."

Roger flushed red at the sudden attention and the comment about his appearance. That was was embarrassing in more ways then one. What was with Tim insinuating that he and Brian nearly dated as well? It was driving Roger mad with the not knowing. God Roger could just picture the two of them together, both tall and all limbs. There would be a common fight for dominance every time they did anything sexual. Roger would buy tickets to watch that.

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