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It was then that the evil demon spawn came to her, such a lowly coward, striking at the hearts of mortals in their moment of grief and despair. " May I come in?" the soft spoken sweet gentle voice asked, as he made his way closer to the window. " I do not know who you are but I do know your kind and you are not welcomed here night walker" my mother replied as she grabbed the crucifix off the mantle. "Get back you son of Satan, get back" my mother shouted at the man who was dressed in all black. " I can assure you madame I mean you no harm, my only wish is to help your ailing child, now i am not sure if it is going to work but I will at least give it a try" the stranger replied." Now I know you love little Maya and do not want her to die, please let me help you, I already had my fill for the night I promise you Gloria I won't bite." My mother contemplated on his offer for a while then went into her bedroom and took out all her pieces of silver jewelery and laid it upon her body and around my neck as well as a rosary. After a while of internal dilemma she simply stated " You may enter." "Thank you" said the man. " I promise you I'll try my best to save her, and if I do, you must give me something in return, deal?"

"I do not make deals with the devil" my mother shouted and the man hissed and his fangs came out he grabbed my mother by the throat and said" you will give me what i want in return for saving your daughter ma'am, no if's or maybes, I can assure you!" My mother shook her head with fright and replied "yes sir, I will do whatever you ask, just please save my child. The man smiled and turned to face me and said "your mommy loves you and would do just about anything to save you, even make deals with death, so you must be grateful to her always, okay Maya?" I simply said yes because at that time I had no idea what he meant. "Well hmm, I know that Maya has a strange type of blood running through her veins, OHA+ to be exact, never heard of that before, how do you---?" " How did you know that?" my mother asked as she cut him off midway, the man chuckled and replied "I have been paying particularly close attention to you and your kid Gloria, what i like i take a keen interest in" he simply replied. "You have been stalking us?" my mom asked with a hint of disgust in her tone. "No not stalking just watching like a protector you can say." My mother shot him a disdainful look.

"How again are you going to save my daughter?" my mother asked 'oh" he said jubilantly as if my mother caught him off guard reminiscing on an old memory. "See I am some what of a scientist, and when i found out about your daughter's unique blood, i stole a sample and mixed it with my own just to test the outcome and it was astonishing!" he said with his eyes bright and full of wonder. "Her blood, when mixed with my own, makes the blood stronger, it gets all of my strengths but none of my weaknesses, like silver or sunlight, it's unlike anything I've seen in my centuries roaming the earth."What did you just say?"my mother whimpered, "you can't be serious, please tell me that you are not planning on giving my daughter your blood!" she shouted."That is precisely what I am planning on doing my dear Gloria. "Oh no, certainly not, i will not allow you to harm her" my mother said frantically.

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