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"I am going home whether you like it or not, and there is nothing you can do to stop me! And if anybody found out who I am that's only because you told them, seeing that I haven't told anybody besides you." I bolted past him and stalked out of the house. I sprinted home and as I came through my front door I was greeted by my best fried Adam, he was somebody I knew I could always count on, it was like he was a mind reader or something, he was always there for me when I needed him, like he could sense whenever I needed help or a shoulder to cry on.

"Hey babe, where you been, I tried calling you, but i did not get through, it went straight to voice mail" As Adam spoke, unwanted memories came flooding back to me, and I remembered my near death experience with Tristan's lap dog Vlad, who almost killed me, if he were still alive, I would surely have savored killing him! I would torture him first, let his screams be music to my ears as i cut away into his icy flesh with silver, and a huge grin flashed across my face.

"Hey, whats so funny" Adam asked.  

"Oh nothing, you know the usual, I went out to kill a vampire, he tried to kill me"

"Maya". He called softly, "Um, do you hate being what you are, having vampire blood in your veins?"

"Not really, some days I really hate it and some days I love it" I replied honestly.

" Don't you get fed up of that, the constant fighting, killing, hunting?"  he asked. 

"No!" I shouted, A vampire took the only thing that mattered in this world away from me when I was just a little kid, He stole my mom, he left me abandoned and alone, therefore I will not stop killing, till I have found him!" I screamed.

"Okay I am sorry, please..... forgive me Maya. I did not mean to upset you," but," he said as he looked at me with puppy dog eyes "do you really mean that there is nobody in this world that you care for? What about me Maya, you know I have always loved y.." Oh gosh not this again.

"Adam I thought I made myself perfectly clear last time, I ...only a ...friend....., nothing more. Please accept that." I said as I turned my back to him.  

"Well, you can't blame a man for trying I suppose." he chuckled.  

"Well I am going to take a shower, I reek and my breath stinks" I said as I made my way to the bathroom. After taking a nice long shower, I brushed my teeth, got out and strolled over to the kitchen where Adam had prepared the most scrumptious meal I had ever smelled.

"Wow, that smells great" I said. "Welcome" he chirped as he placed the plate of food on the table in front of me.  

"What are your plans tonight?" he asked  

"You know same old same old go stake a vampire" Adam sighed " Maya not cause you are a mix breed or whatever it is you are, that does not mean that I do not worry about you, please be careful, okay," he cautioned with a hint of worry trembling in his voice. Whew, thank God I did not tell him about my near death experience last night, then he would have really been off his rockers I thought to myself.  

"Hey, " he called casually as he looked over his shoulder "there's something that I have been meaning to ask you for quite sometime now?" he said as he wiped down the kitchen counter  

"Okay, ask away" I responded.  

"How do you distinguish between a vampire and a human? they disguise themselves pretty well, they blend in inconspicuously "  

"Ha ha " I laughed out loud. " Well i am a 'mixed breed' as you so delicately put it just now hence, I can differentiate between the two. "  

"But why are they unable to tell what you are then?" he asked puzzled  

" I do not know, I guess my human blood over powers everything else.  

"Okie dokie then, can you say freaky, anyway, I'm out, got to go to work" Adam said from across the room.

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