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Tristan crossed the small room and picked Adam up by his throat and threatened "I will have your neck if you touch her again, she is mine! She belongs to me!"

"Maya is not a dog, she belongs to no one" Adam shouted. Tristan then punched him in the face and uttered "I did not ask a question, I made a statement!"

"Tristan stop this now" I said. "Put him down. Now!"

He flung Adam like a doll. "Maya, is this true, did you love him long ago, thats why you gave your innocence to him.?" he asked, rage still in his voice.

"I was young and in high school, I was going through... changes and Adam was there, that was long before I met you." I replied

"How many men have you slept with in total?" he asked still outraged.

"Just two" I replied.

"Does that two include me?" he asked still fuming


"How many times have you slept with him?" he pointed to Adam, who laid bleeding on the floor. "Just one time." I replied honestly.

He believed me, just by the wave of emotions I exumed towards him, he knew I was telling the truth.

"Then why was he kissing you and why are you naked." Shit I was so caught up in the moment I forgot I was in my birthday suit. I quickly grabbed a towel and covered myself, then turned to him and said

"Listen to me Tristan Bailey, you do not own me anymore. I am no longer yours, you gave up that right when I found out you betrayed me. Now get out!" I screamed at him.

"I do not know how to let you go My, you are my everything, I will die without you."

"Well die then." I uttered. " By the way, how were you able to get in here, I thought vampires had to be invited in."

"You are bound to me and I to you,wherever you are I will be, Nothing, not even a non invitation into a human's house could keep me away."

"Oh I see"  I mumbled.

"Tristan I do not want you, and I do not love you! please get out!"

"So its him you want?" he asked with pain stricken eyes.

"Yes, now go!"

He kissed me on the lips and then took his leave.

"Thats the man you fell in love with, I'm glad you saw him for what he really is an egotistical possessive bastard, I'm glad you chose to be with me" Adam said, wiping away the blood from his lips.

"I do not want you Adam, I love Tristan, but I need some time away from him, that's why i told him that. Please leave me be."

Adam reached out and grabbed my breasts and said "come on I know what you want"

I picked him up by his hair and flung him out the bathroom and closed the door.

"I'm sorry Maya" he said as he walked away.

When I got out of the shower,  I dressed and decided to go take a walk to clear my head. "Later Adam" I shouted "I will be back in a while, don't wait up."

"Where are you going?" he asked. I lied smoothly "over to Tristan's club" I did not want Adam to think he still had a chance at being with me.

"Oh" he said glumly.

A few hours later I returned to Adam's houseand saw him sitting there.

He was shocked to see me." What are you doing here?" he asked

"What do you mean by that? Look I know that we are going through a rough patch, but we are friends, we will overcome it." I said smilingly.

At that very moment I heard a knock on the door. It was Daniel.

"Daniel!" I exclaimed, "what are you doing here? Please come in."  I opened the door wider and Daniel made his way inside and sat down.

"I...I...I...was.. o-o-on my way t-to- see you. He said breathlessly.

"What, what's wrong" I asked worried.

"We were over at Club Chocolate, the master and I since he had to hide out, when your friend over there came barging in with the king. I shot Adam an evil glance. So that's what he meant when he asked what was I doing here? Daniel continued, they asked for you, but Tristan never responded. Tristan then signalled me to go hide. Adam had betrayed you, he went to the king and told him you were at club chocolate with Tristan, the thing is, how did he know we were there?"

"It's my fault, I swear I did not know Tristan was hiding out there. Adam asked me where I was going and I really did not feel for his company so I lied and said to Tristan's club. If I had known you all were there, I would not have lied." I said with regret.

I walked over to Adam and slapped him. "Is this what jealousy does to you, that you would betray me?" I asked

"You deserve it you whore. You both should die for all I care. If I can't have you no man can, even if that means your death." He spat.

I don't know what came over me in that moment, but I plunged my hand into Adam's chest, ripping out his heart and I felt no remorse. Adam's body slumped t the ground. I was more vampire than I thought.

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