2: Who Are You?

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Yoongi POV:

"Shut up," the dog commanded for like the fifth time in the last two minutes. 

What can I say? I really don't like being handcuffed and thrown over the shoulder of a dog. I've never been this close to a dog before. No one has. Our hybrid packs always used guns and bows to shoot at each other from long distances away, so our kinds technically have never seen each other face to face until now. Or, more like face to back. A back which I was pounding on with my fists as I demanded to be let go.

"Let me go!"

"For the last time, no! If you don't shut up, I'm going to gag you."

I huff and give one last, hard punch on his back before becoming absolutely silent. If he wants me to shut up, I won't say a word. At all.

After walking for a few more minutes,  we arrived at some kind of camp run by the dogs. I turn my head to both sides, and shivers run down my spine as I noticed all of the dogs staring at me.

"Namjoon, go get Jungkook."

"Okay," the tallest of the four dogs jogs away deeper into the camp.

Just for the heck of it, I randomly slam my knee into the ribs of the dog holding me, and he yelps as he doubles over, making me fall off his shoulder and onto the ground.

"Ouch! You little jerk! What was that for!"

I spitefully turn my head away without answering. After all, he told me to shut up, didn't he? He just grumbles and pulls me to my feet by the rope handcuffs that bind my wrists together. When he lets go, I turn and start leisurely walking back to the tree line, but he grabs my tail.

"Ow!" I turn around and smack his hand and hiss as the other three dogs laugh and form a triangle around me so I can't go anywhere. While they laugh, I manage to remove the ropes from my wrists.

"Taehyung," one of the dogs says to the one who captured me, "you really did find an entertaining one."

"I know, right? And she's the first one anybody has seen up close."

My eyes widened as I heard him misgender me. "Hey! I'm a male you imbecile! A he, not a she!"

"Really? But you're so small, cute, and callipygian! I thought you were a girl with short hair!" (A/N: Callipygian means "having shapely buttocks", and yes, I looked it up just for this)

"I am not! I'm a man!"

At this, they all laughed again. "A man?" Taehyung snickered. "There's no way you're older than 16."

"I am 18! Legal adult age! I just turned 18 about a month ago." Taehyung laughed with the other two and opened his mouth to reply, but they all stiffened and looked behind me. "What? What is it?" I turn around.

"What's going on over here?" A new dog I haven't seen yet walks up to the triangle along with Namjoon, the dog who had been sent to get 'Jungkook'. I guess that's this new dog's name.

I look at him up and down. He's pretty built. Looks really fast, too. There's no way I could out-run him. Frick. 

"I found this cat resting in our borders," Taehyung stepped forward.

"Is that so?" Jungkook asks with a head tilt before turning to me. "What were you doing near dog territory?"

I roll my eyes. "Well, sir, if you were listening to that idiot over there, you would have heard that I was resting," I sarcastically stated, gesturing to Taehyung.

Jungkook's eyes narrow at me and his voice drops, like, 12 octaves. "Careful, kitty, you might want to watch that attitude with me. Do you know who I am?"

After quickly recovering from the shivers his voice sent straight down my spine, I replied as strong as I could manage. "No, I do not."

"I, am Jungkook. King of the canines." He straightens his back and sticks his chin higher, just to look down on me.

Oh crap, he's an important guy.

"S... so?" I gulp, trying to be cool about it.

"So?" He chuckles darkly. "You're in my  territory now. And I do not tolerate disrespect."

His powerful aura made me want to get on the floor with a head bent in submission and apologize, but my pride as a prince prevented me from doing so. Instead, I stay silent as I struggle to keep eye contact, forcing my tail to sway so that it wouldn't drop and reveal my feelings.

"Who are you?"

I flinch very noticeably, but manage to keep eye contact. "That's none of your business, your highness." I straighten my back and attempt to have a taller and more authoritative posture. Maybe I could appear slightly intimidating if I'm lucky. 

"That's for me to decide. Tell me who you are."

"No, thank you," I chuckled nervously.

"Excuse me?"

"You know," I told him, "I should really be heading home now. My family is probably looking for me..." I turn and start walking to the woods, but Taehyung and Namjoon stand in my way. "Excuse me, I need to leave."

A hand grabs my wrist and I suck in a breath. I'm spun around to face Jungkook.

"Where do you think you're going?"


"You aren't going anywhere. You could be a spy or a soldier."

"I'm not, I swear! I don't even have a weapon!"

"Then what were you doing near canine territory? Who are you?"

"I'm not telling you anything."

"Very well," he sneers and pulls me forwards. "I'll keep you as a prisoner of war, and I'll decide what to do with you later. Jimin," he pushes me to the talkative dog from earlier, and gives him a command. "Take him to my personal tent. I want to watch him myself. And while you're at it, get a few guards stationed over there to make sure he can't escape while I'm gone."

"Okay," he starts dragging me away from the others, before telling me, "Good luck, kitty."

(A/N: Y'all I really can't write in present tense or specific POV. This is tragic, and I'm sorry for any eyes that suffered while reading this. lol)

Cats Vs Dogs [Sugakookie/Yoonkook]Where stories live. Discover now