7: It's A Fortress

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Yoongi's POV:

"Wake up, sleepy head."

I groaned and shuffled around to face the other direction, pulling the blanket higher as I completely ignored Jungkook.


"Nooooooo," I whined. I just feel so tired, that I swear I can't get up. I stayed up late last night worrying about today. The day we go away to the castle.

To my dismay, the blanket was snatched away from me. I shivered as my source of warmth was taken, and I curled up into a ball, whining tiredly.

"Yoongi, it's time to get up. We're leaving soon, and I need to take the tent down."


"Yoongi, get up."

Tiredly getting annoyed faster than I normally would, I mumbled, "Make me." 

I heard Jungkook growl lowly, but my exhausted, irritated self couldn't care less. Even when he gritted out the response, "Fine."

Now, most people at this point would do one of two things: literally drag me out of bed by my feet, or dump cold water on me to wake me up faster. However, it was neither of these two things that caused my abrupt awakening. Instead, it was Jungkook's hand smacking my butt.

"Ow!" I shot up in the bed and turned to glare at Jungkook, who was now a few steps away from the bed. "Did you just spank me?" I asked in disbelief.

Jungkook crossed his arms and glared back. "I told you to get up."

"Did you just spank  me?" 

"Yes, and if you don't get up right now I'll do it again."

"You're not my mom! You can't do that!" I straightened my back as I challenged him.

"Watch me," Jungkook uncrossed his arms as he took a step to the bed.

My eyes widened, and by his second step I was scrambling off of the bed. "I'm getting up! I'm getting up!"

"That's what I thought."

I huffed and glared as I walked passed him over to the bags that my parents had delivered to me, containing my important belongings and some clothes. I yawned as I zipped two of the three bags closed and pulled an outfit out of the third. 

"Someone's tired. I told you to go to bed sooner, but you didn't listen."

"Screw off and get lost, Jeon. I need to change clothes."

"I'm not going anywhere. This is my tent."

I stood up and walked with my clothes to the entrance. "Then I guess I'll go to someone else's tent--"

Jungkook marched over to me and grabbed my arm, holding me back. "There's no way I'm letting you change in someone else's tent."

"There's no way I'm letting you watch me change," I argued back, copying his exact tone.

We glared at each other as we held each other's gazes, neither of us wanting to back down or show weakness. He may be physically stronger, but I will win as many verbal arguments as I can, and this one is definitely not one I'm willing to give up on. After a few seconds that dragged on in the tense atmosphere, Jungkook pulled me back into the room and left the tent, but not without having an attempt at having 'the final word'.

"You have exactly two minutes to change and bring your bags out before I take the tent down, with or without you in it."

I huffed yet again, but complied and quickly changed, stuffing my sleepwear into the third bag before zipping it closed and picking it up with the other two. Two minutes after Jungkook left the tent, I was walking out of it with my bags and a frown on my face. I'm still tired.

"Right on time," Jungkook came from around the tent, along with a few others.

I couldn't hold back my scoff. Oops.

"Yoongi!" Jin scolded as he walked over to me. "Rid yourself of that attitude right now, mister," he smacked the back of my head before turning to the others. "Ignore him. He just hates being woken up, and he can be quite cranky in the morning."

I dropped my bags and rubbed the back of my head, glaring at Jin. "Aren't we supposed to be leaving? Don't we have a castle to go to?"

"It's a fortress. We have to leave now to go to my fortress," Jungkook answered, "but because someone  didn't want to wake up, I still have to take my tent down. While I do that, you can take your stuff to the wagons with everyone else."

I didn't comment on his blatantly obvious jab at me and just silently picked my stuff up.

Jungkook turned to the others. "Meet me at the wagons." And with that, he entered the tent.

"Well, you heard the man. Let's go!" Jimin declared, picking up his stuff and leading the way.

Everyone followed him through the camp to the edge of the forest on the opposite side from where the feline fortress is. By the forest, there were large wooden wagons with a roof so that we could sit inside. 

We walked over to a cart and put our stuff in it, filling it up since we would be sitting in a different wagon. I watched as many canine hybrids packed tents and luggage into the wagons, and eventually I noticed Jungkook doing the same. When he was finished, he joined us again, and we walked to another wagon.

"You guys don't mind sharing a wagon, do you?"

Jin shrugged along with Jungkook's friends and they walked down to the next wagon together.

"Are we not going with them?"

"No," Jungkook answered. "We have our own. More privacy that way. Besides, seven people in one wagon would be overcrowded."

"But couldn't Jin come with us?"


I huffed and pouted. This sucks. 

Jungkook sighed. "If you want, you can sleep on the way there."

Nevermind, this is great.


"Yoongi, wake up. We're here."

I opened my eyes and slowly lifted my head up, yawning and stretching. How long was I asleep? Wordlessly, I get up and follow Jungkook out of the wagon, allowing him to help me get down. 

"Do you want me to get your stuff?"

I nodded tiredly, rubbing my eyes, just wanting to lay down on a real bed-- and not just a cot in a tent. It wasn't very comfortable and it made me lose sleep.

"You still look sleepy. Do you want me to carry you instead? I can make someone else take your stuff in."

I tiredly nodded again, not attentive enough to care about anything at the moment. My only thought was that I wouldn't have to walk and I might be able to continue napping. So I didn't put up any fight when I was lifted up into Jungkook's arms. Instead, I wrapped my arms and legs around him like a koala, and rested my head in the crook of his neck.

Jungkook took a few steps away from the wagon, and I snuck a glance and the castle. It was pretty big, but not overly grand as if he was full of himself and ran around being power hungry all day. Very homey.

"You're castle looks nice," I mumbled.

"It's not a castle. It's a fortress."

"No no nonono," I giggled tiredly. "A fortress is surrounded by strong walls. That  is a castle."

As Jungkook continued to protest, his even steps and comfortable embrace lulled me back to sleep, along with his deep, soothing voice. 

(A/N: Would y'all want mini side story chapters about Namjin's relationship? I was thinking about how cute it would be to fill in all of the story line gaps that concern side characters like that.)

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