28: Four Months

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Beomgyu woke up crying for the 6th time in the middle of the night. A new record.

Jungkook groaned as he woke up to Beomgyu's high pitched wails. Yoongi groggily rubbed his eyes before reaching behind him and lightly tapping Jungkook's shoulder.

"Tag, you're it," Yoongi mumbled.

"What? No, you go get him."

"It's your turn."

"But I got up last time," Jungkook argued.

"And I got up the first four times," Yoongi grumbled. "It's your turn."

Jungkook growled, but it quickly turned into whines as he gave in and got out of bed. "Fine. If it's a poopy diaper, I'm going to drop it on your face."

"You better not," Yoongi hissed before rolling over and pulling the covers higher over himself.

Jungkook finally stumbled over to the crib and picked Beomgyu up, bouncing him and patting his back as he walked to the changing table. Once he got there he lifted the baby up and smelled his bottom. 


Definitely a dirty diaper.

Jungkook sighed and rubbed his eyes after he set Beomgyu down. Every night had been like this for the whole three months that Beomgyu had been alive so far. They would be woken up every few hours to either feed him or change his diaper.

And with Jungkook's incredible luck, it had coincidentally been his turn with the baby every time the baby pooped. Yoongi must have had some kind of psychic 6th sense or something.

Jungkook pulled out a fresh diaper and the package of baby wipes and glanced at Yoongi sleeping fitfully under the covers as Beomgyu whined. Jungkook felt his heart warm up and he sighed again. There on his bed, laid the one person who was worth changing all those dirty diapers.

Jungkook quickly changed Beomgyu and threw the dirty diaper away before picking Beomgyu up and rocking him in his arms to try and get him back to sleep. He didn't want Beomgyu to cry and wake up Yoongi again.

Beomgyu calmed down, but started to whine when Jungkook went to put him back in the crib. Jungkook lifted him back into his arms and sluggishly walked back to the bed, laying down and pulling the covers over himself.

Yoongi rolled back over and put an arm over Jungkook's chest, opening his eyes in confusion when he felt the baby resting on Jungkook's chest.

"Jungkook? Why is Beomgyu in our bed?"

"He was being fussy about his crib, so I figured I'd hold him for a while until he falls asleep. I'll put him back in the crib when he falls back asleep."

"Sleeping with a baby in bed is dangerous," Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. "We could roll over them or they could fall off."

"It's just for a few minutes," Jungkook yawned. "I'll put him back in the crib."

"You better," Yoongi halfheartedly threatened, resting his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook didn't put the baby back in the crib.

Both Yoongi and Jungkook fell asleep as fast as Beomgyu had, and they ended up sleeping peacefully together for the rest of the night, which was only a few hours.

Yoongi woke up first, surprisingly.

And when he opened his eyes just to see Beomgyu's eyes staring right back at him, he gasped. Beomgyu giggled at Yoongi's funny face and reached an arm out to touch it. Yoongi quickly sat up and pulled Beomgyu from Jungkook's chest into his own lap.

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