15: Day 7: The Last

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When Jungkook had returned to the beach house, he laid Yoongi in the bed and got into his pajamas before crawling into bed and snuggling up to Yoongi until he fell asleep himself.

The next morning Jungkook woke up to Yoongi sitting on his stomach, hands on his chest, and tail swaying behing him.

"What a pleasant surprise," Jungkook teased. "You're actually awake for once."

"Hey," Yoongi whined and pouted, slapping Jungkook's chest.

Jungkook suddenly held onto Yoongi and flipped them around, so that he was laying between Yoongi's legs. Yoongi squeaked as he was pinned to the bed. Jungkook looked down at him with a lazy smirk.

"Good morning, kitten," Jungkook leaned down and kissed Yoongi's neck before he burried his face into Yoongi's neck with a big hug.

"G-good morning, puppy." 

Jungkook took one arm from around Yoongi and started lovingly rubbing Yoongi's thigh as he picked himself off of him. "Are you hungry? What should we eat?"

Jungkook's touches sent chills through Yoongi and the genuine look in Jungkook's eyes gave him a weird feeling that he only gets when he's around Jungkook. He bit his lip and looked up at Jungkook.

"I don't know. Maybe just cereal?"

"Okay. Cereal it is, then."

Jungkook pushed himself up with his arms, hovering over Yoongi. Just to be silly, Jungkook did a push up while hovering over Yoongi, pecking his lips when he was lowered, and winking when he had pushed himself back up. Yoongi just blushed and put a hand over his lips.

Jungkook loved the effect he had on Yoongi. Since they were married they were technically lovers, but it usually felt more like the teenage crush stage of a relationship. All playful and affectionate, but nothing too serious or mature yet. 

When he was back to hovering over Yoongi he finally crawled off of the bed, holding out his hands to help Yoongi up. Yoongi acccepted the hands, and he was easily pulled out of bed by Jungkook.

"Let's go," Jungkook walked to the kitchen holding Yoongi's hand the whole way.

They entered the kitchen together and Yoongi got the cereal while Jungkook got the bowls, because they both knew that getting the bowls from the higher shelf was a bit of a struggle for the petite feline. 

Jungkook put the bowls on the counter and Yoongi poured the cereal in while Jungkook got the milk. Jungkook poured the milk while Yoongi got the silverware from the lower drawer. Yoongi put the spoons into the bowls and they both grabbed their food before going to sit down at the table together. 

They both knew how they liked their cereal. Yoongi knew Jungkook liked more cereal and less milk, while Jungkook knew that Yoongi liked less cereal and more milk. Yoongi sometimes liked to drink some of the left over milk. 

They ate in a comfortable silence. Jungkook finished first and got up to put his bowl in the sink while Yoongi was drinking the milk from the bowl.

"Our wagon should be here sometime between lunch and dinner time," Jungkook told Yoongi.

Yoongi's shoulders drooped a little. "Aw, I kinda don't wanna go home yet."

"It's not time yet," Jungkook laughed. "We still have a few more hours."

"I guess so," Yoongi sulked. 

"So what do you want to do for now?"

Yoongi got up and put his bowl in the sink, noticing how it was starting to overflow with dishes. 

Cats Vs Dogs [Sugakookie/Yoonkook]Where stories live. Discover now