4: Prince Yoongi

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Yoongi's POV:

"What flavor do you want?"

I timidly looked up at Jungkook. He looked as if he was attempting to hold glass, and was scared it would shatter at any moment. But that didn't stop me from feeling uneasy around him. The look in his eyes as he growled at me earlier was enough to terrify every individual cell in my body. I'm scared. I'm scared of him, of the other dogs, and of my parents. What if they come just to say 'I told you so' and laugh at my face as they leave me with the rabid canines? I should have stayed in the castle like they told me to.

"Chocolate." I mumbled.

He glared at me in irritation, and I felt myself shrink back a bit. What was it now?

Poking his cheek with his tongue, he gritted out, "Chocolate, what?"

"Chocolate, what?" I mimicked.

"Excuse me? Have you never heard of please and thank you? Basic mannerisms?"

I stare at him with a raised brow. He scoffs.

"Wow. I didn't expect the prince of felines to be a spoiled brat."

Wait. What?

How does he know who I am?! I never told him or gave him any hints! No, wait... I told him my name earlier. But... if he knows... is there even any small chance he would let me go back home? I feel my heart sink a little. He seems smart enough to realize how big it is to have the child of their enemy. I'm so stupid. I should have never told him my name. What's he gonna do to me? Will he beat me up for not showing manners? Is he giving me ice cream to fatten me up so he can feed me to the dogs?

Something flashes in his eyes, and I shrink back a little more, but I can't decipher what it means before it disappears. 

"I know that look," he said lowly with a sigh. "Don't be afraid, Prince Yoongi. I'm not a monster. I'll go get you that ice cream now. Chocolate, right?" He asked as he turned and started to walk to the vender.

Well now I kind of feel bad. 

He keeps trying to be nice as far as I can tell, and I just keep being moody. It's not like he can poison ice cream. Maybe I should try to be a little more open, but I just want to go home...

Jungkook's POV:

As I give Yoongi the ice cream, I watch him act childish while eating it. He is so cute. He even decided to say thank you. This is amazing compared to his behavior earlier. He was making me feel so bad even though I have done nothing wrong. He kind of cheered me up, I guess. 

I bring him back to my tent and tell the guards to keep him there while I'm gone. And then I'm off to visit the feline fortress. I bring Namjoon and Taehyung with me for extra security, because you never know what an enemy will do when they have you in their sights. The walk was kind of long, but mostly just boring, so I talked with Namjoon and Taehyung on the way there.

We finally arrive and I can see what Namjoon had been talking about earlier. It looks pretty chaotic inside. 

I walk up to the fortress gates, and I see a guard that seems to be rather upset.

"I-it's you!" The guard exclaims, pointing to Namjoon.

"Yup, I'm back. And this time, I've brought my king with me," he lazily replied, gesturing over to me. 


"Oh, gosh, my commander didn't tell me how to handle this situation... Do y'all mind if I take a second to go ask?"

Namjoon facepalmed and Taehyung laughed.

"Wow, you aren't a very good guard, are you?" I asked.

"Hey! I'll have you know I'm just fine at my job, thank you very much. I was just promoted, actually! I just haven't yet gotten all of the proper training to move up yet, and my mentor is currently busy."

"Ok, well, I'm asking to talk to your king and queen, if that's alright."

"No, that's not alright. I have to send someone in to request a meeting, but there's currently no one to send, and getting a meeting approved can take quite a bit of time, so if you'll just--"

"I know where Prince Yoongi is," I interrupted him to end his useless rambling. Boy, that cat really loves to talk.

"Y-you w-what?"

I leaned forward a little to make it more dramatic. "I have Yoongi. Go tell your little leaders that if they want him back, they come talk to me." I stood up straight again, and signalled Namjoon and Taehyung to go using my hand. "I'll be waiting at the border between our territories." And with that, I turned and walked away, with my friends following close behind.

Once I reached the border, I stopped and had my friends wait with me, just in case the felines intended on any fowl play. I only had to wait for about an hour before I saw a cluster of cats walking in our direction. It only took a few minutes for them to get to us.

"King Jeon."

"King Min."

"I heard you have my son?"

"Indeed I do."

"I'd like him back; he's kind of important."



"That's what I said."

"What do you mean 'no'?"

"I have some conditions to be met."

"Conditions? This is ridiculous!"

"Well, it's less of a condition, and more of a proposal."

"Proposal? What do you mean?"

"Well, King Min, we are currently at war. What I propose is somewhat of a peace offering."

"Peace offering? What does this have to do with my son?"


(A/N: From here on out, it should get better quality from here as it goes. Still not very good yet, but its getting there. Chapter 8 is the last chapter to have POV, and after that point it is the newer things I have been writing when I picked the story back up from my mental archives. Some of the later chapters are also slightly longer too.)

Cats Vs Dogs [Sugakookie/Yoonkook]Where stories live. Discover now