18: After Effects

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(A/N: Slightly longer chapter.) (^-^)/

It had been a few weeks since Yoongi's heat, and everything had pretty much gone back to normal. Jungkook and Yoongi were constantly either cuddling or teasing each other. The main difference in behavior so far, was that some of the teasing was less verbal, and more... sexual.

Sometimes Yoongi would wear something slightly more revealing, specifically before bed. He no longer wore big baggy clothes for pajamas. Instead, he wore some sexy underwear and one of Jungkook's shirts. He knew Jungkook liked when he wore his clothes.

He claimed it was because he liked the way they smelled like Jungkook, but Jungkook could still see the mischief in Yoongi's eyes as he purposefully pulled it off the shoudler, boldly displaying Jungkook's mating mark, and laying in such positions that would make the shirt slide higher up on his body, exposing his legs. Yoongi was asking for trouble.

Jungkook would just growl with a wolfish grin and grope at Yoongi's thighs and booty playfully. 

In other words, they were closer than ever and liked to spend time together when they could. It became a thing for them, once every two weeks, to let the kitchen staff have a day off while they would cook their own meals together. On days like this one. 

"Jungkook, do you think we can go out to the markets for ingredients this time? I still haven't really spent any time out of the castle yet, and I'd like to get to know more about the kingdom," Yoongi asked, climbing out of bed.

Jungkook huffed. "But you're safer inside the castle walls."

"Don't you have a little trust in your kingdom? I'll be fine."

"But kitten," Jungkook started.

"Don't 'but kitten' me, puppy. If you want me to be safe, just come with me. You're strong enough to protect me, aren't you?"

Jungkook paused. Yoongi was smart when it came to small verbal arguments such as this one. Because now if he refused to take Yoongi, it would show him as weak and his ego would take a big hit. And that wasn't something Jungkook wanted.

"Fine. I'll take you to the market." Jungkook sighed, dragging his hand down his face before ushering Yoongi into the closet. "You better change your clothes, because you definately aren't going out in that."

Once Jungkook had closed Yoongi into the closet, he looked at his outfit. Some shorts that were probably shorter than needed, and a shirt with a low cut neckline. He huffed and crossed his arms. There was nothing wrong with his outfit. It was meant to be pajamas anyway. Jungkook was just being possessive over him again. 

Rolling his eyes he walked farther into the closet, picking out a normal shirt and a pair of capri length pants that were a slim cut and might show his leg shape a little more than Jungkook would like. But Yoongi didn't care, because Jungkook needed to learn how to calm down and deal with it. 

He changed and put away his other clothes for a different day, opeing the closet and stepping out.

"The f*ck are you wearing?"

"Pants," Yoongi rolled his eyes, walking past Jungkook.

"They're too tight. Go put on something looser."

Yoongi turned and looked at Jungkook. "No."


Yoongi folded his arms. "No. I'm an adult, and I can make my own decisions. And besides, most of the clothing I own is just as tight."

Jungkook growled, but gave in, dragging his feet to the door with Yoongi following behind. 

As they walked to the kitchen, Yoongi felt the sudden urge to throw up, so he sprinted to the kitchen and made a bee-line for the trash. Jungkook followed Yoongi, growing worried when he saw Yoongi hurl into the trash.

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