25: First Time Parents

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The doctor wrapped the baby in a small baby blue blanket and handed him to Jungkook.

"Here he is," the doctor said. "Be careful with him."

Jungkook watched with big bright eyes as the baby cried in his arms. He felt himself start to tear up, but he smiled widely and cooed. "Look, kitten, he's a puppy."

Yoongi looked as Jungkook leaned over, and sure enough, there were dog ears rather than cat ears on the baby. Yoongi smiled and looked at the baby's face. He had Yoongi's button nose and round lips, but he had Jungkook's big, round eyes.

"Indeed he is," Yoongi sighed in happiness and then reached his arms out. "I wanna hold him."

"Okay," Jungkook handed him off to Yoongi, watching in awe as Yoongi immediately started rocking the baby slightly, and the baby started calming down. "How did you do that?"

"I'm his mother," Yoongi answered. "He recognizes me more than anyone else."

"Oh, that makes sense."

Jin walked over to the bed to see the baby, a huge excited smile on his face. "Let me see him!"

"Don't be too loud," Yoongi scolded. "You'll make him cry again."

"Sorry," Jin pouted. "Aw, he's so cute. So, what are you gonna name him?"

"Well, we've been thinking of some names," Jungkook explained. "We narrowed it down to two. Why don't you decide, kitten?"

"That's funny," Yoongi laughed sarcastically. "You thought after I birthed this child while you stood there doing nothing, that I would let you name him?"

Jungkook gave Yoongi a blank stare. "It's not my fault you didn't want any of my moral support. And I did help the doctor at the beginning."

"Jin, did you hear something?"

"Nope. Must have been the wind."

Jungkook just quietly grumbled to himself while Jin laughed. Yoongi giggled a little, but was too tired to laugh for very long.

"Beomgyu. His name is Beomgyu."

"Aw, that's a good name," Jin cooed. "I'll leave and take Namjoon with me so you guys can be alone with your new pup. If you ever need a babysitter just let me know!"

Jin walked away and grabbed Namjoon's hand, ignoring how Namjoon complained that he didn't get to see the baby yet.

The doctor walked over to them after the others left. "If you have any questions about the baby's health, just let me know. I'm going to go back to bed for now since it is like 4 in the morning." The doctor patted Jungkook's shoulder and left. "By the way, the baby will probably be hungry soon!"

"So do you wanna go back to our room?"

"I'm too tired right now, and I don't want you to have to carry both me and the baby at the same time."

"Nonsense," Jungkook playfully scoffed. "The two of you don't weigh much."

Yoongi gave Jungkook a look.

"I promise I'll be careful. I'm not just going to drop my babies."

"Puppy, I only birthed one baby."

"But you're also my baby," Jungkook pointed out, nuzzling his cheek on the top of Yoongi's head.

"You are a child," Yoongi rolled his eyes with a blush.

"Would a child be able to do this?" Jungkook asked, picking Yoongi up while Yoongi was still holding Beomgyu.

Yoongi gasped in surprise before he held Beomgyu with one arm and gripped onto Jungkook's shirt with the other.

Cats Vs Dogs [Sugakookie/Yoonkook]Where stories live. Discover now