9: Coming of Age

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No POV (Author POV) for the rest of the book because I give up on it:

"We need to talk."

Yoongi lazily glanced at Jin as he stuffed some clothes into his bag.

"I'm kind of busy right now. Jungkook's taking me somewhere for a 'Honeymoon' and I haven't finished packing yet."

"I know, but this is very important."

With an exaggerated sigh, Yoongi turned to face Jin. "Is it really that  important?"

"Yes, Yoongi, it is! You turned 18 recently, and your parents still have yet to tell you about--"

"Does this have to do with the marriage?"

"Don't interrupt me." Jin glared as his hands rested on his hips.


"As I was saying, you know you are a rare male calico cat. Yoongi... calico cats are female, by genetics."

"I know. Everyone knows that. My mom is a calico cat, but I have no idea how I got those  genes. Wait... what does my breed have to do with my age?"

"Yoongi, your parents asked me to prepare you for any surprises... about... your personal fertility cycle..."

Yoongi sputtered and blushed, tripping and dropping the current outfit he had been shoving into his suitcase, causing it to fall off of his bed.

"W-what?! "

With cheeks dusted lightly in pink, Jin hesitated and gathered his thoughts before responding. 

"Yoongi, you aren't like other male cats. There is a high possibility that you will go into heats instead of ruts."

"Oh my gosh," Yoongi wheezed in embarrassment, covering his face. "Why didn't they tell me sooner? If I ever produce even the slightest bit of slick, I swear I'll never be able to look anyone in the eyes ever again!"

"Yoongi," Jin sighed. "It can't be that bad."

"Yes it is! You're a Siberian cat, you don't understand what it's like to be a calico cat! You're bigger and stronger, and you will be even stronger and more possessive in your rut, whileget the pleasure of begging  for something up my--!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't get worked up, Yoongi," Jin cooed sympathetically, patting Yoongi's shoulder to stop his rant. "I know you aren't thrilled about your situation, but you'll be okay! And you wanna know a little secret?" Jin had an idea of how to calm him down.

"What?" Yoongi hissed.

"I'm jealous."

"What?" Yoongi froze in shock, jaw dropping.

"I'm jealous of your breed. There are plenty of Siberian cats back at home, many of them male, even. I'm not special like you are, Yoongi."


"Really. And you want to know what I'm jealous of the most?"


"Your fertility cycle."

"My what?! Why?"

"Yoongi, you know how I like boys. If I were to marry for love, I'd never be able to have kids of my own. You're lucky that you have the opportunity to do so. Yoongi, your existence is a miracle I wish I could have."

Yoongi went quiet and looked down at his feet, thinking over what Jin had said. Jin was right, but that didn't mean Yoongi liked it at the moment, or would ever admit out loud that Jin was right.


Jungkook stood outside of Yoongi's bedroom, knocking for the 5th time.

"Yoongi, it's time to go."

Some shuffling was heard from inside the room.


Jungkook took a deep breath to keep himself calm. "Yoongi, the wagon is ready to go, and we're just waiting on you."

"Go without me!"

Jungkook muttered something about Yoongi being stubborn before he walked to the next door down and knocked on it.

The door opened almost immediately.

"Can I help you, King Jeon?" Jin asked.

"Yoongi refuses to leave his room."

"Oh my gosh, that scaredy cat." Jin shook his head in disappointment. "I never should have told him anything."

"What? What did you tell him?"

Jin cringed. "His parents, King and Queen Min, asked me to tell him about his fertility cycle."

Jungkook scrunched his nose. "He's 18, and you're now just teaching him about his cycle?"

"No, that's the thing. He already knows about them," Jin laughed awkwardly. "Normally boys have ruts, but as cats, our breed can also influence our cycle, if our genetics lines up just so."

"I don't follow. What do you mean?"

"Yoongi is a calico cat. I'm only going to tell you what I'm about to tell you because you're his husband."

"Why is it such a secret that he's a calico? Why does that matter?"

"Jungkook, calico cats can only be female. It's basic cat genetics. Yoongi is the result of some rare genetic mutation or something."


"So, this morning I told Yoongi that he would most likely be having heats instead of ruts, and now he's afraid of having his first heat around anyone. Around you."

Jungkook choked a little when Jin mentioned heats, but was able to get himself in check by the time Jin finished talking.

"H-he's gonna have heats?" Jungkook swallowed, trying very hard not to think about Yoongi squirming around in his  bed, whining and begging  to be touched, among other things.

Oh heck, that's hot.

Jin smacked the back of Jungkook's head, snapping him out if his daydream.


"Don't you dare think about my innocent little bean like that, you pervert! Yes, he will have heats, but that thought alone shouldn't be consuming your mind. What should  be on your mind is the fact that those who get heats, can carry pups."

Jungkook paused as a completely different picture was painted in his mind.

Yoongi cuddling up to Jungkook in bed with a swollen belly that contained their  pup, while Jungkook rubbed circles on Yoongi's side using his thumb.

Gosh, Jungkook wanted that more than anything.

Biting his lip, Jungkook looked back to Jin.

"Is there anything you can do to help? I would want to comfort him myself, but I don't think he would let me into his room, and there's no way I would be able to coax him out."

Jin sighed, knowing there was no other way. "Sure, I'll convince him to come out."

Jin walked out of his new designated room, closing the door behind him. When he got to the next door down, he knocked lightly.

"Yoongi? Hey, it's Jin. Could you please let me in? I promise I came alone."

The door unlocked and slipped open just wide enough for Jin to fit through, slamming shut as soon as Jin had safely gotten in.

Jungkook walked back over to Yoongi's door to wait.

Jungkook cringed as he heard some shuffling and some protests from Yoongi. Before he knew it, the door flew open, and Jin dragged Yoongi out by his wrist with one hand, holding Yoongi's luggage with the other, all with a blank face. 

"Here, hold this," Jin flung Yoongi forward, sending Yoongi stumbling and falling into Jungkook's arms. Jin kept walking past them. "I'll take his suitcase to the wagon." 

Cats Vs Dogs [Sugakookie/Yoonkook]Where stories live. Discover now