29: Dinner Party

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Yoongi shot up in bed as he woke up from Beomgyu's wails of hunger.


Jungkook rolled over and nudged Yoongi. "Don't curse in front of the baby. We don't need him learning those kinds of words right now."

Yoongi scrambled off of the bed and ran to the crib, internally panicking. He threw his shirt off before he even got to the crib, and picked up Beomgyu while standing in nothing but his underwear. 

Jungkook blinked in confusion. "What are you doing? Why  are you doing?"

"The party's today!" Yoongi pointed out. "I'm not prepared mentally or physically--"

"Oh, shi--oot," Jungkook sat up, throwing the covers off of himself and standing up. "What time are the guest supposed to start arriving?"

"Well my parents, Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jimin were all going to come early to help set up, so they could get here whenever," Yoongi explained. "But on the invitations we sent out, we put down 5 to 9 pm! It's already noon, we only have 5 hours to set up!"

"Kitten, 5 hours is enough. We'll be fine," Jungkook cupped Yoongi's cheek with his hand and kissed his forehead and then Beomgyu's forehead, making the baby giggle as he started helping himself to (the 4 course meal that is yoontiddies) breakfast.

Yoongi just whined in nervousness and went to the closet to pick out an outfit as he fed Beomgyu. 

They went through their morning routine and put on nice clothes for the party so that they wouldn't have to change later. Beomgyu was also in his most fancy tuxedo patterned onesie. Once they were ready they took Beomgyu and the baby bag to the dining room of the castle.

For the special occasion, the normal dining table had been moved to the side of the room, and other tables were added around the sides of the room, so that there was room for dancing in the middle. However, the hundred or so chairs had yet to be brought in.

They sat and had brunch at the dining table off to the side and got up to start setting up for the party. Yoongi took a baby carrier and attached it to his stomach so that he could put the baby in it and have his hands free for other tasks.

Namjoon and Jin came down not long after and started helping. Namjoon and Jungkook brought chairs in. Jin ordered around and helped the kitchen staff. And Yoongi went around with decorations like table cloths, fake plants, and colorful lights. 

Eventually, Taehyung came and helped with the chairs and furniture while Jimin and Hoseok started bringing the food and drinks out from the kitchen and placing them on the tables that were set up.


"I'm so glad you could make it," Yoongi smiled, hugging his parents with Beomgyu in the carrier attached to his back.

"We're sorry we couldn't make it in time to help," his dad apologized. 

"We really wanted to be here, but there was some slight trouble at home," his mom explained.

"It's okay," Yoongi looked around. "We were able to get everything set up on time. I'm just glad that you're here."

"We wouldn't miss something like this," his mom smiled.

"Hey Yoongi!" Jungkook ran over. "Can I steal you for a minute?"

"What happened?"

"I have some guests that wanted to meet you."

"Oh, okay." Yoongi turned to his parents. "Go ahead and socialize while you're here. I talked to the bunny hybrids earlier, and they were very nice."

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