13: Day 5: Pillow Fort

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Jungkook and Yoongi had made breakfast and lunch together, as it had become a thing for them to do and enjoy together. It was after lunch that true boredom hit.

Yoongi was in a cuddly mood, but he would never admit that. Instead, he needed to find a way to make Jungkook  ask him  to cuddle. Min Yoongi would never be caught dead asking for someone to cuddle him.

"I'm cold."

"Then go get a blanket."

Yoongi pouted, eyeing the man on the couch. Well, first attempt backfired. With how clingy Jungkook is, he had thought that Jungkook would have opened his arms, inviting Yoongi to sit in his lap, but he didn't. Yoongi went to their room and grabbed an extra blanket before going back out to the living room, wrapping himself inside.

"I'm bored."

"Then come watch TV with me," Jungkook patted the seat next to him before turning back to the movie he had playing. 

Yoongi huffed and waddled over to the couch, plopping down on the other side. After a few minutes, Yoongi shuffled a little closer to Jungkook. He continued going closer until he was sitting right next to him, glancing at Jungkook cautiously throughout his mission to get closer.

He wanted Jungkook to put his arm around his shoulders and pull him into his side. Initiate cuddles. But he didn't. Jungkook was too focused on the screen. Yoongi's ears and tail drooped in annoyance and impatience.

Yoongi 'patiently' waited over an hour for the movie to end. When the credits started rolling, Jungkook got up to pick another movie.



Yoongi made eye contact with Jungkook and quickly looked away in embarrassment. "I-- um..."

"What is it, kitten?" Jungkook asked, walking closer to Yoongi, who still sat on the couch.

Yoongi quickly came up with another idea. "Let's make a pillow fort!"

"A what?"

"A pillow fort!" Yoongi shot up off of the couch, leaving his blanket behind. "It'll be fun! I used to do it with Jin all the time when we were kids."

Jungkook smiled, amused and confused at Yoongi's sudden burst of energy. "Sure, why not?"

Yoongi turned and ran to their room. "Follow me!"

"Slow down, kitten," Jungkook laughed as he followed Yoongi to their room. "We have all the time in the world."

As soon as Jungkook entered the room, three big blankets and two pillows were shoved into his arms.

"Take those to the living room!"

Jungkook stood there stunned for a second before turning to go back with the blankets and pillows. He dumped them in front of the couch, and Yoongi followed not long after with two blankets and a pillow. Yoongi dropped them with Jungkook's pile and stared for a second.

"We're gonna need more pillows."

"I'll go find some more pillows," Jungkook offered, going back to the room at his own leisurely pace. 

Yoongi got to work and pulled some chairs from the kitchen, positioning them in front of the couch how he wanted them to be. He laid a blanket over the couch and a chair, using objects from the beach house to hold it in place. Things such as books, shoes, and a couple of the pillows they had. 

Jungkook came back with five more pillows in his hand, stunned at what Yoongi had done in the few minutes he was hunting for more pillows. 

"I brought more pillows."

Yoongi's head popped up from the other side of the fort, with wide eyes and his tail swaying frantically behind him. He quickly ran over to Jungkook and grabbed a pillow from him. 

"These need to go inside the fort!" Yoongi started marching over to the entrance, and stopped when he realized that Jungkook wasn't following him. "What are you just standing there for? Come on!"

Jungkook quickly followed Yoongi to the fort, crawling inside behind him, seeing two blankets on the floor. One laid out as the fort floor, and one off to the side for a later purpose. Yoongi dropped his pillow at the back of the fort and motioned for Jungkook to do the same.

Yoongi arranged the pillows how he wanted, and how he thought would be most comfortable to lay on. Jungkook just watched in fascination. Yoongi had made the fort somewhat big yet small, so that they didn't have to crouch as much, and they could still see the TV from the back of the fort.

Seeing Yoongi act this childish was a funny sight to Jungkook, but he only felt fond feelings toward the feline. He would love his kitten no matter how childish or mature he was. Jungkook loved all sides of his kitten. This one was just more special since it was so rare to see.

With a few more touch ups to the fort, Yoongi finally felt satisfied, and he dragged Jungkook back into the fort, along with some candy and a movie starting on the TV.

"Now we can use the fort!"

"How do we 'use' a pillow fort? What is it for?" Jungkook asked, resting his head on a pile of pillows.

"There's many uses for a pillow fort! You can relax, cuddle, watch movies, cuddle, eat junk food, talk to each other, cuddle..."

Jungkook almost laughed at how obvious Yoongi was being. With a smile, he opened his arms up for Yoongi.

"How about we cuddle?"

Yoongi practically dived into Jungkook's warm chest, snuggling up to him very fast. He had been waiting for this for hours. "If you insist, then I guess we can cuddle."

Jungkook couldn't help but snicker at Yoongi's response. "Well how could I not? Someone was being very desperate for cuddles, repeating it multiple times as if I wouldn't notice," Jungkook lightly pinched Yoongi's hip to tease him.

Yoongi squeaked and moved his hips away from Jungkook's hand, leaving no room between his body and Jungkook's.

"Hey," he pouted. "Don't do that."

"I won't," Jungkook promised, reaching over and grabbing the blanket that Yoongi had left off to the side, and laying it over them. "There. Now we can be all nice and warm."

Yoongi nodded, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's waist, and resting his head on Jungkook's chest.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around Yoongi's back, pulling him closer to himself. When they were situated comfortably, Jungkook started rubbing Yoongi's back, causing Yoongi to lightly purr.

They stayed there for the rest of the day, napping occasionally, and occasionally just resting comfortably in the other's warm embrace while talking quietly. 

(A/N: I pushed through the writer's block so I'm working on the next part of the storyline. Hopefully I don't get writer's block again.)

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