1: Outside the Fort Walls

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Yoongi's POV:

Leaving my crown on my nightstand, I pulled my beanie lower on my head as I walked to my bedroom door. Sticking my head out, I carefully checked both sides of the corridor. I'm determined to get out of this castle tonight. I haven't been allowed to leave since the war with the dogs began however many years ago, before I was even born, even though all I want is some fresh air. I'm 18 now, for goodness sake! I need to get out of here. I promise I won't even be gone for long...

I turned right, walking to the end of the hallway, and stuck my head out passed the corner. The halls were still empty. That's the perk to this time of night. No one was guarding the hallways, partly because their shifts were switching, and partly because the walls around our castle are impassable. There aren't very many guards within the castle, because more are needed outside.

I snuck quietly through the castle until I reached the side door that is rarely used by anyone other than servants. I really can't believe it was this easy to get out of the castle. I guess getting out of the fort walls is more difficult, but still, the castle should be guarded better.

Constantly surveying the area, I walked through the field by the castle until I made it to the fort walls, which took about 5 minutes at the slow pace I was going. As a cat hybrid, climbing up the wall wasn't too bad, but having ropes there did help. Once I reached the top, I jumped to the ground and made a run for it.

Freedom was so close.

I ran into the dark woods, and after a few minutes, I decided I ran far enough to start walking instead. I deeply breathed in the refreshing scent of the trees and the open air, slowly exhaling as I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes and walked deeper into the forest for a few more minutes to enjoy the scenery and the new smells before deciding to stop and rest on a large, flat rock covered in moss. This felt so much better than being cooped up in the castle walls.

The moss provided plenty of cushion from the rough rock surface, and I sighed a breath of relief as I took the chance to finally relax, my tail swaying at my side. I slowly started to doze off, deciding that I would go back home after a few hours of enjoying myself, as long as my pack didn't come and find me first.

The natural noise of the forest lulled me into an almost hypnotic state, and I relaxed on the rock for what seemed to almost be hours, until I noticed that the beautiful chirping of songbirds were no longer heard. How long they had been stopped, I didn't know, but I knew it wasn't a good sign. 


I slowly opened my eyes and sat up, straining my ears to listen for any sudden movements. However, the beanie on my head was muffling and limiting my hearing. The longer the dead silence lasted, the more anxious I became, and I desperately threw my beanie off in attempt to hear better. But as soon as I did, I heard a gasp from behind me.

I whipped my head around, and my stomach dropped. A dog hybrid.

"A cat hybrid!" He yelled, and caused me to flinch.

I quickly scrambled to my feet and bolted in the other direction. Immediately, there were heavy steps following me.

"Hey! You!" He yelled. "Stop right there!"

I ignored him and kept running. There was no way I would let him get me. I'd be in so much trouble if I were caught. As I sprinted away desperately, I started to think that maybe, just maybe, I shouldn't have decided to sneak out on my own. Even just one guard, if I could convince them, would have helped so much in this situation. After all, I'm the only heir to the cat hybrid throne. Double frick.

The dog gave up on convincing me to stop, and focused his energy into running faster. I am one of the faster cats, but dog hybrids are naturally faster. Worried, I pushed myself harder, but I could still hear his feet getting closer.

Cats Vs Dogs [Sugakookie/Yoonkook]Where stories live. Discover now