56: Epilogue 3: Namjin Part 1

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(A/N: Finally the Namjin plot development I promised. Except it's gonna be in two or three parts because it's too long for one chapter, and it will be in chronological order.)  

(Flashback to the beginning)

Worried was an understatement. Jin was terrified for his best friend Yoongi, who had been missing since late the night before.

Jin had finally started as a gate guard, but he was kind of left in the dark as his superior needed to do other things concerning Yoongi's disappearance.

A really tall and muscular looking canine walked up to the gate where Jin was stationed.

"H-halt!" He stuttered and pointed his gun at the dog, but tripped backwards on his own two feet.

"I'm just here as a messenger," the dog laughed and held his hand out to help him up. "You can relax."

Hesitantly, Jin grabbed his hand and stood up. "Why are you here?"

"I have been sent by my king to go inside and ask about a particular... situation," the messenger answered, being aloof. Jin look at him suspiciously, but only noticed that he's very handsome. Nothing like the brutes that dogs had been described as in stories.  

"Sorry, sir, but no can do. I've been given strict orders to not let anyone in. You wouldn't want to go inside. It's chaos in there right now, anyway."

"Oh, no!" The messenger gasped, covering his mouth with one hand. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Well, the prince has disappeared, and-" Jin cut himself off with a gasp as he realized what he just revealed to a canine, an enemy. "Oh, frick," he whispered into his hand.

The messenger smirked. "Thanks, you just helped me out a lot. I'll be going now. I hope you find your... missing prince."

Jin panicked as the messenger left, deeply upset at himself not only because he revealed sensitive information, but also because even after doing so, he could still only focus on how he thought the messenger was hot when he smirked.

Get it together, Jin.


Jin sat up as a familiar handsome messenger appeared from the outline of trees. His companion guard stood up, getting her weapon ready.

"What are you doing here?" Jin snapped.

"I've come for you. You're Seokjin, yes?"

Jin blinked. "How do you know my name?"

"That cat Yoongi is asking for you."

"Yoongi?! Where?!" Jin looked around frantically. "The Queen said Yoongi wasn't coming back!"

"He isn't," the messenger answered. "You're coming with me."

Jin turned to his fellow guard.

"E, do you mind if I go? You know how much I miss Yoongi!"

"It's not up to me," E pouted. "Go ask the Queen."

Jin nodded and ran into the gates, leaving the other two in uncomfortable silence. Not long after, Jin ran back out of the gates, grabbing onto the messengers arm and yanking him to the tree line.

"Come on! Let's go! Take me to my Yoongi!"

"Calm down there, tiger," the messenger pulled his arm away. "Just follow me. We will arrive soon enough."

"Nothing is soon enough! Walk faster!"

"We will get there when we get there," the messenger said lowly in annoyance.

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