6: Best Friend

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Yoongi's POV:

"Yoongi, you might want to come with me."

I looked up at Jungkook lazily. "Why?"

"Jimin told me your friend is on his way, and he doesn't seem to be very happy."

Oh, frick. "I'm coming," I say as I hurriedly get up from Jungkook's bed, eyes wide. "Take me to him, please."

"Follow me," he left the tent once again, but this time, I followed closely behind.

We walked across the canine camp to the edge of the forest, where one of Jungkook's men stood waiting. He must be Jimin. I was about to ask about Jin, but a voice not very far away caught my attention.

"Min Yoongi get your behind over here right now!" 

I look into the forest, and there he is. Marching straight to me with an angry face, and a sympathetic looking Namjoon trailing behind. Mayhaps I shivered in fear. 

"J-Jin, I can explain--"

"I don't need an explanation," he hissed as he arrived in front of me. "What the heck were you thinking?! The one time I wasn't guarding you like a hawk, you go and do something stupid!"

His words kind of hurt coming from him, but I know he's right. "I-I'm sorry," I mumble and look down, because I just can't find it in me too look at him right now. He's probably so disappointed in me--

"I was so worried, Yoongi," he wailed as he suddenly latched onto me in a tight hug. "Please don't scare me like that again."

I clung onto him and let my eyes do as they pleased. I cried. "I missed you, Jin."

"I missed you too, lil meow meow."

"Jin," I whined, "I told you not to call me that."

There was laughter around me, reminding me of where we were. Crap.

"He calls you lil meow meow? Oh my gosh," Jimin wheezed.

"That's so adorable!" Namjoon cooed.

"That is the only thing I will call you from now on," Jungkook snickered.

"Jin! Look what you did!" I smacked him on the arm.

"Ow! What do you mean, what I  did," Jin huffed. "Besides, it's just a nickname."

"Just a nickname?" I scoffed. "Jin, they're literally dying of laughter! I think I'm going to die of embarrassment!" I groaned. 

"You'll be just fine, Yoongi. Get over it."

"Wow, are all cats this sassy?" Namjoon mused.

Jin blushed and mumbled something under his breath. I smirked and leaned in to whisper to Jin.

"Why are you embarrassed? Do you like him?"

His eyes widened comically and he coughed. "N-no! I do not!"

"Jin, we've known each other our whole lives. You're so lying right now." I responded loudly to catch the others' attention.

"No I'm not--"

"What is he lying about?"

I looked at Namjoon and couldn't hold back a laugh. "He likes y--"

"Shushshhushuushhh!!!" Jin smacked his hand over my mouth. "Don't tell him!"

"Don't tell me what?"

I pushed Jin's hand off of my mouth and rolled my eyes. "Whatever, Jin. I won't tell him."

"Won't tell me what?"

"Wow, holding secrets over people's heads is great, isn't it?"

I almost regretted what I said when Namjoon growled at us. Like, actually growled  growled. Jin squeaked and we both flinched, watching him as he turned and stomped away.

Jungkook sighed and turned to Jimin. "Go make sure Namjoon calms down, will you? I'll lead them to the tents."


Jimin ran off to follow Namjoon and Jungkook motioned for us to follow him. Jin and I walked side by side behind Jungkook as he led us back to the tents. When we arrived, he stopped by a tent I hadn't been in yet.

"This is where you will sleep," Jungkook told Jin, pointing to the tent. "Yoongi will sleep in my tent with me over there," he continued, pointing to the closest tent that was still slightly off to the side. 

"Okay. Do I have to share a tent?"

"Not if you don't want to. I figured that you would want to be close to Yoongi, so I told Namjoon to go join Taehyung in his tent."

"You're making someone move for me?"

"Well, we won't be in this camp too much longer anyway. The war is ended, and we will start making our way back to my fortress."

"I don't want to make people move around! That makes me feel bad..."

"Well I can tell Namjoon you don't mind him staying, but keep in mind there's only one cot per tent. You would be sharing a bed."

Jin blushed a deep pink. "I-I guess if h-he d-doesn't mind, then I-I don't either," he stammered.

"Wow, Jin," I laughed. "You're so whipped."

"S-shut up!"

Jungkook and I shared a smug look. A dog passed by, and Jungkook reached out and touched him arm to get his attention. "Hoseok, would you mind finding Namjoon and telling him to meet me here?"

"Sure! I was just going that way, anyway."

Jin blushed profusely and I had to hold him in place to wait for Namjoon. In no time at all, Namjoon rounded a corner from behind one of the tents a few feet away. 

"You needed me?" He asked, looking still slightly frustrated.

"I have been... informed ... that there is no longer a need for you to switch tents," Jungkook answered.

"What? But I thought--"

"Jin apparently doesn't mind  sleeping with you," Jungkook teasingly continued, despite Namjoon's interruption.

Namjoon blushed. "What?"

"Jin will share the tent with you instead of you sharing a tent with Taehyung."

"O-oh." His eyes widened and he stared blankly with his faint blush. "O-ok." 

"Good luck, Jin! Remind me never to go by your tent at night," I winked and Jin shushed and slapped me. I just laughed it off as Jungkook chuckled.

"Let's go back to the tent, Yoongi."

"Ok," I followed behind Jungkook back to the tent, looking back every now and then, watching Jin and Namjoon starting a very awkward looking conversation. When we arrived, we entered together and I turned to face him. "Thanks again for letting my friend come with us, Jeon."

"It's fine. Besides, it looks like he's just loving  Namjoon's company."

I can't help but to agree with Jungkook. It looks like my friend is already fitting in here better than I am. I should really get along with Jungkook more. After all, we are going back to the castle in just a few days, and I think the wedding is planned for almost immediately after we arrive.

This kinda sucks.

(A/N: I still need nickname suggestions! For now I have 'Kookie' in the chapters I'm working on, but if y'all want something different, you have until I post like chapter 10 ish I can't remember when it first pops up. I've been posting like a chapter a day, so that's like 4 more days until the nicknames start.)

Cats Vs Dogs [Sugakookie/Yoonkook]Where stories live. Discover now