54: Epilogue 1: Terrible Two's

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(A/N: Yes, it's coming to an end after being drawn out way too long because of writers block. I'm gonna miss writing this, but I might occasionally post other epilogues and stuff because forever ago I said I would go into more detail of Namjin's relationship and then I went and literally dove deep in detail for literally every other ship possible in the story lmao my bad. Plus, I have multiple epilogues planned out. If you have any requests or ideas, you can message me. No smut tho, bc I'm a pure bean, sorry. I can imply it but I can't get myself to write it. If y'all wanna write it for me, go ahead just give story creds or something I'm not picky over copyrights bc I'm writing just for fun)

~~A year later... ~~

Yoongi pushed a stroller with the twins through the castle while holding onto Beomgyu's hand.

A stroller inside the castle halls, you ask?


Jungkook was in a meeting and Yoongi only had two hands. Two hands and three energetic baby toddler things  didn't quite add up evenly.

But today, Yoongi was taking his kids to the market to pick out things for dinner. Making dinner for his family himself, and occasionally with Jungkook helping, was something that Yoongi started doing every Sunday night. It was their family night.

Today Jungkook had meetings about some busted water dam that flooded part of a village in the kingdom, and it was going to take a while so Yoongi was on his own for today. Yoongi purposely avoided duties as a Queen because he didn't like the political life. So he spent his time taking care of his kids instead. He was 'a stay at home mom', and he was happy that way.

Yoongi pushed the stroller out of the castle, going down the path to the nearby village market. He felt like making something with fresh ingredients today because it tastes better that way and he wanted to make something good for Jungkook to de-stress later.

Before entering the busy market, he stopped pushing the stroller and turned to Beomgyu.

"Yuyu, I need you to stay next to me, okay, baby? I don't want you getting lost."

Recently Beomgyu had begun entering his 'terrible twos' and even though Yoongi had taught him to stay close before, he needed to make sure to say it again so that Beomgyu was less likely to run around, leaving Yoongi behind. He was lucky the twins were alseep in the stroller, and he hoped it stayed that way.

Beomgyu was acting like the spoiled rich prince he was, and Yoongi was trying his best to snap him out of it, but since the past few months had been busy for Jungkook, whenever he was around, he played with the kids and gave them what they wanted for bonding time, and it reversed a lot of Yoongi's efforts.

Yoongi complained to Jungkook one night, and Jungkook pushed it away, saying that they were too young for a little spoiling to matter in the long run.

While Jungkook might have been right, it makes it a lot harder to deal with them right now while Beomgyu is learning how to say 'no' and disobey, and the twins were learning small one word sentences, learning way too much from their brother. At this rate, the twins would go into their terrible twos phase early, and he would have all three of his children being devil's children.

It was worrying to him, since he was the stricter parent. He hated having to discipline his kids, but he was always the one who had to do it. Despite how strict Jungkook had been over Yoongi all those years ago when they first met, Jungkook became mush in his children's hands. Too soft to punish anything wrong they did.

Of course, maybe it was because of how they pretended to be absolute angels. Like Beomgyu right then at the market, when he looked back up at Yoongi and nodded.

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