16: Royalty

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As soon as they reached the castle, Jungkook took Yoongi to the room they would now be sharing, and they put away their things. While they had been gone, some of the workers had been told to move Yoongi's things from his old room to his new shared room.

By the time they were settled in, it was time to sleep. So they both changed into pajamas and climbed into bed, Yoongi's head on Jungkook's chest, and Jungkook's arms wrapped around Yoongi's waist.

The next morning, they woke up still cuddling. Jungkook woke up first and had to gently shake Yoongi to wake him up. 

"Wake up, kitten. We have a breakfast to attend."

"Breakfast can wait," Yoongi grumbled, rolling over to face away from Jungkook.

"Sorry, kitten, but we have to go this time. The members of the Council of Canines are going to be there for some important legal discussions, and both the King and Queen  must be in attendance." Jungkook pulled himself reluctantly out of bed and stood next to it, looking at Yoongi.

"Yeah? Well a queen  needs his beauty sleep. Could the important discussions be moved to lunch time? Or just never?"

"Sorry, this isn't something I can reschedule. They've been pushing for a meeting for a while now, and they are very adamant on meeting you this morning."

"But we just got back last night," Yoongi whined. "Why are they pushing for so soon? You're the king! Tell them no!"

"As much as I wish I could, that's not how this government works. I'm the official leader and king, but the Council schedules all our meetings. I don't really have much of a choice in this."

"That's stupid."

"You're just tired."


"Oh my gosh, we don't have time for this," Jungkook pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yoongi, get up or I'll drag you out of bed."

Yoongi whined but finally sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed. "I hate you," Yoongi pouted.

"I love you, too," Jungkook playfully ruffled Yoongi's hair with a smile.

Yoongi whined and fixed his hair before finally standing up and shuffling over to the closet to pick out some clothes.

"I don't have to wear anything fancy, do I?"

"No. Formal wear isn't mandatory this time."

Yoongi gladly picked out a comfortable and baggy outfit, getting dressed in the privacy of the closet before coming out so that Jungkook could get dressed, too.

Jungkook got dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants, also feeling in a mood for comfortable clothes. 

Jungkook walked out and Yoongi followed behind him, going through the castle hallways until they reached the dining area. There was a big table with many occupied seats, and a few unoccupied seats that included the head chair for Jungkook and the chair right next to it for Yoongi. Jin was sat next to Yoongi's chair, despite the fact that it was originally supposed to be for someone from the Council.

Yoongi sat next to Jin and Jungkook sat at the head of the table, and they were both greeted by many people, Council members and servants alike. 

There were 9 Council members, 8 which Yoongi didn't recognize. The one he did recognize was Namjoon. Most of the Council were older politician citizens from different areas of Jungkook's kingdom, but there was one spot, Namjoon's spot, that was selected differently. One Council member was always the highest positioned member of Jungkook's army, besides Jungkook himself.

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