8: Tying The Knot

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Yoongi's POV:

"Yoongi calm down."

"NO! I can't believe he expects me to wear that!"

"You'll look great, Yoongi."

"It's a dress !"

"Yes, and?"

"Oh my gosh, Jin, you're impossible."

I unwillingly let Jin help me into the dress. It was white, long, and puffed out slightly at the bottom. It had pretty lace sleeves and a bow where you tie it in the back. I admit, it was an amazing dress. I just wish I was wearing a suit instead. Jin is technically my 'bridesmaid', but he  still gets to wear a suit.

Once I was in the dress, Jin brought in a bowl of red berries.

"What's that for?"

"Your lips," he replied casually as he started mashing them with a wooden spoon.

"My lips?!"

"Yes. Your lips. They will make you look pretty, and it will taste like berries when you kiss."


"Oh my gosh, Yoongi. You know how weddings work. After the guy completes the ceremony, the couple kisses to seal it off."

"I haven't kissed him before. I haven't kissed anyone before! What's it going to be like? Will it be quick, or does it take a long time? Will people stare?" I started to panic.

"Calm down, it probably won't take too long."

"What if he doesn't like it? That would be so embarrassing!"

"Yoongi," Jin gave me a pointed look.

I huffed, attempting to calm myself. "Okay, okay."

I let Jin put the glossy stuff on my lips, giving them a pinkish tint, and the door opened. We looked over as my dad walked in.

"Hey, the wedding is starting soon. Jin, it's time for you to go get into place. I'll take care of Yoongi, and you can go."

"Okay," Jin bowed and swiftly left the room, closing the door behind him.

"I can't believe you're getting married in 20 minutes. Are you ready?"

"Not really."

"That's understandable."

"Is it? I thought people usually get married to the ones they love with no doubt in their minds that the time has come."

"Some do, but I understand that you aren't really doing this for love. At least not yet."

"Not yet? What do you mean?"

My dad turned to look me in the eyes better. "Right now in your circumstances, it's less about love and more about trust and compromise. However, you may eventually gain feelings through that trust. Letting your worries go could bring you happiness and love."

"I guess so. Thanks for the advice."

"Well, I know you need it. It's quite a big day for you, after all."

With that, I took his arm and we walked out of the room and to the room that the wedding was taking place in. All we needed was the cue, which came not long after we arrived. The big, wooden double doors were opened slowly, revealing the scene inside the room.

Many people filled the rows of chairs that had a wide aisle in between for me to walk in. The priest was straight ahead, with Jin standing slightly off to the left as my bridesmaid, and Taehyung standing slightly off to the right as Jungkook's best man. Directly to the right of the priest, stood Jungkook himself.

Although everyone was wearing fancy suits and tuxedos, Jungkook stood out. Not only because he was the only one in a plain black suit, but also because he looked incredibly handsome. His black hair, slicked back and to the side slightly to keep it off of his forehead, exposing his eyebrows. His perfectly fitted suit, that displayed his wide shoulders and strong arms. Stupid dog genetics and their naturally fit bodies. 

Jungkook's deep, dark eyes looked me up and down before meeting mine, staring at me with a slight smirk. I was reminded of my dad's presence when he began walking, pulling me out of my trance, literally. I started taking slow, but steady steps down the aisle as Jungkook walked a few steps away from the priest to receive me from my dad. Our eyes never even once broke contact. 

I felt so nervous, even more so the closer I got, but within mere seconds my dad was detaching me from his arm and reattaching me to Jungkook's. I held on with a weak grip, but even so, I could feel the muscle beneath the suit. Dang, Jeon.

I guess one thing I could be thankful for is that Jungkook would be great at protecting me. I think I can trust him. Like my dad said, at this point, trust is all that matters.

We stopped in front of the priest, and Jungkook held my hands as we turned to face each other. I could feel my stomach in my throat as the priest began his speech, and I could barely pay any attention to his words.

"I do."

I blinked as Jungkook's voice pulled me out of my trance, along with the movement of his lips, which my eyes immediately darted to look at. It's already the end? I glanced at the priest as he turned to me. 

"And do you, Min Yoongi, take Jeon Jungkook to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

The weight and entirety of this whole situation never quite hit me until that moment. I swallowed thickly, but my throat still became dry. Slowly, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, before looking straight into Jungkook's dark and hypnotising eyes. I think I can trust him.

"I do." I trust him.

The corners of Jungkook's lips quirked up into a dazzling smile, losing the smirk from before. I trust him.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Jungkook leaned in slowly, pulling me closer by my hands, and my breath hitched. I trust him.

He lifted one of his hands to my face, his eyelids closing as he leaned in. I couldn't breathe. His hand held my face so gently, and I found myself fluttering my eyes closed, too. I trust him.

His lips pressed firmly against mine, and his other hand moved to my waist. I didn't have control over my arms as they automatically found their way onto his shoulders, holding tight. I trust him.

It tasted like berries, just as Jin said it would. As Jungkook's lips danced around mine, I moved my lips to follow his lead, blocking out the cheering around us. Nothing else mattered but us at that moment. 

I trust you, Jeon.

Cats Vs Dogs [Sugakookie/Yoonkook]Where stories live. Discover now