26: Prince Beomgyu

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Jungkook, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jin were all eating lunch in the dining room when Beomgyu started crying in the high chair between his parents.

Jungkook put down his fork and picked the baby up, rocking and bouncing him while shushing him softly trying to calm him down. Beomgyu didn't stop, so Jungkook checked the diaper, but it was dry. He put a binky in the baby's mouth, and he stopped crying for a second to suck on it, but almost immediately spat it out and started crying even louder.

"Kitten, I think Beomgyu is hungry."

"Okay," Yoongi sighed, starting to lift his shirt. "Give him to me."

Jungkook reached over and yanked Yoongi's shirt back down. "You were not about to feed him in public."

"Jungkook, what the heck? I'm not just going to go all the way back to our room to feed our child every time he gets hungry!"

Jungkook side glanced and Namjoon and Jin. "I don't like the idea of people seeing you half naked."

"Beomgyu is crying! I don't have time for this right now! You're going to starve our child!"

Jungkook just glared and pouted.

"If it matters that much to you, then go find something like a big napkin or jacket I can use to cover myself."

Jungkook grumbled but got up and went into the kitchen to look for something big enough to hide Yoongi's skin, handing the baby to Yoongi.

"Well, someone  is possessive," Jin laughed.

"You don't know the half of it," Yoongi grumbled, rocking the baby. 

"I got a napkin thing," Jungkook announced, coming back from the kitchen.

"Give it here," Yoongi sighed holding out his hand.

Jungkook happily gave Yoongi the big cloth square to Yoongi, helping him adjust it so that Yoongi could lift his shirt and still not be exposed. Yoongi used one arm to hold Beomgyu up to his chest, and the other to continue eating his own breakfast. 

There was a short awkward silence before Namjoon cleared his throat.

"Jungkook, the Council has decided to plan a meeting sometime this week. They asked me to see if any specific time works for you, since you will now be more busy with the baby."

Jungkook sighed. "What is it this time?"

"Actually, it's nothing bad," Namjoon assured him. "They just wanted to discuss plans for a party of some sorts to celebrate the birth of the prince."

"Oh really?" Jungkook asked. "What kind of party?"

"Something neither big, nor small. They were thinking of inviting royalty from other kingdoms to show off and make it known that you now have an heir, but not much other than that."

"Is this some kind of elaborate plan to make alliances and treaties?"

"Most likely," Namjoon shrugged. "But there's nothing wrong with having less enemies."

"I guess that's true. Tell the Council that a meeting in the afternoon would be best."

"Will do," Namjoon nodded.

"Should I go to the meeting?" Yoongi piped up.

"That's your choice, kitten," Jungkook answered. "If you are there you might have some say in what's going on, but if you don't really care to come, then you can just watch Beomgyu."

"I'll just watch Beomgyu," Yoongi immediately responded. "I can't stand being around those guys."

"That's understandable," Namjoon laughed. "I hate those idiots."

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