34: Baby's First Tooth

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(A/N: Short chapter because I'm busy but I needed something to post that would be a fluffy filler before I start another long action chapter. I'll try to continue posting everyday, but I'm gonna be extra busy this next week, so I'll see how it goes.)

Yoongi groaned as he got out of bed to the sound of Beomgyu crying. He had been crying a lot more recently since he had started teething, and there wasn't much they could do about it at night.

Yoongi picked Beomgyu up from the crib and started rocking him, trying to calm him down. Beomgyu kept crying, so Yoongi checked his diaper. Nothing. Yoongi took his shirt off and offered the baby some milk, but Beomgyu just fussed and turned his head away. 

Yoongi put his shirt back on and picked up one of Beomgyu's binkies from their nightstand. He put it in Beomgyu's mouth, and he chewed on it for a few seconds before spitting it out and getting fussy again.

Yoongi sighed and looked around the room, trying to find one one Beomgyu's teething toys. He found one by their closet door and picked it up, brushing it off and bringing it to Beomgyu, practically shoving it into his mouth.

Beomgyu started chewing on it with his gums, slowly quieting down as Yoongi rocked him, walking around the room.

When Beomgyu finally fell back asleep, Yoongi crawled into bed next to Jungkook and smacked him, earning a small whine of protest.

"What was that for?"

"You made me get up by myself," Yoongi grumbled. "Parents are supposed to be a team. Where's your support?"

Jungkook rolled over to face Yoongi and pulled him into his arms. "I always support you. I got up to help with the baby the past few times."

"But you didn't get up this time."

"Kitten, I think you're just having pregnancy mood swings right now. Go to bed and we can talk more in the morning."

"Mood swings?" Yoongi asked, offended. "I'm not moody!"


"Don't," Yoongi huffed, turning away from Jungkook. "Just roll over and go to bed."

Jungkook pouted and tried to scoot up next to Yoongi, but he scooted away from Jungkook.

"Don't cuddle me," Yoongi grumbled. "I'm mad at you."

Jungkook whined and flopped down, giving in because he knew there was no winning at this point.

The two went back to sleep like that, and when they woke up, they were cuddling together anyway. They were facing each other and Yoongi's arms were around Jungkook's waist while Jungkook's arms were wrapped all the way around Yoongi protectively, their legs tangled together.

Jungkook yawned and opened his eyes, pulling Yoongi closer to himself. Yoongi sighed in his sleep and moved his leg over Jungkook's hips. Jungkook rubbed Yoongi's back for a minute before sliding his hand down to hold Yoongi's thigh.

Jungkook continued to cuddle the sleeping Yoongi like that, holding and patting Yoongi's booty, until he heard Beomgyu start shuffling around in his crib, becoming fussy. Jungkook sighed and carefully got Yoongi off of him as Beomgyu started crying. He went to the crib and picked him up, wanting to give Yoongi some extra sleep.

"What's wrong, Yuyu?" Jungkook whispered, bouncing Beomgyu in his arms and kissing the baby's cheek.

Beomgyu whimpered and leaned his head on Jungkook's chest, crying even louder. Jungkook cooed and checked his diaper. It seemed to be a little wet, so he took Beomgyu to the changing table and set him down.

He quickly changed Beomgyu's diaper, and while he did so, Yoongi got out of bed.

"Good morning, kitten."

"Morning," Yoongi yawned, walking to the closet.

Jungkook picked Beomgyu up, and Beomgyu was continuing to be a little fussy, so he started rocking and bouncing Beomgyu in his arms. Yoongi got dressed and came back out, going to Jungkook and reaching his arms out.

"Give me my baby."

"He's our baby," Jungkook huffed, handing him over.

"I birthed him."

"And I impregnated you," Jungkook  snickered. 

"Don't say that," Yoongi almost gagged. "That sounds weird."

Jungkook just shrugged and walked to the closet to get dressed himself. While he was gone, Yoongi took his shirt back off and sat on their bed, starting to feed Beomgyu. Jungkook came back out of the closet fully dressed in some lounge clothes, ready for a lazy day.

Jungkook kneeled next to the bed where Yoongi was sitting, reaching up and rubbing his thumb over Beomgyu's head. He sighed in happiness and put on a small smile. These were some of his favorite moments, sitting with the love of his life and their child, spending quality time together.

Jungkook looked at Yoongi, who was paying attention to Beomgyu, and a smirk made its way onto his lips. Slowly, he leaned forwards until he was right in front of Yoongi's chest, facing Beomgyu, who turned to look at him. 

He smiled at the baby who smiled back before making his move. He quickly turned to Yoongi and licked his nipple, earning a gasp.

Yoongi pushed Jungkook's face away from his boob with a small grumble. "Jungkook, what the heck are you doing?!"

"Helping myself to my favorite breakfast," he snickered.

"Go away!" Yoongi shoved his shoulder. "Pervert."

Jungkook fell from his knees onto his butt when Yoongi shoved him, and he whined. 

"Kitten, you're so mean to me."

"Oh, boo-hoo," Yoongi rolled his eyes. 

Jungkook just pouted and sat there on the ground, cutely glaring up at Yoongi. Yoongi completely ignored him and turned back to the baby, continuing to feed him. After a few moments, Yoongi flinched and gasped.


Jungkook got back on his knees. "What's wrong?"

"He bit me!"

"He's teething, so I guess that makes sense," Jungkook thought out loud. "But he doesn't have teeth yet. Why did it hurt if he's just mouthing with his gums?"

"I don't know," Yoongi pulled Beomgyu off of him, much to Beomgyu's displeasure. "He's done it before and it just felt weird."

Yoongi lifted Beomgyu up and opened his mouth, watching as Beomgyu copied him. Yoongi looked around and gasped.

"There's a tooth!"

"There's a what?" Jungkook blinked.

"He has his first tooth!" Yoongi smiled. "It's right up there, barely coming out of his gums, but it's still showing a little."

"Let me see!" Jungkook crawled over, taking Beomgyu into his arms and looking into Beomgyu's mouth with wide eyes. "Oh, I see it! I can't believe he already has his first tooth! It's so cute!"

"I don't know," Yoongi said in a teasing voice. "It looks like he's going to get your buck teeth. That might ruin his face entirely."

"Oh, shut up," Jungkook whined, shoving Yoongi over onto the bed somewhat gently.

Yoongi just laid there laughing and giggling, and Jungkook watched with fond eyes. 

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