5: Queen of the Canines

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Yoongi's POV:


"Come on, Yoongi. Just think about it!" Dad urged.


"King Jeon has offered us a great deal, and you won't even give it a second thought?" Mom attempted to persuade.

"No, mother, I won't, and there's nothing that you or father can do to change my mind! " I looked away from them for a moment before looking at my mom again. "I can't believe you want to sell me to him!"

"We aren't selling you to him. It's just a marriage--"

"It sure feels like I'm being sold," I glared at my parents before sighing. "What is this even for, anyway?"

"To end the war between our species! It's important!" My dad explained.

"Have you ever heard of a treaty?" I rolled my eyes.

"He refuses to sign it until you  sign a marriage contract. He's made it very clear that he--"

"Well I've made it very clear that I do not want any part of this!" I stood up, raising both my body and my voice.

"But baby," my mom quietly explained, "he also refused to give you back or let you visit until you were his. It's the only way."

"Is it really the only way?" I asked quietly, feeling my hope crack along with my voice. "I just want to go home, momma."

Tears build up in my mom's eyes, and she replies softly. "Me too, baby. Me too."

My shoulders slump as I give up. It's for the good of my people. They will no longer live in fear of the dog hybrid species, even if I have to live among the unknown. My people will finally be able to leave the fortress walls peacefully, without multiple guards to keep them company. Being married to Jungkook can't be that bad, can it?

"Ok, I'll do it," I mumble and look up at them both as I sit back down. "I'll marry King Jeon."

Jungkook's POV:

I was sparring with a few soldiers when I heard Namjoon calling my name.

"Sorry guys, I got to go. Hoseok, come take my place."

"Will do."

I nodded and started walking to Namjoon to meet him halfway. "What's up?"

"The felines are done discussing your terms and conditions. They are ready to give you their answer."

"Great. Are they still inside my tent?"


"Ok. Come with me so you can escort the king and queen back to their traveling party."


I walked back to my tent with Namjoon following behind me. When I entered, I saw the three hugging each other. A rather sad sight when you know it's because they won't see each other for a while, but it isn't enough to change my mind.

"You called?"

Hearing my greeting, they broke apart, and the king responded. "Yes. I believe we have come to an agreement."

"You have decided to accept my proposal?"

"Yes. This war between us is over. My son is now yours to marry."

I smirked. "I'm glad we could come to an agreement. My advisor Namjoon here will take you back to the border, where you will return to your people with the wonderful news. I promise to take great care of your son. He will be treated like any other queen here, no matter the species, and none of my people shall show him any disrespect. I'll personally make sure of that."

Queen Min smiled at me. "I feel a little more at ease now. Thank you, King Jeon."

"Please, call me Jungkook."

"Promise you'll invite us to the wedding?" She joked lightheartedly.

"You have my word."

And with that, Namjoon escorted Yoongi's parents out of the canine camp. I turned to Yoongi. My sweet, little Yoongi. Officially mine. Victory is such an amazing feeling. 

"Hello, Yoongi. How are you?"

"I could be better, honestly," he huffed. "Being left by my parents isn't exactly what I wanted to do today."

"Watch it, kitten. I didn't ask for attitude."

"I know."

"Then why--" I huffed. "Nevermind. I hope you can feel better soon, I guess," I mumbled as I walked across the room and plopped down onto my desk chair.

"Thanks, Jeon," Yoongi muttered dryly.

"Come on, Yoongi... It can't be that bad!" I whined. No one I've known has ever disliked me before. The only ones who didn't like me were the cats since we've been at war with them since before I was born, but that wasn't even my fault. I don't even know why the war was started in the first place. All this hate and violence for nothing. I can't believe we fought them for so long.

I mean---

They're so cute!

I'm not sure how Yoongi compares to other felines height-wise, but he's got to be at least half a foot shorter than me. His father, the king, was also a few inches shorter, but not quite as many. I wonder if they consider that to be tall?

Oh well, I guess different species are structured differently, and size is bound to be different. I just can't help but to compare Yoongi's height to the girls in my pack. Everything about him seems more feminine... I kinda like it, not gonna lie.

But I don't like how he just scoffed at me and mumbled, "It is that bad." 

"Yoongi, I promise you'll get used to it here. Maybe I can help you feel more comfortable, or more at home. What is it like where you are from?"

He looked hesitant at first, but decided to answer.

Yoongi's POV:

"Inside the castle I got basically everything I asked for," I slowly answered. If I have to marry him, we might as well know more about each other. "But they rarely let me wander because of our dumb war. I had a personal guard, and he was my best friend. The night I snuck out, I ditched him because he was getting training to be promoted." Once I started, it came out easier than I expected, but bringing up Jin made me realize something with a slight pang in my chest. "Actually, I really miss him. He was like a brother to me."

"If you want, we can ask your parents to send him over and remain your personal guard," Jungkook offered.

You know what? That sounds like a great idea. To drag my friend away from his life just to make mine less sucky.

"I would like that very much, thanks."

"Very well. I'll go send Jimin after Namjoon and your parents to inform them of your request."

As he turns and walks out of the tent yelling 'Jimin' as he goes, I can't help but think... If I'm supposed to marry him, then why is he talking so formally? When he's around me he's always stiff as a board. I guess maybe that will go away over time.

"I just sent Jimin off," Jungkook informed as he came back in the room.

Maybe if I want him to loosen up around me, I'll have to make the first step. 

"Thank you," I smile at him to show my appreciation. 

(IMPORTANT  A/N: Okay, so I don't have enough readers to really get comments, but I have a question I hope someone can answer. When they actually start liking each other they need nicknames and pet names for each other. Jungkook can call Yoongi 'kitten' or something to that effect, but... what the heck should Jungkook's nickname be??? Like 'Kookie' doesn't quite seem right because of the way I've been writing the characters, but IDK what else to do. I don't think 'Alpha' works either because this wasn't omegaverse, but if people want that then I can do that. Give me some suggestions and opinions!)

Cats Vs Dogs [Sugakookie/Yoonkook]Where stories live. Discover now