12: Day 4: The Beach

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(A/N: Y'all my reads, votes, and comments just like doubled over night! I'm--)

As Jungkook and Yoongi sat at the kitchen table, eating their breakfast of day four of the honeymoon, Jungkook had an idea.

"Hey Yoongi."

"Yeah?" Yoongi answered, spooning some more cereal into his mouth.

"Do you want to go to the beach today?"

Yoongi dropped his spoon in his bowl and sat up in his seat. "R-really?"

"We will do whatever you want to do, kitten."

Yoongi blushed. Despite his initial loathing for being called 'kitten', the pet name was really starting to grow on him, but only when it came from Jungkook's lips. Something about it being Jungkook made it better... Made everything better.

His life had been boring and restrictive until recently, as he had always been stuck in his castle, denied of permission to explore as anyone and everyone would desire at least once in their lifetime. But since he had run into the dogs and met Jungkook, his life became a lot more interesting, and he was creating so many new experiences with him.

At first he thought Jungkook was intimidating and scary, and he was very reluctant to let Jungkook into his life. But these past few days for the honeymoon, he had really gotten to see and discover a different, softer side of Jungkook that he hadn't seen before, despite the honeymoon being only about halfway over.

Yoongi decided then that he wanted to go to the beach, and he couldn't think of anyone he would rather go with.

"Can we go to the beach today?"

"Of course," Jungkook nodded, standing up to rinse out his bowl. "I was offering to take you there, anyway."

Yoongi smiled his gummy smile, standing up and running over to Jungkook, hugging him from behind.

"Thank you, puppy!"

Jungkook smiled softly, but his ear twitched at the nickname, putting his bowl in the sink before turning around and hugging Yoongi back.

"You're welcome, baby, but don't call me that. I'm too strong to be called a puppy."

"But you're my puppy. And my puppy can be as strong as he wants, but he'll always be a big softie to me."

Yoongi ran back to the table to pick up his own bowl, and he quickly rinsed it out and put it in the sink with Jungkook's. 

"So what's the plan?"

"Well I was thinking," Jungkook replied while leading Yoongi to their room, dropping the nickname conversation since he decided that maybe it wasn't that  bad. "And I figured that we could go now and bring our lunch like a picnic on the beach, and we could play in the sand and the water both before and after eating."

"That sounds fun!"

They walked into their room and Jungkook went to his dresser, opening a drawer and pulling out his swim suit.

"Let's get ready to go now. Do you need help finding your swim suit?"

"Um, no, I got it," Yoongi replied, walking over to his dresser and pulling out his own suit. He looked at his swim trunks and looked up at Jungkook. "Could I keep my shirt on in the water?"

"If it makes you feel more comfortable, then I won't say that you can't."

Yoongi nodded, not quite feeling ready to show off so much skin to Jungkook. He was still very much self conscious, and he worried that Jungkook would think he was ugly, or too skinny, or something just far from ideal.

Cats Vs Dogs [Sugakookie/Yoonkook]Where stories live. Discover now