10: Honeymoon: Day 1+2

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Jungkook sat in the wagon, holding Yoongi into his side to make sure that he couldn't escape. All of their luggage had already been packed into the wagon ready to go, and now they were on their way to the location that Jungkook had picked out. 

Finally the wagon stopped. "We're here."

"Where are we?" Yoongi asked.

"My beach house at the edge of the woods."

"Oh," Yoongi blinked. "What's a beach house?"

"It's a small house next to an ocean shore for easy access to the water," Jungkook explained.

"Really? I've never been to a beach before."

"Then this will probably be a cool experience for you." Jungkook got out of the wagon and reached out for Yoongi. "Come on, let's get settled in."

Yoongi reached slowly for Jungkook's outstretched hands, holding them to help steady himself as he climbed out of the tall wagon. Once he was on the ground, he thanked Jungkook and walked around to the back where their stuff had been packed in. The sun was starting to go down behind all of the trees, so they had to move their luggage fast.

A few servants who had come driving the wagon got to work picking up the bags and taking them into the house for the newly wedded couple. Once all the bags were packed, they got back into the wagon and began driving off.

"Wait," Yoongi panicked. "Where are they going?"

"Kitten," Jungkook wrapped himself around Yoongi in a back hug. "They're going back to the kingdom. They came to drop us off. They'll be back in a week when the honeymoon's over."

"A week!" Yoongi squeaked. He didn't know he'd be alone with Jungkook for a whole week. Is that what a honeymoon was?

"But of course," Jungkook turned Yoongi around to look into his eyes. "A newly wedded couple must have some alone time  for bonding."

Yoongi's stomach did a flip and he felt his cheeks begin to heat up, so he looked down and broke out of Jungkook's arms so he could run inside the house.

"Hey," Jungkook laughed as he started following Yoongi to the house. "Where are you going, kitten? Come back."


"And this is our room." Jungkook opened the door to a decent sized bedroom, concluding the house tour he had been giving Yoongi.

"Our  room?" Yoongi started lowkey freaking out. He had to share a room with Jungkook?

"Yes, our  room. We shared a tent before, and when we go back home we'll share a room again now that we're married. You should be used to sharing a room with me, I'm your husband."

Feeling uneasy, Yoongi nodded and put his stuff down inside the room. There wasn't anything he could do about it at the moment. 

Jungkook put his things away and helped Yoongi find places for his things, before pulling Yoongi over to their bed.

"Come here, Yoongi," Jungkook lifted Yoongi up and tossed him onto their bed.

Yoongi squeaked as he landed and then bounced in place on the soft mattress. Jungkook crawled onto the bed next to Yoongi and then lightly pushed Yoongi over, despite his protests, and finally crawling to hover over Yoongi.

Yoongi stared up at Jungkook silently.

Jungkook looked down at Yoongi with adoration before flopping down beside Yoongi and pulling him into his arms. "Let's sleep. Our week together starts tomorrow."

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