Chapter 37|| Surprises And Old Love

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     By the time they had finished, it was almost time for Darry and Dally to be home. The boys sat on the couch and turned on the Tv. When their car pulled into the driveway, everyone shut off the lights and hid. All they had to do was wait.


All day the couple spent time together. They went to the lot from when they were younger, ate at the Dingo, visited some old friends of Dally's. And by friends, Dally meant talking to Tim Shepard and his gang for a fat minute then leaving. The two had no idea what to do, all they knew was that they needed time together after being apart for so long. They were each other's addiction, as strange as it sounded.

     The lot was mainly making up for all of the kisses they couldn't share from Dally being in surgery or physical therapy so often. A place where they once played football and goofed around with the gang was now for making out and talking in the backseat of the car, maybe just a little cuddling while they were at it. Darry and Dally loved the time they had alone. And Dally especially loved to feel baby number three kick his hand for the first time, that part was always magical no matter how many kids they would end up having.


Darry and Dally sat next to each other in the car, their fingers intertwined. They weren't driving, just appreciating the closeness between them in the seat. The car was parked in the driveway of the infamous Curtis house. They never wanted to leave that moment, but Darry wanted Dally to see his surprise as soon as possible. All day before Dally got discharged he planned a surprise party for him, he wanted him to have a good first day back. Darry pecked Dally's lips and opened is car door. His slightly swollen stomach made it harder for him to climb out, but he managed. Dally gave Darry a confused look but followed in his steps anyway.

     "We should probably get inside. I heard the gang planned something..." Darry hinted. He smirked a small Darryl Curtis smirk while Dally chuckled and shook his head to himself. His Darry was always full of surprises.

     "You just couldn't help yourself, could you?" Dally joked. Darry laughed and lead his fiancé up the walkway to the front door. He hadn't felt so happy in months, and he lived every second of it. Dally shut his car door and rushed up to walk in sync with him. The pair made it up the concrete steps and stood on the front porch. Darry placed his hand on the knob and took a deep breath, after a moment of waiting, he turned it.

"After you." He stated. Dally smirked to himself and pecked Darry's lips before entering the Curtis house after months of occupying a hospital room. He walked into a dark room, confusion instantly setting in his senses. In an instant, the lights flipped on to show the entire gang.



It was well into the night when the party ended. The only things left from their fun were scraps of the food Steve had made, empty beer bottles from mostly Two-Bit himself, and a very tired group of Greasers sprawled out throughout the home. Pony and Johnny had fallen asleep together in his and Soda's room, both boys cuddling into each other. Soda and Steve were tiredly laying on the couch while the Tv softly played a movie, Soda's head resting in Steve's lap. Darry and Dally, however, laid in their shared bed listening to each other's breathing after a much needed make out session.

     "Did you like the surprise?..." Darry yawned. He was exhausted, but being pregnant had only made it worse. He pressed himself into Dally's side and breathed in his scent, he smelled like vanilla and cigarette smoke. Dally pulled Darry into his bare chest and hummed a response.

     "Mhm. You didn't have to do that, love, but I liked it anyway." He paused to yawn himself. "Goodnight, Darry. I love you." Darry smiled and nuzzled his head into Dally's neck.

     "I love you, too...." he muttered. They had both dozed off in those few seconds together. It felt just like old times almost, before the accident when Darry was still expecting the twins. Little did they know, it was going to get even better than before.

Owo I'm back! Ok, so I'm taking a break. Writers block ain't fun but after Easter I'm focusing more on school. Once summer starts y'all will get tons of stuff. That, and I'm currently on my right grade Washington DC trip. Later!

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