Chapter 1

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Stan's POV
"DADDY" I heard my daughter yell from her room. When I was 18, I went to a party and I got super drunk and slept with a girl named Patty. When we woke up that morning, we thought we'd never see each other again...until she called me telling me she was pregnant...with my child. I panicked at first, but the day she gave birth to my child, the panic all went away for a bit. Elena Delia Uris, the light of my life. She is 3 about to be 4 soon. Patty stayed with us for about 2 weeks, before she left. She said that she wasn't ready to be a mother at such a young age, and she wanted to focus on her career. I was heart broken, not at the fact that I loved her or anything, just at the fact she was willing to be able to leave so easily. She had a child, and she didn't even consider how it would affect Elena in the long run. Luckily, I have my parents to support me. They watch Elena when I have to go to class and they take great care of her. I have to go drop her off at their house today because I start my last year of college today.
I got out of bed and walked to Elena's room. I saw her sitting up on her bed looking in the doorway.
"Good Morning Sweetheart" I said walking over to her and picking her up. "Do you want breakfast?" I asked her
"Yes! I want cereal" she said
   I walked us over to the kitchen and I poured her bowl of cereal dry. She doesn't like milk and when I told her it came from cows, she freaked out. I grabbed her little table and chair and put on some cartoons to watch while I got ready. I took a quick shower and I threw on a black shirt with dark green jeans and black sneakers. I walked back to the living room and saw Elena finished her food.
"You gotta get dressed, you're going to grandmas house today" I said and she grinned and hopped off her chair and ran to her room to get ready. She began to dress herself once she turned 3. It's no secret that she's really smart for her age. I put her table and chair back and put her bowl in the sink. I went to go check on Elena and saw she was tying her shoes and was already dressed.
"You ready?" I asked
"Yeah!" She exclaimed. She grabbed her bag that had her favorite toys in it and I grabbed mine, which had my books and stuff in it. I grabbed my phone and my keys and we left. I walked to my car and strapped Elena in her car seat and I got in the drivers seat and began to drive to my parents house. When we got there, I took Elena out the car and grabbed her bag and walked up to the front door. I knocked and my mother opened the door smiling at us.
"Hello Stanley" She said. Elena hugged her legs and smiled.
"Hi mom, I'm gonna be late if I don't leave now, I'll pick her up at 5" I said. I leaned down and kissed Elena's head
"Bye daddy" she waved at me
"Bye princess, I love you"
"I love you too"
I got in my car and I drove away.


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