Chapter 8

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Stan's POV
  Class was over and I was taking Bill to the diner that the losers love to go to. We were walking hand in hand when Bill spoke up.
"Is it weird that I'm kinda nervous?" He said
I squeezed his hand gently. "No, just relax, my friends are cool. But as a warning, Richie and Eddie are absolutely in love with each other, and big on PDA, so just try to ignore it"
He laughed and smiled. "I'll try. I just really want them to like me, what if they don't like me?!" He panicked
I stopped walking and stood in front of him.
"Billy, they're going to love you. And even if they don't like you, they're gonna have to get over it, because I like you"
He smiled softly and pecked my lips softly. "I like you too"
I took his hand again and we began walking. We arrived at the diner and when we walked in, we saw the losers sitting at our usual table. Eddie was in Richies lap with his head on his shoulder, Bev was sitting next to Ben and I could see that their hands were intertwined and Mike sat across from Ben. We walked over to the table and everyone saw us.
"Hey guys this is Bill, Bill this Richie, Eddie, Ben, Mike, and Bev" I said gesturing to everyone.
"Hi" Bill said shyly
"Hey no need to be shy, we're all friendly" Richie said
I sat next to him and Bill pulled up a chair and sat next to me.
"So Bill, where you from" Ben asked"
"Bangor, it's in Maine" he answered
"Oh, really, that's kinda close to Derry. How come we never seen you?"
"I stayed in the house a lot and I always watched after my little brother and I didn't have any friends"
"Really, you're so nice" I said
"Yeah well I didn't really care. Almost everyone in my town was an ass so I didn't really strive to make any friends"
"Derry was the same way, but luckily we have each other" Ben said
"You're bond must be really strong"
"You have no idea" I said
                                 Two Days Later
It was finally the weekend and I was happy to be with Elena. I decided I wanted to talk to her about Bill, because I want him to meet her. I wanna see how her and Bill get along because I really want him in my life and if Elena doesn't like him, I don't know how it would work. Right now, she was on the floor playing with her dolls and watching a kids show, Paw Patrol I think it was, she's obsessed with it.
"Daddy?" She said looking at me
"Yes princess?" I replied
"When you came and got me from granma house, you were smiling a lot why?" She asked
I tried my hardest not to blush. I dropped Bill off at home and before he left, we made out in my car like high schoolers for like 20 minutes.
"Come here" I said and she stood up and walked over to me. I picked her up and sat her on my lap.
"So daddy met someone at school and they make me smile" I explained to her
"Do they make you happy?" She asked
"Yes very much and I want you to meet him"
"What's his name?"
"His name is Bill"
"Ew that's an old man name" she said and I chuckled
"You can call him Billy and he is really fun and you would really like him"
"Ok, and when you smile, you have little holes in your cheeks"
"Baby, those are called dimples and you have them as well"
Whenever Elena would smile or laugh, small dimples would appear and they are the most cutest thing to look at.
"Really?" She gasped
"Yes you got them from daddy"
"What else do I have from you?"
"You have my eyes and my hair and my dimples"
"Where did I get my nose and lips from?"
My smile faltered a bit
"Your mommy" I answered
"What happened to her?" She asked
I didn't want to tell a three year old that her mother didn't want her and she left.
"I'll tell you when you're older"


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