Chapter 15

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2 weeks later...
Stan's POV
  Today Elena and I went grocery shopping and Bill tagged along with us. We were walking down the aisle where it was filled with chips and candy. Elena was sitting in the cart and she saw all the food and she began to ask for it.
"Daddy can I get the Hershey's?" She asked pointing to a jumbo sized bag filled with Hershey kisses.
"No, it's too much" I said and she pouted and crossed her arms.
"Hey, how about we get you a smaller Hershey bar?" Bill said to her.
"Ok!" She exclaimed. Bill and Elena get along so well and I live for moments like this when he acts like the perfect father figure to her. We got everything we needed and we got to the checkout line. Once we paid for everything, we went outside and began to put the food in the car. Bill put Elena in her car seat and then he helped me with the stuff.
"Stan?" I heard someone say my name. I looked up and I saw her. My eyes widened.
"Patty what are you doing here?" I said
"What do you think? After that day at the diner I couldn't stop thinking about it"
"What happened at the diner?" Bill asked me
"She saw me and she left, like she usually does" I replied bitterly.
"Come on Stan I was young and stupid I didn't know what I was doing" she said
"Neither did I, but I actually raised her, you just left!" I yelled and tears came to my eyes.
"Can you please stop bringing it up?" She said
"Get the hell away from me" I said. I walked over to the drivers seat and I got in the car. I sighed heavily and ran a hand down my face.
"Daddy are you ok?" I heard Elena ask
"Yeah baby I'm ok, ready to go home?"I said and she nodded. Bill got in the passenger seat of the car and I began to drive. When we got home, Elena fell asleep and I put her down for a nap. I was sitting on the edge of my bed with my head in my hands and Bill sat next to me rubbing his hand on my back in an attempt to calm me down.
"Why is she back? Why now? We were doing perfectly fine without her" I said
"Why didn't you tell me you saw her that day at the diner?" He asked me.
"Because we had just became a thing and I didn't want to scare you off"
"Stan that wouldn't have scared me off. If anything g it would've made me want to stay because I know I can be a better parent than she is, and because I love you too much"
I slowly looked up at him.
"You love me?" I said softly
"Baby of course I do and I will be there for you through thick and thin and I wanna know what's going on"
"I love you too" I replied. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you"
"It's ok" he kissed my head. "We'll get through it together"


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