Chapter 3

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Stan's POV
The next day in class, I sat in the same place I was before. I opened my notebooks so I can be ready when the lesson begins. I go on my phone in the meantime. I see someone sit next to me and I look up and see it was Bill. He looked at me and smiled.
"Hi Stan" he said
"Hey" I said sheepishly
"How you been?"
Bill was a nice guy from what I know, but we've never spoken. I've seen him around campus, but we never had a class together.
"I'm good, how about you?"
"I'm ok"
I flashed a smile then the lesson started. I was paying attention to the class for the most part, but after a while, I began daydreaming. I heard the professor say something that caught my attention.
"This will be a partner or group assignment, so find someone to work on the project with, you have two weeks"
I saw everyone beginning to pair up and none of my friends were in this class with me. I slowly looked over at Bill and he didn't move also. He was just drawing something.
"Hey, so do you wanna do this together, you're kinda the only person I know in here" I asked him. He put down his pencil and smiled and nodded his head,
"Yeah, I would love to"
"Great" I ripped out a piece of paper from my notebook and wrote my number on it and I handed it to him
"Call me when your ready to start"
I grabbed my bag and left.
Time skip
I was having lunch with Bev and Mike at a little place not too far from the school. I was daydreaming and I saw Mike wave a hand in front of my face.
"Huh, what?" I said
"What's the matter, you seem distracted" Bev asked
"I-it's nothing"
  I glanced behind Mike and I saw that Bill just walked in and my eyes widened a bit as if I was shocked to see him.
"What're you looking at?" Bev asked as she turned around and saw Bill standing at the counter.
"Whose that?" She asked grinning
"No one he's just in my business writing class and we talked a few times nothing big"
"You should ask him out" she said while lacing her fingers underneath her chin.
"No, not happening. Besides, I'm not even looking to date"
"Well, you should be"
"Who would want to date a college kid with a three year old?"
"You never know" Mike added "He looks nice though"
"He is"
"C'mon just try Stan, you deserve happiness don't forget that" Bev said
"Thanks. And we actually have to work on an assignment together, so who knows how that'll turn out" I mumbled
"See, now you don't even have to try as hard"
"I guess" I leaned my head in my hand and watched as Bill left with a bag of food.
"Answer me this, when was the last time you got dicked?" Bev said
"Bev what the hell?!" I exclaimed
"I'm basically the female version of Richie do not be shocked when these things come out of my mouth, now answer the question"
"It's been a while, I don't have time to date"
"No, you just don't make time, but you could, you literally have like 9 babysitters for Elena, you can make time for yourself you know"
I sighed heavily knowing she was right. I do need to make more time for myself.
"Fine, I'll give it a try, but if it goes to shit, I'm blaming you"
They both smiled at me and I felt my phone buzz. I pulled it out my pocket and it was from an unknown number.
Nice to know you saw me and didn't say hi😉
I know who it was and I blushed.


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