Chapter 19

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1 1/2 years later....
Stan's POV
Bill and I are still going strong and I'm so glad. We haven't heard from Patty in a while and that's a really good sign. Bill actually ended up moving in with us after I suggested it to him and he responded with an enthusiastic yes. I was at work in my office when I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in!" I said
I looked up to see who it was and it was Bill with a bag in his hand. I smiled and he walked in and closed the door behind him.
"Hey" I said
"Hi honey" he said
He walked over to me and leaned to peck my lips.
"What are you doing here?" I asked
"Since I knew it almost your lunch break, I thought we could spend some time together before I have to go pick up Elena from school"
"Aww your sweet"
He pulled up a chair and he sat next to me as he opened the bag and pulled out some food.
"What did you do all day?" I asked taking a bite of the chicken and rice in the container.
"Nothing really. I just tried to relax, I always do on my days off. What's been going on here?"
"Nothing really. It's a quiet day, I've just been looking over some pages of a book one of my clients requested"
There was another knock on the door.
"Yes?" I said
The door opened and there was Linda the front desk clerk with a Manila folder in her hand.
"This came for you Mr. Uris" she set it on my desk
"Ok, thank you"
She smiled and nodded and left.
I picked up the folder and began to open it.
"I'm not gonna lie, you look very sexy in your professional attire" Bill said. I didn't even have to look at him to tell he was smirking
"Shut up" I said while smiling.
I took out the papers inside the folder and read over them. My eyes nearly bulged outta my head. They were custody papers.
"Oh my god" I said
"Patty filed for custody of Elena"
"What the fuck are you serious?" How can she even do that?"
"I don't know, she signed over her rights, why would she do this?" I began to cry. If I lose Elena, I lose everything.
"Don't worry baby, we won't let her get her I promise."
"I hope your right"


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