Chapter 7

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Stan's POV
  Richie, Beverly and I were all hanging out in Richies dorm room between classes. I was about to tell them what happened between Bill and I.
"Ok, ok, ok, tell us" Beverly exclaimed
"Ok, well he came over because I told him that we could work on our assignment at my house" I started.
"We did what we had to do and when we finished, we just ended up talking. Then my mom called me telling me that Elena was having a hard time and I calmed her down and when I walked back to the living room, he was looking at a picture of me and her, and I finally told her that she was my daughter"
"Oh my god what did he say?" Bev said
"He was shocked, but he didn't leave. He told me how much he liked me and me having a kid wouldn't changed that. We even kissed"
"You're so gonna get laid soon" Richie said
I just flipped him off.
"Anyway I told him about Elena's mom and he told me how she was missing out"
"Awww" They both cooed.
"Shut up"
"When can we meet him?" Richie asked
"Uh, I have class with him soon, I can ask him"
"Good" he said and I rolled my eyes.
Time Skip
  I walked into the room and sat in my normal seat. As usual I got there before Bill did. I did as usual, took out my stuff and waited. Bill finally cam and sat down next to me. I looked at him and smiled.
"Hey" I said
He kissed my cheek and smiled
"Hey" he said
"I want to ask you something" I said
"Anything my love"
I blushed and looked down and his hand gripped my chin and he lifted my head up.
"Remember what I said about those eyes" he said
"Right anyway, I wanted to ask if you wanted to meet my friends later. I told them all about you and they would love to meet you"
"Yeah, sure. From what you told me they seem nice"
"They are, you'll love them. Just when you meet Richie, he'll most likely just make dirty jokes the whole time so try to ignore him"
Bill just chuckled
"I'll try"


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