Chapter 22

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Bills POV
Today I was going to meet up with Stan's parents to get their permission for me to marry him. I drove to his house and I already called his mom ahead of time so she knows I'm coming over. I pulled into the driveway and I put the car in park. I got out the car and I walked up to the front door. I was extremely nervous and my hand was slightly shaking. I rang the doorbell and I waited for someone to open it. The door finally opened and it was Mrs. Uris.
"Bill, so good to see you come in" she said
I smiled and I walked inside the house. I saw Stan's dad sitting in his recliner. He nodded his head at me and I just smiled softly.
"I just made some tea, would you like some?" Mrs. Uris asked me
"No thank you"
We both sat on the couch.
"So, why did you want to meet with us?" She asked
"I wanted to talk to you both about something important"
"What is it?"
"As you know, I love Stan and Elena so very much, and I came here to ask your permission to ask Stan to be my husband"
Mrs. Uris' eyes widened and her jaw dropped.
"Really?" She exclaimed
"Yes" I answered her smiling.
"Oh my god that's amazing" she said
"Are you sure you're ready to marry my son?" Mr. Uris said
"Yes I'm absolutely ready. I've been ready since the day I laid eyes on him" I said mumbling the last part.
"I heard that" Mrs. Uris said to me softly. I smiled slightly and blushed.
"Just please don't hurt him, he's already been through a lot" Mr. Uris said
"I would never" I replied
Time Skip
I was back home and I went to go open the door, but I heard yelling inside. I opened the door and I saw Stan and Patty yelling in the middle of the living room. Elena was sitting on the floor crying. I closed the door and they both looked at me.
"Oh I remember you, you're the fag who thinks he can raise my daughter" she sneered at me
"He can definitely raise her better than you ever will" Stan yelled at her
They began to argue again and I walked over to Elena and I picked her up and I brought her to Stan and I's room to get away from the yelling. I closed the door behind us and i sat us on the bed. Elena continued to sob into my chest and I stroked her hair to calm her down.
"It's ok sweetheart, it's ok" I said to her softly
The yelling could still be heard muffled through the door. I kissed her head and her cries began to die down a little.
  Once she stopped crying, she was just sniffling then she spoke up.
"That lady said she was my mommy, is that true?" She asked looking up at me. I never thought this would be the way she would find out about her mother. Stan said that if she asks, I could tell her if the moment was right.
"She is you're mom, but she left you with you're daddy when you were a little baby. When you were born, she was a busy lady and she left you with your daddy" I explained to her to make it seem like she didn't abandon her.
"So why are her and daddy fighting?" She asked me
"Because your daddy loves you very much and your mommy doesn't really feel the same way. She thinks that you shouldn't be raised with two daddies"
"But I love you and daddy. She very mean to daddy, I don't like it"
"Don't worry, you won't go with her, she can't take you"
"Are you and daddy gonna get married?" She asked
How did she know what marriage was? Probably because of all the Disney movies she watches. Her favorite being The Little Mermaid.
"I want to marry daddy, but I have to ask him first but you can't say anything ok?" I told her. She smiled and giggled and it made me happy that she wasn't focused on the fighting anymore.
"Ok" she said


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